
Chapter 192: Ripples Beyond Worlds

Chapter 192: Ripples Beyond Worlds

And thus here we are. The current situation Legiana said but she petered off when she sensed something had changed in the Hive Mind.

Legiana? Cecilia asked her tone instantly switching from the usual bored tone to one of urgent seriousness.

Its nothing I Legiana replied but faltered. 

It must be serious if you are lost for words. My dearest friend didnt give you a brain the size of a small child for nothing. Cecilia stated.

Legiana chewed on her words as she herself tried to make sense of what was happening. Ever since her king departed for Hell, the Hive Mind has been diminished. It wasnt unexpected of course, her king ran some tests beforehand but to feel it for herself was disconcerting, to say the least.

Even with her kings upgrades to herself and Nafas they still couldnt even come close to filling the void left behind by her king. His presence was still there, but it was heavily muted. It was like a good portion of the Hive Mind was asleep. That left some concerning implications like a general decreased effectiveness in coordination. The Praetorians were working overtime trying to coordinate the lesser castes and the Overseers were in much the same situation.

As it stands, there was no real drop in efficiency since most of the work was very routine and there was no active combat zone. But if war broke out the Hive would be on the back foot without her Kings presence.

The Hive Mind is only as powerful as the minds within it. The smarter her King became, the smarter the members of the Hive became. The more power he poured into the Hive, the greater the reserve of strength the Hive possessed. But that was also a drawback, if a brood took too many losses to its command structure, its intelligence would dim. Such was the nature of a gestalt consciousness.

But something changed, the connection between her and her king just got stronger. Alot stronger

It definitely wasnt her imagination because she was practically getting bombarded with pings from the queens and Malegaros on an update to the change. Honestly, she didnt know how to answer the queries. But salvation came soon enough.

Hellooo, is this thing on?


My King? Your words are clearer now. Legiana replied into the Hive Mind.

Youre supposed to say polo

But yeah, I just got an upgrade

No more of that horrible shit reception huh?

Agreed, although you are still muted to a degree, it seems you can now command more easily even in a separate world. Legiana stated.

It seems so, anyway Im busy here any developements?

None my king. Legiana replied.

Her king replied with an assent and she sensed his presence leave. Although he did retreat from his connection, she could still feel his presence filling the Hive Mind. The black mass of muted Hive Mind had gotten bigger but what light there was has expanded as well. When her King returned and that void was filled, there would be much work on reorganising the Hive Mind. Perhaps a few new broods would be in order.

Legiana? Cecilia prompted and Legiana gave her a calm nod as she began reorganising the new space with the Hive Mind.

My King has grown stronger. The Hive Mind expands. Legiana said and Cecilias eyes widened for a moment.

Combat ability of the Hive? Cecilia pressed.

Not exactly at full capacity but a far cry from what it was before. If war was to break out now, the aggressors would have to pay dearly. Legiana replied as she continued to send out commands, strengthening the Empires defensive capabilities even as she spoke.

The unfortunate thing of having the Hive Mind hindered was the sheer disorganisation it created. As well as another unfortunate side effect born from the lesser queens. Malegaros named it Value Drift, at the end of the day without a sufficiently powerful overriding will to control a million-strong horde of ravenous monsters some members would inevitably start getting their own thoughts and ideas. 

It was exceedingly stupid to do so of course, since severing themselves from the Hive Mind was a surefire way to cause madness and death. But some of the lesser queens in charge of the more mundane non-combat tasks were just not that bright. So Legiana had to force a few other combat broods into hibernation just to give enough room in the Hive Mind so that these lesser queens dont get any stupid ideas. But it seems the combat broods can now be awakened again. Judging by what she sees, the aerial net has once again been fully filled out. Now no matter which direction the angels approach from they would find themselves brought crashing to the ground in a hail of [Sky Striker] spells. Fire enough of those spells into the air and anything with wings would find all the ether that powered flight completely fried and come crashing down into the maws of the waiting Hive.

