
Chapter 188: Annoying Pet

Chapter 188: Annoying Pet

Regari readjusted the fine dress that Renna now wore. He had rather mixed feelings about this whole thing, when he signed the contract, it seemed almost anticlimatic. He was expecting some kind of great pull on his soul or something. Instead, he just felt this tingle and then nothing.

Perhaps the most irritating part was that the contract technically didnt obligate him to do anything. So he had no way to determine if this was all just a giant trick. Or perhaps that was the biggest trick of all in some twisted way.

Renna seemed blissfully unaware of all of this. That on its own was both a blessing and a curse. His dearest sister was still blissfully unaware of the cruel logic of this world. 

How do I look? Renna asked as she did a little twirl, looking happier than he had ever seen.

Pretty. Regari said with a smile as he held her hands with his own. Though he smiled, his smile didnt reach his eyes. The irregularity of this situation still haunted him like a spectre.

Rennas smile faltered for a moment as she saw through his thinly veiled facade.

Whats wrong? Renna asked as she stepped forward, and Regari just smiled as he pulled her into a hug.

Dont worry about a thing; big brother will handle everything, Regari said as he tightened her grip.

You always say that. Renna said as she returned the hug.

I havent failed yet, right? Regari replied with a light laugh. At those words, the hug tightened on both sides.

No you havent. Renna said softly.

Come on, lets get ready, we have a dinner to attend. Regari said as he separated himself from her.

What was coming was going to be a strange and dangerous affair. They were going to be meeting a Slum Baron alongside those two strange demons. Apparently, rather than go seek them out, an invitation was sent out.

This whole thing reeked of the Grand Game. Every sentient creature within the Searing Hells knew of the Machinations of the Arch Demons and the Ars Goetia. However, the rumours say that the Daemon Princes rarely directly play the game. But most demons do recognise that, most likely, the Daemon Princes play it indirectly by pulling strings.

This whole thing stinks of it, but regardless, its either that or starve to death on the side of the road. 

Come now, I have a feeling the food is going to be good. Regari said as he took her hand and started to gently lead her out of the opulent room. When he opened the door he saw Malaise leaning against the wall.

Ready? Malaise asked as she turned her head to look at the two of them.

Ready! Renna said as she did a little twirl and Malaise cracked a smile.

You look very pretty. Malaise said with a gentle smile that Regari did not think possible from a higher demon.

Thank you. Renna said with clumsy curtsy, to which Malaise returned with one of her own. Malaise movements were graceful and practised as if she had spent a lifetime doing them. It wasnt surprising to Regari, after all, decorum was a fine curtain to hide the knives in the dark.

After you. Malaise said as she gestured down the hallway. Renna nodded as she headed down the hallway in her best attempt at a dignified stride. Regari shot Malaise a wary look and Malaise just nodded approvingly at Renna before jerking her head at their room.

Every day of bliss is a gift. Malaise said with a smile that was filled with melancholy.

Regari bit his lip as he nodded in understanding. Ignorance truly was bliss, if Renna knew what he knew, she would not be so happy and eager to leave.

Who sent the invitation? Regari asked as he stared Malaise. 

Malaise just returned his gaze for a moment before shifting her gaze to Renna who was still trotting down the hallway towards the stairs.

An ally in high places. Malaise replied cryptically.

Not a friend? Regari pressed.

Barking up the wrong tree there kid. Malaise said as she got off the wall and dusted off her fine clothes.

So it is the Grand Game. Regari said as he narrowed his eyes. 

At those words Malaise let out a laugh before shaking her head as if she heard a silly joke.

Has anyone ever told you youre too smart for your own good? Malaise replied dryly.

I got us this far didnt I? Regari replied, and Malaise let out another chuckle.

Cant deny that kid. Malaise said as she started to walk down the hallway. Regari fell in step with her but he had one last question for her.

You said you had an ally in high places. Higher than you? Regari asked, and that got another wry smile.

Depends on who you ask, the pecking order is not so clear once you are up there. Malaise replied cryptically.

There has to be someone at the top. Regari pressed.

