Devil’s Music

Chapter 85: Visual shock

Chapter 85: Visual shock

In his mind, Geon recalled his high school days.

Through his friend Joo-yong, Geon had discovered a band called Marilyn Manson and had saved up his allowance to buy their album. Although he could have easily listened to it through MP3s or streaming services, "Antichrist Superstar" was Manson's first album Geon owned, a decent enough record that he treasured, carefully kept in his desk drawer like precious relics. However, when Geon's deeply Christian mother, Yeongha, caught sight of Manson's album adorned with the image of Jesus on a cross with Manson's face painted as the devil, she promptly set it ablaze. The very title of the album, 'Antichrist Superstar,' sparked a heated argument between Geon, who admired the music, and his mother. They didn't speak for over a week. Although they reconciled eventually, it lingered as a discord in Geon's heart.

Later, it emerged that due to this album, Marilyn Manson had been stamped as a major adversary by American Christian associations. Furthermore, the music was unjustly dubbed as satanic and accused of inciting crimes, including the Columbine High School shooting in 1999, where the culprits were purportedly fans of Manson's music.

Ironically, Manson was born to a Christian mother and spent his early years in a missionary school. It was later revealed that, in order to gain attention in the crowded rock music scene, he had adopted a demonic persona. Many who witnessed Manson attending church services and praying for repentance on Sundays dismissed it as a facade.

Lost in his old memories, Geon was interrupted by Johnny Depp's voice.

"You're quite the looker, Kay. No thoughts about movies or modeling? You'd definitely make it big there."

Geon chuckled, waving his hand. "No, I don't really have an interest in that."

Johnny Depp smiled. "You never know what the future holds, Kay. Look at me, started with indie rock, now living life as an actor. Acting wasn't my initial dream either. It's good to explore different things as you grow older."

Listening in, Tim Burton chimed in with a teasing tone. "Hey, heard Kay's music and still saying that? Even praised your own music as a kid, huh?"

Looking for his golf club, Tim continued, "Son, that's your own song! Where did you stash the golf club? This kid can't get his act together."

As the two bantered, Geon noticed a tall, towering figure entering the cafeteria, casting a large shadow. It was a man with jet-black hair and a coat, well over two meters tall, wearing extraordinarily high platform shoes.

Spotting him near the entrance, Johnny Depp turned and called out, "Here! Over here, B!"

The man removed his black gloves, correcting, "Ah, don't call me 'B,' call me Manson."

With a smile, Johnny Depp shook his hand. "If I call you Mr. Manson, I'm no different from other fans. We've got to have a nickname among friends."

Sitting down, Manson gestured to Tim Burton. "Tim, long time no see. How have you been?"

Tim waved dismissively. "Skip the formalities."

With a smile, Manson extended his hand to Geon. "Nice to meet you, Kay. I'm Marilyn Manson. I've been wanting to meet you."

Geon smiled as they shook hands, but Manson examined Geon's face closely, "Wow, quite the handsome one, aren't you? Right, Johnny?"

Johnny Depp nodded in agreement. "We were just talking about that before you arrived. Saying he could give acting a shot."

As Manson agreed and scrutinized Geon's face again, Tim Burton, feeling uncomfortable, intervened, "What's with the intense scrutiny? You just met the guy today."

As if realizing his intrusion, Manson raised his hands in surrender. "Ah, sorry. I've seen many good-looking people, but never with this aura."

Johnny Depp interjected, "Right? Something both sexy and mysterious about him…"

Manson added, "Like a hidden demon in the human world? A very attractive one? Is it because he's Asian?"

This time, Tim Burton cut in, "What if someone is self-conscious about being called demon-like? Is it a compliment or an insult? But well, there might be some truth to that. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to this guy. It's my taste, perhaps?"

Manson, with a twinkle in his eye, said, "Really, Tim?"

With a furrowed brow, Tim Burton stared at Manson and Johnny Depp, feeling awkward. "No! I like girls, you guys!"



"Are you two old geezers having fun teasing the old man, huh?"

