Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 141: Safe point

Ch 141: Safe point

"Haa Haa Haa Haa"

I'm currently very exhausted as I sit in an empty corridor on floor 1. I finally finished the last chain needed on floor 13 and, to escape from the stupid monsters following me, I ran to floor 1.

"Never again, never again, I swear..."

This experience was creepy. Dozens of monsters were chasing me. And not only that, but I also had to fight the default monster on the floor so as not to break the chain.

Several times, the chain was about to break!

'I was dumb for not asking Alessia for help. I'm sure my chivalry influenced me!'

I could have woken Alessia up to ask for help, but the thought, 'Don't disturb her. Let her go on sleeping. I can do it alone!' popped into my mind. At first glance, it seems like something I would think. But seeing it a second time, I realized something very important... I don't usually have such polite and motivating thoughts!

'This stupid chivalry! Just go away and stop bothering me! Haa... Well, I feel a little better.'

Now, with more calm, I can see the loot the monsters left me after the chain. Opening the inventory, I head towards all the new loot.

The [Golden Eagle] dropped the loots [Deadly Claw], [Golden Feather], [Golden Eagle Rune] and [Golden Eagle Scroll]. The monster on floor 7 was called [Ancestral Turtle] and its loot drops were [Marginal Scale], [Centennial Carapace], [Ancestral Turtle Rune], and [Protective Shield Scroll]. As for the default monster on floor 8, its name was [Teriar] and its spoils were [Black Blood], [Magnetic Rock], [Rune of Teriar] and [Magnetic Wave Scroll].

So far, I would say that maintaining the chain is complex but not impossible. From floor 6 onward, monster groups can only have three members, and since I was on floor 8, this rule still remained in effect.

Of course, at that moment, I thought that I had already experienced the worst and that nothing bad could happen to me. How deluded I was.

I forgot that from the 9th floor, the groups can be of 4 monsters...

The monster on floor 10 is [Cryan Tree] and its loots are [Poisoned Blade], [Aged Root], [Poisoned Aura Rune] and [Poisoned Dust Scroll]. On the 12th floor the monster was [Fire Lion] and its loots were [Reddish Claw], [Mane of Fire], [Rune Line of Fire] and [Fire Needles Scroll]. And finally, on the 13th floor, was the spider [Zyran], whose loots were [Zyran Silk], [Fragile Thread], [Immobilizing Thread Rune] and [Silky Mantle Scroll].

It was a nightmare after floor 8. There were strange monsters following me with different attack styles and body compositions. 

'The stupid Cryan Tree poisoned me three times! I hate it to the core!'

The strategy to continue the chain and get the best performance was to activate the [Agility] profile to run and the [Strength] profile to fight and defeat them in the shortest time possible. I'm afraid that, if it weren't for my specialized profiles, the chain would not have remained active for so long.

Anyway, it's time to make the improvements...

[Counterattack Lvl 1] [0|3]

[The art of blocking and deflecting is nothing if it is not accompanied by a counterattack. Slightly increases strength when counterattacking after blocking or deflecting]

[Upgrades 0 of 3]

[To upgrade to the next level, the following materials are required: (A Golden Feather) (A Mane of Fire) (An Aged Root)]

[You have already gathered all the materials. Do you wish to continue with the upgrade?]

[Yes] [No]

I mentally press [Yes] and then the window flickers slightly. The next second, the information reflected in the window changes outright.

[Counterattack Lvl 33] [1|3]

[The art of blocking and deflecting is nothing if it is not accompanied by a counterattack. Greatly increases strength when counterattacking after blocking or deflecting. The chances of deflecting have increased]

[Upgrades 1 of 3]

[To upgrade to the next level, the following materials are required: (Cold-Blooded Heart) (Thousand Mile Eye) (Diian Seed)]

"It greatly increases its strength! Also, the chance of deflecting has increased!"

If before, the slight increase in strength after deflecting granted me non-negligible strength. Now, as long as I deflect a few attacks, my counterattack will come with a great boost in strength! And not only that, but the same skill increases my chances of deflecting.

This implies that my reflexes have improved to some extent, granting me the ability to deflect attacks that I couldn't do before!

'My Holy God Solus, what will happen to the skill after I upgrade to Magic Knight? No, it's too early to think about it. I'll leave it to my future self.'

Now the time has come to upgrade the only magic I have.

