Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 150: Come on! Carry on with this useless battle!

Ch 150: Come on! Carry on with this useless battle!

'- For someone to be so skilled with a bow and sword is impossible. The battle classes are not so generous as to allow a two-weapon user. Although it is possible to have some degree of skill with the secondary weapon, it will never reach the same level as the primary weapon. But still... I'm sure that badge was the same!'

'Fighting 30 people requires my full attention. I've been able to last so long thanks to the rules of this war. The fact that they can't assassinate me prevents them from being able to stop me completely, and many of their attacks become predictable when attacking in a non-lethal position. Of course, that doesn't take away from the fact that our fight in full view of third parties is a close battle where sparks fly everywhere. But why... Why do I feel a little weak? Why do I feel like I wasn't like this before?'

'- Maybe it was just a coincidence and I framed the wrong person, but if that's the case... Why have I had a bad feeling ever since Emir started this battle?'

From the expressions of the Red Flag guild members, the atmosphere was once again settled. So, I bravely and fearlessly shouted...

"T-Three groups are not enough! T-The rest, c-come to me!"

"Is it my idea, or did your voice seem shaky?"

"Nah, it must be your imagination."

The fourth group quickly approached, but this one was very different from the others. Both by their class and their aura, I can tell that they are experienced fighters who won't hesitate to attack me and cause me severe injuries... 

'Well, it's time to carry out the plan.'

Without hesitation, I turned around and started running.

"F*ck! This guy's running away!"

"Don't let him escape! Does he dare to mock our guild without facing the consequences? If we let him escape, anyone will think we're easy prey!"

"Catch him! We've already softened him up enough! Just a little more, and he'll fall!"

'Softened your grandmother! I only received minor injuries!'

Taking advantage of this injustice, I made my eyes turn wet and shouted...

"Guild Master! Save me!!!"

Fabio: "..."

Expressionless Fabio looked at his teammates, and his words were practically written on his face. So his teammate understood immediately.

"We are alone, guild master; the other groups have already left for the agreed location."

Fabio: "..."

'- 40 vs. 11? F*****ck!'

'Ah, that's the look I wanted to see you with.'

Thanks to my Agility profile, I managed to create great distance from my pursuers and reach Fabio's side. Only then was I able to correct his wrong thinking from before.

"Guild master, in the previous fight, I think I fractured my arm. Apparently, I have a sprain. I'm going to the priests. I'm sure you can win the 40 vs. 10! I'll be supporting you from a distance!"

'Even if you lose~'

'- Hey! I read your look! Get back here!' Fabio had to swallow his unsaid words. After all, the enemies are near, and he must prepare himself.

Leaving Fabio and his group behind, I head to the priests and show them my arm. To give more credibility to my performance, I rattled some of my fingers to show that my sprain is 100% real and not fake.



Priest: "!!!!"


With a serious face, the priest cast the healing magic, and then a golden aura surrounded my arm. 

'Though there was no wound to heal on it, in itself the feeling was nice.'

"Could you heal the wounds on my body as well?"

Priest: "..."

'- Don't you want me to give you a massage too?'

"Okay" I responded to his gaze.

Priest: "!!!!"

Coughing a little to disguise it, the priest began to heal the wounds on my body. Fighting so many people alone may not have caused me serious damage, but the small wounds accumulated enough to make me look like someone in bad shape.

That's why Fabio couldn't stop me. If the rumor that he forced a rookie to fight despite all his injuries and the sprain on his arm spreads, he would lose a lot of face as a guild master.

"Hehehe Wuahahahaha."

Priest: "..."

'- Shall I give him an exorcism too?'

'Oops! remember your character, remember your character.'

"Keep in formation! Even though there are only 10 of them, among them is their guild master! We must not be careless!" An experienced Swordsman of the enemy guild shouted.

'- Tch, at this rate, my best men will be damaged. I can't afford such a severe loss this early in this war!'

"When I give you the order, go call for reinforcements," Fabio whispered to one of his companions.

"But, guild master, if I leave, there will only be nine left fighting."

"And, if you stay here, it will only increase the losses. Just do as I order you. I'll take care of the rest!"

Despite the shouting among the Red Flag guild members, Fabio's group seemed very calm in comparison. With just gestures or whispers, they were able to coordinate and fight in a battle where they were outnumbered.

At one point, Frank built up enough energy to swing his ax at one of the knights. Both ax and shield held firm, creating a great roar at the clash and sparks flying everywhere. The sight was so dignified that, at times, it made me want to eat popcorn.

Then, suddenly, a Swordsman managed to break free from the enemy formation and start running at great speed. This caught the attackers so off guard that they couldn't react in time.

With stars shooting out of my eyes and my chest heaving, I shouted, "You dare to escape, leaving your comrades to their fate!!! The Golden Lion Guild will not forgive this treachery!!!"

My words were so fierce that, for a moment, the Swordsman almost fell down.

"I'm going to call for reinforcements, dammit!!!" he retorted.

"He's going to call for reinforcements! Get him! Don't let him escape!!!!"

Swordsman: "!!!!"

'- I released classified information without realizing it! I must escape!'

When the enemy guild realized the Swordsman's true intention, they sent their men after him.

Fabio: "..."

'- This day goes from worse to worse...' Fabio sighed mentally.

Even though some of their members went after the informant, they still outnumbered Fabio's group. And, as such, they always maintained an advantage over them.

'Come on! Carry on with this useless battle! Show me your worst faces! I told you I'd take my revenge, didn't I? Normally I'm not someone with a grudge, but I always carry out my revenge!'

I could only survive in the fight against three groups due to my [Agility] profile and the map of my user interface. With the increased speed, I had time to think about my next actions. And, with the map, I could see what my eyes couldn't see. Only with this could I hold on for so long against such a disadvantage. If Fabio and company think of doing the same, it will be extremely difficult for them! very close to impossible!

Minutes slowly ticked by. As time went on, wounds of considerable magnitude began to appear on them. This was true for both guilds, but especially for Fabio's group, whose bodies were soaked in blood.

"Guild Master! We've come to help!"

Then reinforcements arrived.

"Well done! Now we can flip the boards! Let's double their damage!"

"Yes, guild master!"

And so the full-scale war began.

'Hey! Weren't those 10-man battles? Do you even respect the rules?'

From then on, guerrilla formations became common, with some specializing in defense and others specializing in attack. When someone was damaged, they were able to fall back and heal their wounds without the enemy being able to stop them. Thanks to this, the battle went on for a long time.

"Hey, what are they doing? Stop it! The full-scale war wasn't planned yet!!!"

"That's what I told them, but they didn't listen to me."

It's been so long that Leandro, the Red Flag guild master, began to suspect that something strange was happening. Anyone could deduce this since the battles between groups still couldn't start because his guild didn't return.


With Leandro's shout, the Red Flag guild stopped their attack.

Seeing this, Fabio raised his hand, ordering the Golden Lion Guild to stop their attack as well.

"Fabio, we need to talk." Leandro's tone of voice seemed forced. He wanted to shout, but he didn't because the other side had the same status.

"Right" Something similar happened with Fabio.

Since I don't know how to read lips, the private conversation between them was only left to my imagination, but something to emphasize in all of this is that...

'This is so funny! Where are the tips deposited?'

The smile on my face several times came close to giving away my true personality. Only with a lot of effort was I able to get back into character. You can't blame me! Seeing the veins protruding from the foreheads of both guild masters is an event worth portraying.

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