What exactly happened? Cecilia asked.

I am unclear on the situation. The Hive Mind corresponds with the power of my King. It has just greatly expanded, something has happened. His messages are also more detailed, it now includeds intent and emotion. In the past it was just simple messages. That also implies he has wrested a power to exert greater control over the Hive. I would expect my king would return with some powerful creations. Legiana stated.

That is to be expected, my dear friend will no doubt find some interesting applications for the Daemonic nature of his new prey. Cecilia commented as if if was the most obvious fact in the world, which it was in all fairness.

Well it seems my king is doing quite well. This also simplifies the report for today. Judging by what I see, the Value Drift issue is no longer pertinent. Legiana said with a calm nod and Cecilia nodded as well.

Then I wont keep you, I am sure you need to reorganise the Hive. Cecilia said as she stood up and Legiana did so as well.

Already done during our conversation, but there are other affairs of which I need to turn my attention. The Seraphim Inquisitors are being problematic and this developement just gave me alot more leverage. Legiana said. Cecilia just nodded in understanding, the Inquisitors were certainly a dull bunch. They think the very fact that they know about the assasins tailing them gives them grounds to question her. 

Excellent, as for your buisness? Cecilia queried as she tilted her head slightly.

The leader of the Inquisitors would like to request a word. I assume they are feeling the threats being pointed at them. Their power is dimisinshed here, in High Heaven their authority is almost absolute. But down here, they are at our mercy. Legiana said, Cecilia nodded in response.

Yes they are at our mercy

Go and remind them


Inquisitor Heidrax growled as he entered the so called centre for the Church of Unity. If it was up to him he would burn this heresy from the Empire, root and stem. But unfortunately, it was not up to him. Archangel Uriel made it clear in no uncertain terms that the Empire is not to be antagonised. They are to play by their rules until a time this meek strategy is no longer necessary.

For now his role was to remind the people of their duty to the Sacred Order. That they must fulfill their obligations for the life they are so privileged to live. The Seraphim has guided and preserved this world for millennia. 

To stray from the path of the Sacred Order was a grave sin, one punishable by death.

Heidrax would have loved to burn the heretics before him, but he too, has sensed the presences following him. Every member of his Order of Inquisitors has felt those fangs at the back of their neck the moment there was even the slightest potential for violence.

The message was as clear as could be. 

Tow the line, obey the laws 

Or lose your head  

The fact that Heidrax could not detect the assassins following them until they were practically breathing down their neck was concerning. It wasnt an empty threat, that Heidrax knew. He has fought the old hives before, in truth he would never have been sent here by Archangel Uriel unless she had received certain assurances from the powers at be.

Heidrax knew all too well, the moment any of his Inquisitors stepped out of line, all of them would be dead. The Hive was able to communicate this fact quite succinctly as well. Sometimes Heidrax would feel that unease when nothing was happening only to find out later one of his men had nearly lost his temper. Of course, the rest of his men felt it as well. So the message was rather clear, if one of them stepped out of line, they would all die. It was as Heidrax was loathe to admit it, a very effective message. It was one thing to risk your own neck, but another to risk your brothers in arms. Even worse when the attack would be so sudden none of your brother would be prepared.

It was not a surprise of course, the Hives were the creations of the Old Gods. Built from the ground up to be instruments of their terror. So it was of little surprise that this Hive was able to wield fear so effectively.

Heidrax brusquely barged past the parting crowd of humans as he headed to that creatures office. The heretics here were at least wise enough to stay out of his way. On the other hand, he could feel the piercing gaze of every member of the Hive on him. Their barely concealed bloodlust prickled off his skin like a thousand needles.

When he reached the door he saw a pair of Hive creatures guarding the door. He moved forward and the Hive creatures did nothing but he sensed the discernable twitch of their arms on their weapons. 