[Space Travel Lvl 1] [0|3]

[Ability to create a connection between different points in the world. Requires a spell for activation. Requires the user to have visited the site before]

[Upgrades 0 of 3]

[To upgrade to the next level, the following materials are required: (A Centennial Carapace) (A Magnetic Rock) (A Fragile Thread)]

[You have already gathered all the materials. Do you wish to continue with the upgrade?]

[Yes] [No]

"Even with all the times I've cast magic, it hasn't even gone up by one level, huh? Haa..."

Sighing, I mentally press [Yes]. And the needed materials within my inventory decrease by one, then the window changes to reflect the following information...

[Space Travel Lvl 33] [1|3]

[Ability to create a connection between different points in the world. The user is able to travel between safe points and unowned spaces. Requires the user to have visited the location before]

[Upgrades 1 of 3]

[To upgrade to the next level, the following materials are required: (Millennial Egg) (Concentrated Lightning) (Star Fragment)]

'The requirement of a spell for activation is gone!'

Now I can activate magic without casting it! What does this mean? It means I can use it in combat!

Appearing behind the enemy or escaping quickly from a dangerous situation... All that is possible now that the activation time has decreased by practically 99%.

'Now then, what is a safe point or an unowned space?'

 Since that line appeared in the description, it means it's something important enough to be reported. But, unfortunately, I have no idea what it means.

So, the best way to find out is... by activating magic directly towards a place that was previously impossible for me to travel to!

"Towards the capital, Altamira!"

After my shout, the seconds passed, but the illusory door never appeared.

This didn't disappoint me at all, as it was already within my calculations that the magic would fail, but I wanted to try just in case.

"Into the Great Altamira Labyrinth!"

After my shout... the door didn't appear either. 

'Haa, this is a bit disappointing. I was really hoping that-...'

Emir: "!!!"

'T- T- The illusory door appeared! It took a while but, in the end, it really appeared!'

In front of me is the same illusory door through which I constantly travel. It's impossible not to recognize it!

With my heart pounding as never before, I got up from the floor and walked through it. The next instant, I appear in a dark room composed of rock.

Looking at the map, I immediately recognized this place.

"It's the 9th floor of the Great Altamira Labyrinth!"

Specifically speaking, the trap room where I helped Yair and where I stayed with Alessia for a few days to level up on this floor. Despite everything, I have fond memories of this place. Maybe it's because of that reason that I appeared in this place by mentioning this labyrinth without mentioni-...


'Um... I think I heard a 'Crack' behind my back.'

Slowly turning my head, I watch as a black widow looks at me innocently with her eight eyes... Okay, it's time for a little math. How much is 8 times 40? If you don't know the answer, I'll tell you that the result is 320.

There are 40 damn Black Widows staring at me with their 320 eyes on my back!!!

Are you afraid? because I am fucking afraid!!!!

"Space travel! Space travel! Space travel! Space travel!"

'Get active and send me anywhere!!!'

After my words, the Black Widows slowly began to approach me. If the magic doesn't activate in the next few seconds, I will be surrounded and attacked by dozens of spiders!

Just as a Black Widow was ready to attack me, the illusory door appeared in front of me. Without even hesitating, I jumped straight into it.

Crossing it, I fall into something extremely soft and comfortable.

"This... Is this a bed? Did I travel to my home located in Dominir village?"

Since everything is dark, I can't make out the exact place where I am. So, after getting out of bed, I feel around on the walls until I find the switch and turn on the glowing stones.


'I can't believe what my eyes are seeing.'

This is indeed my room, but one I'm very fond of. This is the room where I had my first time with Alessia and where my pervert's courage gave free rein to her desires. In other words...

This is my house located in the capital, Altamira!

'How is this possible?! I tried to travel to the city of Altamira before, but the illusory door never appeared… and now it turns out that I can, but straight to my home?'

At that very moment, something came back to my mind.

[You have acquired a property]

"That message... I remember it popping up when I bought the house… but since no similar window appears in my user interface, I ended up forgetting about it. But what if my house fits into the 'safe spot' or 'unowned space' category thanks to buying it?"

The more I think about it, the more it makes sense. After all, if it's not that, then I don't see any possibility that would explain how I am able to travel to a city that possesses a large-scale magic item that prevents teleportation from unaffiliated Travelers.

As I was thinking, my eyes wandered to the circular map of my interface. My house has the symbol of a golden arrow with the name...

[Safe Point]

This corroborates my theory that my house is listed as a safe point, allowing me to travel directly to it by skipping the security of the capital, Altamira.

'The possibilities of this…'

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