Yes, there was, but there hasnt been one for a long time. Malaise replied.

Why not? Regari asked again.

Because kid, to step up one rung of the ladder is to invite a million knives aimed squarly at your back. Your peers become foes, if you want to climb you better make sure you can fight everyone in the room and win every time. Or at least, enough of the room needs to be on your side.

The latter is quite difficult when everyone else wants to climb too Malaise said and Regari went silent at those words as he ran those through his head.

So we need allies in the room? Regari asked trying his best to pry further and that drew another laugh from Malaise.

Nice try kid but Ive been doing this a lot longer than you have. Malaise replied and Regari just nodded sullenly. 

The hotel. Malaise said suddenly and Regari looked up at her in confusion.

We dont need allies in the room.

We need friends in the whole damned hotel. 

Quite the Grand Game, wouldnt you say?


I got into the opulent carriage on the side of the carriage, there was this banner of this gold demon skull surrounded by silver curved horns. The skull's eyes were made of blood-red rubies and around the skull was the classic pentagram of the Searing Hells. 

Fancy stuff. I said as I flopped onto a seat. Mahaila on the other hand took a more graceful seat as she flipped open the lid of the cooler that held the drinks. She took out a bottle and pair of glasses before pouring out some of the ice cold wine.

What about those two. I said with a grin and Mahaila just shot me an annoyed look.

Children should not drink. It stunts their development. Mahaila replied as she handed me the glass.

True, but corrections are easy enough to do, as are improvements. I said as I handed the glass to Regari which was swiftly snatched away by Mahaila.

I can drink. Regari said in the tone of a child who had something to prove.

Have you ever drunk wine? I asked.

No but Regari replied but Mahaila just swiftly cut him off.

No buts, children do not drink. Mahaila said as she handed me the glass. She had a look in her eye that said if I handed the wine back to the kids she would dump the glass on me instead.

Just a sip? I said with a teasing waggle of the glass.

Hey if they dont like it you might make them a teetotalers. I said with a cheeky smile.

Mahaila shut her eyes as she took a deep breath to calm herself. I could practically see the vein pounding in her temple.

No. Mahaila said through gritted teeth.

Youre no fun. I replied with a mock pout as I downed the glass and then snatched up the bottle. 

Dont Mahaila began in exasperation, but I was already chugging the bottle.

Oh why do I even bother. Mahaila muttered as she slumped into her seat and took a rueful sip of the wine. Her face twisted for a moment as she glanced down at the glass in disdain.

Terrible isnt it? I said with a grin as I tossed the bottle out the window, and I heard a shout of alarm from outside.

Who knew they made vinegar in such fancy bottles. I said as I picked up another bottle.

Didnt you hate the cheap wine before this? Mahaila asked as she put the glass aside on the armrest between her and the two kids.

Oh it was terrible, but this is better. At least it's not overly strong, that previous one if you put it in a barrel you would have a siege weapon. I said with a grin and Mahaila gave me a look to shut up about that. A giant pile of wine being used as a bomb was not exactly subtle and that was exactly what I used. 

So I wonder what their big bosses want with us. Five coins the those thugs were sent to test us. I mused as I saw Regari glance surreptitiously at the neglected glass of wine next to him.

Wouldnt be much of bet if we both bet on the same thing. Mahaila said with a sigh as she glanced out the window at the surrounding slums.

We could just trade coins, you know split the winnings and all that. I said with a grin and that got a chuckle out of Mahaila.


I let out a laugh as Regari gagged on the wine that he had just tried to drink. Mahaila turned around just in time to see him spit his mouthful of wine back into the glass. 

So you going to drink again kid? I asked and Regari just ruefully shook his head

Yeah thats what I thought. I said as I smirked at Mahaila.

Maaan, I love being right.

For my efforts and the smug I told you so look on my face I got a face full of wine courtesy of Mahaila

When I got off the carriage I was already cleaned up thanks to some magic and Mahaila was still a touch annoyed but she got herself together soon enough.