Heidrax ignored them and opened the door. It would not be appropriate for a member of the Sacred Orders most holy Inquisition to be so easily intimidated. 

When he laid eyes on the creature he couldnt help but curl his face into a sneer. The smooth white head with that fanged smile leered at him like he was a piece of meat. Heidrax did not know why the Hive was even playing this game but it seems the reason was enough to compel the Divine Council to play along. At least for now

Greeting Inquisitor, you wanted to meet me? Legiana asked with her usual cruel smile.

Yes, I do not appreciate threats. Heidrax growled.

And I do not appreciate threats of violence against the common folk. My king has made things very clear. I am to preserve the safety of the citizens. Even from the Seraphim. Legiana replied instantly getting his meaning. Other humanoids would at least feign innocence, but no not for a creature like her.

The people of Terra owe their allegiance to the Seraphim, we have preserved them for eons. Heidrax replied.

You are free to think they owe you, Inquisitor. What you think does not concern me, all that concerns me is the order of my King. Seeing as your own leadership as decided to play along I suggest you do so as well.

It would not do for High Heaven to be embroiled in another war of attrition. Believe me when I say this, the Hive can make your war in the north look like one of your training exercises. With just a single command from my king, it will be slaughter. Legiana said.

You presume much if you think you can defeat Heaven. Heidrax growled.

I presume we can do enough damage for the demons to pounce. Legiana replied with a grin.

How is the situation in Divonia by the way? I heard it is turning into a hell of a problem. Legiana added with a laugh.

I am sure you are very aware of the situation. Heidrax replied coldly, not falling for the bait.

We have no part in it, in case you are curious. Legiana replied.

At those words Heidrax narrowed his eyes. As much as he would like to believe it, he had a great deal of doubts. Many have conspired to bring down the Sacred Order, these demons will not be the last. For a Hive to appear now of all times? No that was too much of a coincidence.

Inquisitors were tasked to root our heresy and to seek out those that would wish harm upon the Sacred Order. Heidrax wouldnt be surprised if the Syndicates war in the north, the demon incursions in Divonia and the Hives appearance was all just one coordinate effort to spread Heaven thin. If that was the plan it was working. 

However, the Demons in Divonia will not enjoy their time for long. The Inquisitors have finally been dispatched to Terra. The Divine Council was always wary of sending them out. Not only because of their very earned reputation of burning anyone and anything with even a slight bit of guilt. But also because the Inquistors were Heavens best intelligence operatives. They were a precious resource that were difficult to replace. Thus they were only utilised in the most dire of circumstances. 

The Inquisitors stood along side the Silver Maidens and the Golden Guard as the finest of Heavens forces. Thus they must be used sparingly, yet here they were in Terra. The Silver Maidens have already been dispatched as reconnaissance but it seems obeservation was no longer going to cut it. Even the Cherubim Militia were being pressed into service in Divonia. 

Arent you a paranoid one? Legiana asked with a sly smile.

It is my task to be paranoid. Trust is something you do not deserve monster. Heidrax replied.

Agreed, I would be very suspicious if you did trust me. Surely the Sacred Order did not hold sway for so long on luck alone. Legiana said with a laugh.

Is there anything else? And before you ask, no. The long knives stay. Step out of line and all of you lose your heads in an instant. I find when dealing with humanoids like you a more direct approach is often the most effective. Legiana said pleasantly.

Heidrax huffed and turned around without another word. At least he got one of his confirmations. He wasnt completely sure if it was a complex spell or if there were actually monsters shadowing them. The fact that this creature so willingly admitted that the issue was monster and not a spell was at least a partial confirmation. Or perhaps a ruse, the Syndicate were also a possibility, but that would mean the Syndicate is backing the Empire at least for now.

A word of advice Inquistor. Legiana said just as Heidrax opened the door.

Remember this well

In Heaven the Seraphim may rule

But here in the Empire, my king holds sway

Forget, and we will remind you

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