
Chapter 194: Looking for Home

Chapter 194: Looking for Home

Regari swallowed a nervous mouthful of saliva as he glanced at the pair next to him. He didnt know what to make of them. One of them was a Vampire, her name was rather bellicose. He had no idea if she just gave herself the name Rosa Maledicta or if she was born with it. If she was born with it, she must have had some pretty fucked up parents, even by the standards of Hell. Then again, Regari himself didnt have a last name so his parents could be just as messed up. Whatever fuzzy memories he had were of his parents ditching him and Renna when he was just five and Renna was three.

Thinking back, it was a miracle he lasted this long. It was a lucky thing he didnt need as much food and water as Renna. Somehow, he was always able to get by on an extremely low amount of resources, and he regained his strength rather rapidly. Even now, with just over a week of good meals, he was already back to full strength, even though he was previously too weak to walk steady.

Renna was still a work in progress; she was still rather frail. Regari didnt know why he was blessed with this ability to do so much with so very little, but he sure as hell wasnt complaining. They would both be dead if it wasnt the case.

As for his so-called bodyguards, they were clearly those who were born into power. The Vampire Rosa was about as cold and aloof as anyone could be. But he has seen her magic tear through dozens of enemies simultaneously. 

The other was a more disconcerting existence. Her name was Serchax, if she had a last name, he had no idea what it was. She was this absurdly beautiful woman with pale skin and raven dark hair. Her eyes were emerald green, and even as Regari looked at her, he felt this desire to run his hands over her soft skin. 

Mahaila was very clear to him and her that they were not to touch each other. This comment was primarily directed at Serchax. Regari knew why, there was something about Serchax that disconcerted him, it was like she had this unnatural allure.

Renna was far more suceptable to her charms, so much so Mahaila was next to her constantly to ensure she didnt fall under her spell. The very fact that her mere voice and presence can turn Renna into a glassy-eyed drone was enough to terrify him. 

Knowing this has created a deep-seated fear inside him for Serchax. Honestly, he was more afraid of her than the Great Beast. If Regari ever found himself in front of an unclothed Serchax, he could only pray he would have the mental strength to run as fast as he could in the opposite direction. 

Honestly, he would much rather have Mahaila or Azatherine here, but the Great Beast, who is also named Tim for some reason, needed them for something. Of the company he finds himself with next to the Great Beast, it is obvious Mahaila and Serchax are the most powerful of the group. He has even seen the infamous Arch Demon Alastor speak with a tinge more respect when he interacted with these two. 

So unfortunately, he was stuck with these two lunatics when he went to negotiate the peaceful surrender of the one standout settlement in Limbo. 

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Limbo was a grey, miserable place, and the only relatively safe place was this pocket in the north surrounded by mountains. That was where they were headed, up the large lake towards the main town. Most of Limbo lived in ramshackle slums or the ruins of previous attempts at civilisation. 

As they reached the river bank, Serchax flourished her arms, and an ornate boat appeared out of thin air. 

After you. Serchax said in her melodic voice and Regari felt compelled to obey. His body started moving before he even processed the words.

He heard Rosa sigh as she climbed in as well. The three of them got in and it started slowly meandering towards the town in the distance.

Cant this thing go any faster? Rosa said after five minutes of slow sailing.

Speed means danger my sweet. We move slowly so that the fools there will know we mean no harm. Serchax said as she gracefully adjusted her fine silk gown as she made herself comfortable on one of the couches. 

Regari saw it and felt that desire well up again. He grit his feet and tried to get comfortable too while placing his back firmly to Serchax. He never thought he would meet something that was more dangerous when you had eyes on it.

Regari shifted his gaze to the clear cerulean water beneath him that was so still it looked like a sheet of glass. Even the boat didnt cause any ripples, but how much of that was the boat and how much was the lake he had no idea.

Dont touch the water. Rosa said suddenly from behind him.

Oh yes, Rosa is quite correct, this lake is called the lake of dreams. It can suck you in and ensare the senses. I bathed in these waters once. Serchax said with a laugh that pulled at Regaris mind.

Take one sip and you will never leave. At least until the Great Beast fixes you. Serchax said with another airy laugh.