Greetings, my Lord and Lady. a servant said as we approached the opulent gate of the lavish mansion. I could smell the tell-tale musk of sex all over this one. The servant was what I imagined to be a beautiful woman by demonic standards. She was wearing clothes that showed more than they covered. I noticed this one was batting her eyelids at me as she stood up from her low bow that showed off her ample cleavage.

Well, seduction is as useful a tool as any, pity it doesnt work on me. I have a hunger but not for things like this.

Where is your boss, I have things to do. I said in a tone that betrayed the fact that I was bored and unimpressed. I sensed the typical touch of annoyance in a woman who was just scorned, but in truth, it wasnt scorn. It was just that I was incapable of such inclinations.

The servant bowed as we were led into the heart of the mansion. The building was made of black stone and covered in gold. It was an odd building that was surrounded by slums, why build it here? There wasnt even a wall to hide the disgusting sights around the building. 

Think of the property value!

As we were led deeper into the building I found myself led into this throne room-type place. It was kind of lame honestly, it was a rather shoddy attempt at a throne room. The throne rooms fireplace in Averlon could probably fill this room. That thing Cecilia built was part of a set of twelve to warm a throne room that had a ceiling so tall that Phoenixes could perch above the throne.

Welcome friends, how kind of you to visit my humble abode. the demon on the throne said with a grandiose flourish of his hands. A sycophant playing lord then? I could practically see Alastors hand on his shoulder from here. But at least he was honest, it was a humble abode

I glanced around the room and I saw Greed Demons hidden in the shadows and concealed by invisibility spell. One had a blade drawn and was standing next to the idiot on the golden chair. I could sense the magical signature that matched none other than Alastor.

Hmm no Ars Goetia. I mused as I approached and that caused the man on the throne to flinch. All pretenses of lordly power evaporationg like water being thrown into a crucible.

My Lord, you must jest. Why would a member of the esteemed Ars Goetia be here at my humble home? the idiot said. You know if you are going to act humble, a golden chair doesnt help.

But yet your masters servants are here. It seems you are a dog on a short leash. I mused as I drew a Focii pistol. It was a custom design, that had an absurdly high powerdraw. If a normal person fired it would suck them dry.

Its time for Alastor to learn that if he wants to serve me he has to get used to me taking things from him. 

Ill start with this mutt.

In a flash I fired a shot.

Right at the Greed Demon standing behind the mutt. The Greed Demon fell to the ground missing its head. 

Dont even try it. I said and the other Greed Demons stilled. I could tell they were primed to attack, no doubt due to their training.

Leave us, I know where all of you are. Go tell your master that I will be taking over ownership of this dog. I said as I turned to face one of the Greed Demons. 

With that I trotted up to the throne and put one foot on the seat of the throne as I leaned down into the sweating dogs face.

My lord the mutt stammered as the Greed Demons all left the room.

Do you know why I call you a mutt? I said cutting him off as I pressed the barrel of my gun into his genitals. The mutt just gulped as he shook his head.

Because of this. I said as I pointed at the inticate amulet around his neck that reeked of powerful magic.

Let me guess this is a gift of some Ars Goetias esteem? Hmm? I said and the mutt nodded.

Its a collar, an observation device. They were watching you at all times, including the times you were wetting your dick in your servants. I said as I gestured to the scantily clad women around him.

You arent even a pawn. Youre a pet. I said, and the mutt looked so terrified he might piss himself.

If you soil yourself when Im this close to you, I will take you out back and shoot you. I growled, and all he could manage was a whimper.

Now then. I said as I glanced down at the amulet.

Its quite simple, I will be taking this pet of yours as for all your other pets that you named the Slum Barons. Ill be taking those too, when I get to the inner city I expect to see them. Come find me when you are ready. I said into the amulet.

These Slum Barons were useless, but a point had to be made. If the Ars Goetia didnt obey well more meat for my hive. Also, I swear if this idiot in front of me made another stupid whimpering sound

My lord the mutt whimpered again 

I shot his balls off.

He screamed as I got off him and I watched as he fell off the golden chair clutching where his genitals used to be.

I glanced down at him and then at the rest of the petrified servants.

Now then, someone promised me dinner

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