Chapter 225

225 Chapter 225: Rescuing a companion

“Little beast. I’m sorry I made you wait for too long” Alex said with eyes filled with sadness.

Ever since he lost his sidekick, he could no longer connect with the dead Danite prince in his head. He guessed the link with the hell deity is the only way possible for that to happen. He had a lot of questions he wished to ask since a lot of things didn’t make sense to him anymore.

He needed the Danite right now.

But more importantly, he needed his little sidekick. Ever since he gained this new body and started his new life, Alex felt like something was missing deep down. He felt like everything was wronged even though it felt normal.

That’s why the moment he felt the aura of the hellcat hidden away within the Ainsworth family skyscraper, Alex didn’t know whether to feel happy or sad!

He stretched his hand, grabbing the empty air before pulling! Anyone watching Alex would think he had gone mad since nothing happened for a few minutes but a window in the tall building suddenly busted open as something flew towards Alex at a shocking speed.

It was like a rectangular energy cube with metallic edges. When it got closer to Alex, a double-tailed grey colored cat with black stripes could be seen. It lay within the cube with its eyes barely open. Seeing Alex, little beast jolted awake with disbelief clearly written all over its face.

Immediately the cube fell into Alex’s hand he quickly used his matter absorption to absorb the energy used to make the barrier. In a few seconds, the barrier shattered and his gravity powers held on to little beast pulling it towards him.

While the beast was still gazing at him silently, Alex could tell it was extremely weak. Not having a host for too long must have taken a great toll on the familiar and that’s what moved Alex even more.


He knew the hell cat could have just taken another host for the sake of its survival but it didn’t. It adamantly remained unwilling to take a new master after his death.

At this point, he couldn’t help but remember the painful scream little beast let out when Tracy stabbed him in the heart. The beast shared his pain back then and it wasn’t just the pain from his wound but that of a broken heart.

“It’s me... I am back and I’m not going anywhere this time” Alex muttered softly as he embraced the cat who rubbed its face all over his chest with watery eyes.

Alex’s eyes looked dull with the hell cat in his hands. He didn’t have enough time to ponder more on everything happening around him. Right now what he needs is to finish his business here and live. Since his arrival was unexpected the main champions of this world cannot gather to stop him in a short while. But that didn’t mean they won’t try.

Alex was well aware of the movements going on across the world. The strongest guardians were racing towards the United States from all parts of the world. Those in the United States dare not come out to stop him alone. It simply meant their death, especially since the two Danite generals were killed so easily.

“Kidd... have every member of the resistance come here. Your fight on earth is futile. We will take back our world when we build an army of our own. For now, I am giving you the offer to come with me.” Alex said calmly.

Since this was basically broadcasted everywhere he didn’t have to worry about them not getting the message. Alex stood in silence for a few minutes until he felt it. It was the familiar energy tearing the sky! They were coming!

“Prepare the spatial gate. I am ready to leave!” Alex said coldly but this time it wasn’t directed at the resistance or anyone but the Estonian hidden on earth.


Soon a loud explosion erupted and people appeared in the sky not too far from Alex. It was the culture and remnants of those fighting the government and the Danites. Jason, Kung Jun, Cherry, and Damon Briggs stood beside the culture in mid-air gazing at Alex.

They had made plans to depend on Cherry’s petals to form a platform for them to stand on when they appeared but as soon as they appeared they felt a powerful force wrap around them, preventing them from falling.

It was Alex’s power and they were quite familiar with it. Behind him were bolts of lightning surging violently as a lightning ring was slowly getting formed. It was their ticket out!

“We will talk when we leave the enemy territory” Alex said calmly but with some warmth in his voice.

“How can we be sure that you are Alex Briggs?” Riviz of the culture asked coldly.

His eyes were pinned on Alex’s face as if he were searching for something.

“First of all, there can only be one Alex Briggs. Secondly, when has the absolute ever needed to explain himself? This is not the time so you will cooperate until we are safe” Alex said coldly and the atmosphere instantly turned tense.


Little beast cried out as it rubbed its body on Alex. At that point, Alex felt the long lost connection return. He could feel the power surging through this body at a terrifying rate! Strange black tattoos appeared on his chest, spreading to his arms before vanishing.

Alex finally felt like the hole in his heart has been filled at this very moment!

“Wow” Alex muttered in shock as he gently stroked little beast.

With the link back, he could feel what the hell deity felt while in his hands. He finally felt alive after so many years.

Seeing him and little beast together no one doubted it was Alex. He was the only one this close to the smart cat. They were also well aware of the fact that after Alex’s death, the beast refused to take a new host.

The lightning ring forming behind him was slowly taking shape but then Alex felt something. His eye narrowed as two figures could be seen standing a far distance away from them while in mid-air.

No one noticed them except Alex!

It was Wilder Briggs and Dean Hall! Two out of the four big four leaders. Even without speaking it was obvious why they were here.

“Do you think you can just come and go as you wish? When did the big four become so pathetic?” Dean Hall said disdainfully while gazing at Alex.

“You will have to come with us with your resistance buddies. If you behave you will be spare I can assure you of that!” Wilder Briggs said with a frown on his face.

The man didn’t look as domineering as before. Losing his two grandsons who can be considered the future heirs of the Briggs family was a major blow. The death of Alex made him feel a sense of loss.

He felt like an expert that belonged to the Briggs family was taken away from him.

He felt robbed.

But that was just the beginning. After Alex’s death, Damon Briggs vanished at first which made people believe he was killed or ambushed by the resistance but then a few weeks later he made an announcement on his social media page.

Denouncing his country and family and joining the resistance. He claimed he sort justice for his dead little brother!

Both Wilder Briggs and Damon Briggs were speechless and tongue-tied while gazing at Alex. The duo didn’t know how to react toward someone who is meant to be dead.

“Alex Briggs can come and go as he pleases! If you think otherwise then I suggest you come closer and try to stop me from leaving but I will warn you. Anyone who dares attack will not survive this encounter” Alex said in a cold yet amused tone.

Hearing this even Dean Hall turned pale and gazed at him fiercely. The rage in his eyes was obvious but he was clearly reluctant to move since he was not confident he could win against Alex. The original plan was to stall until reinforcements arrive but right now he didn’t even feel like he would be able to exchange blows with Alex.

This didn’t mean they were weak.

In just a decade or so, they were able to push their strength from the SS ratings to the earl level. Naturally, they were far more powerful than the two Danites Alex killed but for some reason, they felt inferior to Alex.

No one was sure if this fear was unnecessary and only due to Alex’s past achievements but no one was willing to find out. Alex ignored Wilder Briggs’s words as the spatial gate opened with lightning surging around it. Without hesitation, he threw the culture and other members of the resistance in before flying in.

Before he left he shot a glance in a random direction and frowned.


Just like that, Alex came to earth, and murdered two Danites. Took everything and everyone he wanted and left!

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