This is going take awhile. Rosa said with a sigh as Regari heard the tell tale sound of her openeing up a book.

Then he heard Serchax start to hum a little song and felt this droud start to blanket his mind.

Almost heaven, Old Elysia

Iron Mountains, the winding gentle rivers

Life is old there, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, gentle is the breeze


Rosa snapped with an almost feral snarl, and Regari snapped back to his senses so hard he could feel the whiplash. Then, he realised he was staring right at Serchax, and he was slowly crawling towards her before he was snapped out of it.

The Great Beast wants him lucid and clear-minded. Not dazed and squirming below you as you shake your hips on him. Rosa growled as she bared her inch-long fangs.

Relax, Rosa. Besides, hes too young for my tastes, just having some fun. Serchax replied with a grin as she snapped her fingers and Regari felt his mind snap back to full attentiveness.

He glanced at Serchax and found he could look at her normally without having that desire crawl up from the deepest parts of his mind.

I can cloud the mind but I can also clear it. Serchax said with a sly smirk.

Honestly since when did I become the reasonable one Rosa replied with an exasperated sigh.

Since you fell in with an ancient my dear, now that you are both immune to my powers I think we can all just do what we wish. Serchax said as she reclined into the couch, her dress falling messily around her and revealing a generous amount of skin. But funnily enough Regari felt nothing as he stared at her.

Rosa just sighed as she returned to her book trying to pass the time in peace.

What song was that? Regari asked out of curiosity.

An old song sung by Elysian sailors. A song of missing home when they are so far out at sea. The Elysians are always such sentimental people, so easy to charm. Serchax replied with a laugh.

Its a nice song. Regari said.

It is isnt it? The arts was always a strength of the Elysians. They are such a beautiful people. Serchax said and Regari turned away for a moment.

Could we go there at some point? Regari asked.

Oh dont worry about that, the Great Beast calls Elysia home. Youll end up there soon enough as long as you keep proving yourself useful Rosa replied but then she paused as if she realised something.

To know temptation is to know desire and motivation. Serchax said with a laugh as she stared at Rosas still form.

You still have much to learn, young temptress. Serchax said with a rather smug grin.

Rosa just let out a conceding grumble as she returned to her book. 

Could you sing that song again? Regari asked, he really wanted to hear the rest. To learn about this beautiful place that was so different than the nightmare that is Searing Hells.

Of course young one. Serchax replied with a serene smile.

Almost heaven, Old Elysia

Iron Mountains, the winding gentle rivers

Life is old there, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, gentle is the breeze

Beaten roads

Take me home

To the place

I belong


This is our home, we cant just let everything we built be destroyed! Anya shouted as she slammed her fist into the desk infront of him. 

Is it not better to flee rather than die pointlessly? You saw who was approaching. The three who come to us are no simple matter. Nothing good will come of it. the elder in front of her said wearily. 

Anya ground her teeth in frustration at the words of this senile old man. They had finally achieved some semblance of food stability. Yes, most of the food amounted to ground-up bark and the roots of these sallow dead trees but for those who lived in Limboit was still food. 

Murders and Cannibalism were almost gone in the town, and now these fools want to abandon their hard-won stability without even a fight? 

Regardless if we choose to fight or run we should at least try to negotiate. another man said, this one was younger, more clear minded.

Negotiate? Here? Have you learned nothing? another member of the council spat.

Its better than picking a fight we cannot win or abandon our home. At least by attempting dialogue we potentially open a path to success. the man replied calmly and Anya nodded in agreement.

I agree. Anya said.

Silence girl, you do not know of what you speak. This is the realm of demons. They take and take, there are no blessings here. the elder spat in response.

I dont think they are demons. the man said. Anya glanced up at him. He was pale skinned like the rest of the Limbo demons, along with the sterotypical ashen grey hair and grey eyes. His face gaunt and skeletal as if he was starving. He wasnt starving but the appearance still maintained. A wretched existence for a wretched soul.

Anya was no different, she bargained her soul for vengeance against the one who murdered her parents. She was sent here not because she wasnt useful, she was sent here because the one who took her soul couldnt be bothered to deal with her. 