As Tim Burton got visibly annoyed, Manson, who had been laughing with tears in his eyes, turned to Geon and said, "I listened to your music. Truly impressed. Went separately to watch scenes featuring your music from Johnny's movie. Those scenes with the music were unforgettable."

Geon smiled gratefully, "Thank you for watching."

Manson clarified, "Not just watched but genuinely liked it. Critics praised your music unanimously. Thanks to that, many are curious about you, Kay."

As if struck by a thought, Tim Burton turned to Geon and asked something.

"Ah, since we're on the topic, Kay. A lot of people are curious about you. You can't hide as a student forever. You know how persistent the American paparazzi can be, right? It might be better to step out in front, when do you think you'll do that?"

Geon spoke, his expression troubled.

"Well, I haven't really thought about it yet, so it's hard to say."

Manson cautiously replied, catching Geon's vibe.

"Um... Kay. Since we've met like this, and if you're planning to reveal yourself to the public anyway, could you give me a chance?"

As Geon sent a curious look, Manson continued.

"Actually, around the mid-2000s, album sales haven't been great. If this album doesn't perform well, there'll be a lot of pressure. So, I'm thinking of investing more, even in marketing. Before coming here, we had a meeting to focus more on the music video as a marketing strategy."

Tim Burton looked puzzled and asked Manson, "What's this about? What do you want to say?"

After briefly catching Tim Burton's cue, Manson leaned in towards Geon and spoke.

"If possible, could you appear in my music video? I didn't come here to ask for this, but when I saw Kay, it just occurred to me. It's not a calculated approach, so please don't misunderstand."

Tim Burton puckered his lips. "Well, well. Looks like someone's stealing my player. I was about to ask you to appear in my movie."

Manson looked surprised at Tim Burton. "A movie? Are you planning to turn me into an actor?"

Tim Burton shook his head. "Anyone who's heard your music wouldn't think like that. It might erase the aura of a musical genius. Just a cameo? It might attract a lot of attention."

Manson grew urgent and leaned in closer to Geon. "It takes over a year to prepare for Tim's movie. If you allow it, I can shoot my music video within a week."

Geon, with a thoughtful expression, asked, "What's the concept of the music video? Will I fit in?"

Manson nodded vigorously. "Of course! If you're willing, I'll shoot it as soon as possible. It'll only take a day."

Tim Burton chuckled and said, "This friend is quite in a hurry, huh? Well, these days, the performance isn't great. Kay, can you help out? It's not like it's for free. Think of it as travel expenses. It's just for a day."

Geon gave a hesitant smile, glanced at the slightly burdened Manson, and nodded softly. Manson, with an excited expression, sat back down and spoke to Geon.

"Do you have any particular concept in mind? Maybe you want it to look cool, masculine, or maybe a neutral, sexy vibe?"

Geon smiled and extended his hand. "I don't even know what kind of song it is yet. The concept should align with the song."

Manson looked satisfied. "For a student, you talk like a pro. Haha. I'll set the schedule right away."

Manson stood up, pulled out his phone, about to leave his seat. Tim Burton, looking at his back, asked, "Hey, at least tell us the title of the song!"

Manson turned his head back. "It's 'Sad Devil Gamagin.'"

Johnny Depp raised an eyebrow. "Gamagin? What's that? A demon's name?"

Tim Burton took a sip of his coffee and said, "That's from the legend of Solomon's 72 demons. It's a very high-ranking demon."

Johnny Depp nodded, seemingly understanding. "Is it the title track of this album? So, is Kay going to play the role of that demon?"

Tim Burton nodded. "Probably. They've approached Kay for a reason; they won't just give a supporting role."

Geon, hearing the name for the first time but feeling strangely familiar, asked, "But what kind of demon is Gamagin?"

Tim Burton placed his coffee cup on the table. "Hmm... It's detailed in a book about Solomon's 72 demons. Originally, it was an angel. You know, among the ones known as demons, high-ranking demons were originally angels, right? It's a famous story about followers of the fallen angel Lucifer, causing havoc and falling into hell to become demons."

"In other words, 'not a demon who wanted to become corrupted to be a demon but a demon who turned wanting to follow the father.'"


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