Chapter 229

229 The Alliance arrives!

Alex gazed at the new Riviz skeptically. In reality, nothing much changed about him just that his body gained more details and he became more realistic than before.

I know it may sound strange but that was true. His body seemed to be fine tuned and adjusted to make him look better and stand out but in the end, he was still human. It felt like two-dimensional beings meeting up with three-dimensional beings.

Everything was messed up yet it all made sense at the same time. Seeing this, kept Alex confused but he has seen far worse so he didn’t think too much about it. The only thing that ran through his mind right now was the fact that the theory worked!

It actually works!

Riviz’s body seemed to have become stronger overnight. As a deviant with the shadow ability, he now possesses immense strength which could be considered terrifying.

“Finally we can create a new form of humans which will replace the current human race!” Alex muttered softly as he gazed at Riviz.

Right now, Riviz had entered the Baron rank, using the crazy method. His strength seemed boundless since even Alex couldn’t tell how strong he is.

It was also more satisfying when Alex realized that there will be no major physical change after evolution. The only difference was more details could be seen on the body which practically improves one’s good looks and finally the increase in height.

Right now, Riviz who was not up to 6ft tall before the evolution was almost 7ft tall now! This was the only notable difference that they didn’t mind.


Without hesitation, everyone returned to their position and began practicing. Alex didn’t have time to bother with them either and he allowed the energy of the blue meteorite to leak and fill the room while he sat atop the meteor and absorbed it directly but this time without casting any of his abilities.

He was trying to improve his body and his abilities.

In the blink of an eye, another year passed and during that time, everyone in his team had evolved becoming Baron level beings except him.

It seems to reject that evolution somehow damaged his genes and that explains the black cracks all over his body. During the entire year, spent absorbing the power of the blue meteor directly, the black cracks slowly vanished making him realize something.

His actions were only healing his damaged genes and nothing else. To evolve he needs to heal the damaged genes first and normally this would take a lot of time but time is something he had.

He remained there unaware of what was happening on the surface and diligently consumed the enemy of the blue meteor greedily.

Meanwhile, the Estos race had managed to link the power sources secured by Alex to the main city using underground connections. With that they had no problem with energy anymore and quickly they began producing seeds for the culture and other men, Alex brought with him.

Since they weren’t energy revolvers, creating a neural link with the seed is possible but quite difficult. After countless trials and errors, they were able to produce seeds powered by mutant genes of deviants.

During this time, the culture and others underwent their various training programs and focused on improving themselves, meanwhile, Alex remained underground the entire time, focusing on evolving his body in a bid to improve his genes.

After an extra six months, his defective cells were already fixed and after another six months, the evolution process started.

With a cocoon floating above the meteor with surging blue energy racing into it, it was a terrifying sight to behold. It gave them the feeling of a monster getting born!

“As expected of Alex... the ability to directly absorb the power of the blue meteor means it can force his body to evolve to its very peak in on go! He can absorb the power of the blue core until his body is saturated and unable to take in more. Unlike us” Riviz said with a frown.

“Why the frown, it’s not a bad thing.... It’s reassuring to have someone strong around us... we cannot handle everything alone. You should know that already” Klay said casually and the rest nodded in agreement.

Alex’s growth wasn’t threatening to them. At best they would consider it amusing. The team soon left the underground chambers and continued with their normal lives. As expected evolution for Alex took longer than expected. He had stayed in the cocooned form for more than a month now but they weren’t moved.

For someone pushing his genes and His body to their peak, it’s only natural something like this happens.


“They are here! They were meant to wait a decade but because of Alex’s actions they only waited two years!” An Estos elder said with a sour look on his face just like every other person in the room.

The alliance was meant to come in a decade’s time. During this time they were hoping to build an army strong enough to face the alliance but this happened. Right now, they didn’t know how to deal with matters.

The arrival of the alliance was too abrupt, making it impossible for them to have prepared for it.

“What do we do now?” Elder Tane asked with a frown.

With Alex still evolving they couldn’t do a thing about him. He has been irresponsive for a month since his evolution process began. It felt like he was in deep hibernation. No one could get to him.

“The people he brought with him... We will have to rely on them” Jalic Gale said with a frown on his face.

Hearing what he said the other elders were stunned as well and wore a grave look on their faces. The culture and other members of the revolution are yet to enter a situation where their strength was shown. They have come across an enemy for two years now and because of that, no one could tell how strong the culture is but right now they didn’t have any choice. They can only rely on Alex’s judgment and have the culture escort them to meet the Alliance!

After their evolution, they have been able to reach the Viscount level in just a year plus. Their growth speed could be considered terrifying but it didn’t matter much since they don’t have enough time to grow now.



It didn’t take long before the massive ship around with its size as big as the city of the Estos race. The massive ship blocked the sun and hovered above the city in an intimidating manner. Even without the elders alerting them, the culture noticed this and frowned.

From the massive ‘n’ shaped ship, a far smaller aircraft emerged which brought the alliance representatives down to the roof of the council tower where the elders and Emperor stood in wait!

Yes, Just Emperor.

When they were informed the culture simply brushed off the alliance as people they didn’t consider a threat and only sent Emperor to deal with the situation.

Emperor wore a black hood over his head with a black shirt and black jeans and his hands shoved deep into his pockets. His eyes were completely grey, lacking any form of pupils.

Watching Alongside the elders, the aircraft landed and from it, people emerged. The first was a 7ft tall male who looked extremely savage and barbaric. He was dressed in thick red robes which seemed strange.

The second was a lady who seemed extremely beautiful. Her eyes were bright blue like blue fire. She carried an air of elegance that even Emperor found enchanting.

The third was a little boy with a massive silver wolf by his side. The silver wolf was part mechanical with some of its body parts replaced with mechanical parts.

The three seemed to be the representatives of the alliance and upon appearing they all carried a cocky and hostile air around them.

“We have come for the surrender of the Estos race to the alliance... nothing more, nothing less” the lady said without looking them in the face.

She has a wild aura yet a cool temperament!


“We were given a decade... why has the approved date been moved up?” Jalic Gale said with a frown...

“Are you questioning the alliance?” The man from the alliance asked with a frightening light in his eyes.

Seeing this the elders shrank in fear and were tongue-tied unable to reply quickly. One wrong answer would lead to their death. They simply hoped that someone like Alex would be around to intimidate the alliance yet they were stuck with a member of the culture with no intimidating aura and a jovial look on his face.

In fact, it felt like he wasn’t paying attention to everything that was happening.

“Hurry up and bend the knee. Swear Allegiance to the alliance and we will do the rest” The little boy from the alliance seemed to lack patience!

“As they said, we were given a decade. Two years have gone by. You will get back into your little toy and leave”

Emperor’s voice suddenly drew everyone’s attention.

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