So she was one of the few chained souls in this forsaken realm who was actually marginally competent. She wasnt sure how she stacked up against the truly competent since she didnt exactly have much competition but she was still better than most in Limbo.

The man was named Belian, he has been in Limbo a long time and no one really knows why he was here. As far as Anya was concerned this one was way too smart to be in Limbo. Anya herself has been here for the past hundred years or so, give or take a few decades. Unfortunately for her she died as a teenager so she was still stuck in this small thin body and that also means some of these idiots dont take her seriously.

Not Belian though, he was at least smart enough to take her side when she was making sense. He also shot her down when her ideas were bad which was also a good sign of practical impartiality.

Why do you think they are not demons? Anya asked.

I recognise one of them. Belian said his voice terse and remorseful.

Which one? one of the elder asked.

The one with dark hair. Believe me, we dont stand a chance in a fight and we wouldnt get far if she wanted us dead. Belian replied gruffly.

Youll understand soon enough. Belian said with a sigh as he raised a hand pausing other questions.

Anya could only mutely follow along as the town council all headed to the edge of the lake to await the incoming visitors. The first thing she heard was the singing, it was beautiful, so very beautiful it made her want just go for a swim

Anya glanced at the rest to see if they were thinking of the same thing. Some had already stepped towards the water, the rest were clearly of the same mind except except for 

Belian had his fingers in his ears

That sight alone snapped her out of it long enough to slam her fingers into her ears blocking out the song. It was only once she had covered her ears did she realise it. That was a sirens call.

However, the moment she did, she realised the singing stopped. The dark haired woman who was singing was smiling eerily as she glanced at her and Belian, the only two who had resisted her song. 

When they both got off the shore the rest were still trying to get her bearings. Belian walked forward his eyes glued to that siren.

Ah a familiar face. the siren said as she sauntered forward, her beautiful form catching the eyes of the men and women alike. 

What do you want? Anya asked before the siren could speak.

Hmm that is a question for him to answer. the siren said coyly as she glanced at the small demon. The demon looked to be biologically only a year or two younger than her but that was poor indicator of age. Demons aged slowly, very slowly, chances are this one was older than her. 

The demon had crimson red skin, which implies he is a Wrath Demon. Yet from the stories she has heard Wrath Demons were mad ravenous things, this one seemed calm. Although there was signs of malice in his eyes and a hunger for something

We are here to see if there is anything of value. So far this place has been rather bare. the wrath demon said.

Well yeah, its kind of the point of this place. Anya replied dryly as some of the more squeamish member so of the council flinched at her words. Interestingly enough the Wrath Demon just gave her a conceding shrug, the Siren cracked a smile and the other woman who Anya thinks is a vampire just pursed her lips as if saying fair enough.

Touche. the Siren replied with a laugh.

What would qualify as something valuable? Belian asked as he furrowed his brow.

People. the young wrath demon said simply.

Human Resources, more accurately. the vampire added.

We sure as hell arent expecting to find gold here. the Siren replied sarcastically.

Perhaps some introductions. I think we can all be civil especially considering we are all still alive. Anya stated and the young demon nodded.

Regari, Wrath Demon. Regari said with a curt nod.

Rosa Maledicta, Elder Vampire of Necoronas. the Rosa said in a bored tone.

And I am. the Siren said but Belians voice rang out.

Serchax, The Fate Weaver. Belian said his voice sounding ever so slightly haunted.

The Fate Weaver, I have not heard that title in a long time. Serchax replied with a sickeningly demure laugh.

And what would you call yourself now? Anya pressed. 

A humble servant. Serchax replied with a graceful bow of her head. Belians eyes widened for a moment before the tell tale signs of fear filled his body. Anya knew why the fear was there, if this Serchax was powerful, then what did that make her master?

Servant of who? Anya pressed cautiously.

For the rest of her life Anya will always regret asking that question. Her question changed nothing but still the way the answer was given would haunt her dreams. She could still feel the breathe on her back, the over powering scent of blood and the deep eldritch voice that spoke soon after.


Anya turned to look and was met with a row of seratted teeth, each longer than her arm. If that maw bit down on here there would be nothing left of her. 

Then it spoke again


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