Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 173: The appearance of a combat nun

Ch 173: The appearance of a combat nun

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Thanks to my patrons and to those who comment on the chapters. It means a lot to me and motivates me to continue this hobby of mine.

And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


'- Mm? Why does Victor act differently to that elf?'

Her adorableness may go to the skies, but that doesn't mean she's not intelligent. Several times she's spotted the holes in Emir's words, but she's kept quiet because she knows he possesses another woman.

It's quite logical that he wants to hide things from her so he doesn't hurt her.

"I see. Press your hand on this magic object"


'- Although he doesn't seem to have any expressions on his face, I think... he's seeing the elf as an enemy' Delia thought.

Her bad feeling increased in intensity as she felt time stop.

No sounds.

No movements.

No scents.

No life.

'- This is the same feeling I had during my pilgrimage journey, someone… Someone wants to assassinate me!'

If a Sword Saint can enhance his perception to temporarily move at the speed of light, then... What ability does the closest Saint to God possess?

That day when she lost her Saint class many died. But one thing to note is that, coincidentally, everyone around her ended up with minor injuries. And among them was Alessia's former team!

Alessia will always remember that day, even when she wants to forget it. She herself once said that she bathed in blood for the sake of defending Saint Delia. But with her level, how is it possible that she survived the enemy's surprise attack?

It's illogical, no matter how you look at it.

"Raise your arms"


'- My spear! I haven't been training all these days for nothing!'

In just one second, three events happened at the same time.

Victor moving his sword towards the heart of the enemy, Erniirí firing a magic arrow, and... Delia moving her spear!



"Cof!" after coughing up a mouthful of blood he said, "Too late, knight..."

Victor: "!!!!"

'- How did that bow get into his hands?!' Victor thought in astonishment.

It was only then that Victor fully realized the elf's intention.

Being a Magic Archer is not a simple thing, especially since the requirements are too demanding. But if you somehow manage to obtain the class, then you immediately get two privileges. It makes the person able to strengthen his arrows with mana, and shoot accurate arrows regardless of the quality of the bow!

'- Miss Emilia is in danger!'

He pivoted around and ran in Delia's direction, but he acted late.

The arrow is about to assassinate her.

'- It can't be. I won't be able to reach he-...'



Not only Victor, but also Erniirí and the patients lying on the gurneys. They all opened their mouths wide at the sight of the scene in front of them.

'- D-did I make it?'

Droplets of sweat fell down Delia's forehead. It was only a second, but she felt it was an eternity. When Erniirí fired, Delia somehow foresaw the trajectory of the arrow and moved her spear accordingly. As a result, she managed to deflect the arrow.

It was such an extraordinary event, that she feels she will never be able to repeat it.

'- Haa... Thank God, it's over-... No! It's not over yet!!!'

"Watch out, Miss Emilia!" Victor shouted in great concern.

At that same instant, a mana sword appeared at the position where the arrow and spear collided. The sword has a bluish color and is translucent. So, only the words 'mana sword' can describe it.

Without warning, the mana sword headed for Delia's neck.

'- Damn it, I'm too far away to help her. At this rate-...!'



Again, everyone opened their mouths. Even the dying Erniirí on the ground came back to life for a moment to look at the miracle.

'- I made it again!'

The moment everyone gave Delia up for dead she swung her spear perfectly, causing the mana sword to stop in midair, unable to advance any further.

If it was a sword, then it wouldn't be so surprising for another weapon to be able to block it. What really surprised the witnesses to the scene is that, after the impact, a surge of mana came out of the sword, partially destroying Delia's cloak. And implying that the attack is much stronger than it seems.

'- That extraordinary feeling happened again, but I'm sure I won't be so lucky next time!'

Delia planned to move away as fast as possible from the place, but then she saw how the mana sword appeared in front of her again.

"It's a Pursuit Magic Sword that can perform 3 attacks! Be careful, Miss Emilia!"

[Pursuit Magic Sword] Despite its name, it is a magic belonging to the Magic Archers. It consists of a magic arrow that produces a mana sword behind it when it hits the target. This marks the target and performs 3 attacks on it.

It doesn't matter if the target moves away from the spot since the mana sword will chase it, hence the name.

'- This time I will succeed. No one has ever been able to survive my magic arrow.' Erniirí closed his eyes, sure that this time he can rest in peace.



Everyone opened their mouths, even Erniirí came back to life again and looked agape at what happened.

The mana sword that targeted Delia's head was successfully deflected by the swift movement of her spear.

'- Mn, that extraordinary feeling… I felt it again… But this time I am most certain it won't happen again!'

However, the sword of mana cruelly returned to hurl itself against Delia

Victor was the quickest to recover from the shock and started running in Delia's direction. After all...

'- Religious people can't be skilled in close combat! All this has happened by pure luck! I must help Miss Emilia before-...!'



Neither Victor nor Erniirí could take it anymore. Victor fell to the ground, and Erniirí died of injustice. Neither of them thought Delia would survive the third attack, but there she is. Alive and well.

'- Mn, that extraordinary feeling... I felt it again. In fact, it doesn't seem so extraordinary anymore.'

Delia felt that the feeling could be evoked again with the greatest of ease.

'- I'm confused... Was I saved by my skill with the spear? Or was it pure luck?'

Once Victor got up from the ground and dusted himself off, he walked over to where Delia was and watched her from all directions. He relaxed when he realized that she was unharmed, and that only her cloak ended up with some damage.

'- The first time could be a coincidence, the second could be luck, the third could be a miracle. But the fourth… That's pure skill. Now I understand why a Saint is protecting her... Emilia is a fighting nun.'

As he came to this conclusion, he couldn't help but look up to the sky and think '-My Holy God Solus. Will the Holy Knights be out of a job?'

Until now, they were the only ones who could fight and heal at the same time. But now Delia opened up a new possibility. It seems that Priestesses can also fight if they put their minds to it!

'- Wait... Wait, Wait! Has her class ever been verified?' Victor's eyes widened at the thought of such a possibility.

"Miss Emilia, could I borrow your hand for a moment?"

"Mm? Yes, go ahead'' Delia stretched out her hand towards Victor.

Víctor's combat experience cannot be underestimated. Even when Delia gave her full attention towards Victor's action, she wasn't able to see how he used a magic item to corroborate her identity.

"Hm, your hand is that of a woman who has trained a lot."

"Mn! I train every day!"

He smiled in response, but his smile didn't last long.

[Emilia] [Priestess Lvl 18]

'- My Holy God Solus...'

He couldn't help but look up at the sky again.

"Is something wrong Victor?"

"N-nothing at all, I..."

He stopped his words midway. This is because, for the first time, he managed to catch a glimpse of Delia's tails. She has always covered herself with a cloak. So, it's very hard to remember her body because of the magic item she carries. But now everything is different.

'- Three tails? Is she a purebred?'

Delia: "!!!!"

Upon noticing his gaze, Delia quickly rearranged her cloak so that her body was covered. Although the cloak possesses some holes due to the previous battle, she somehow managed to cover herself.

'- Will Victor be able to remember what I look like?' Delia felt a little worried.

"Miss Emilia, this place is not safe. I will do my best to have more guards added for your protection. Now, please, follow me" With that said, Victor turned around and started walking.

"Mn, okay"

'- He doesn't seem to mind my appearance. If so, then... He'll forget the details about me quickly.'

Obediently, Delia walked after Victor to prevent something similar from happening again.

'- 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3'

Unaware that Victor is doing his best to remember the number of her tails.


Victor's request was accepted, and Delia was granted two more guards.

While she was getting acquainted with her new guards, Victor walked over to the tent belonging to Commander Cael.

'- 3 3 3 5 5 5 5... No, wait. It was three! Don't forget! 3 3 3 7 7 7 7... Damn it. At this rate, I'm going to forget it. I have to write it down!'

The Perception Inhibitor continued to act on Victor, but since it acts mostly on the face, he was able to remember that number for a longer time.

Just before he reached his destination, he managed to write it down on a piece of paper.

"If you are coming in such a hurry, there must be some new information that is important. Have you written it down?" Commander Cael asked from behind his desk, looking at the paper in Víctor's hands.

"That's right, commander."

In order for Delia to get even more guards, he drafted a report about everything that happened. And many people witnessed the situation, so it was as objective as possible.

"Is that paper? Hand it over," Cael stretched out his hand.

Very proud, Victor handed him the paper and lifted his chest, implying that he had made a significant contribution.

After reading it, Cael gritted his teeth and looked at Victor.

"What's this?"

With a smile, Victor said, "The winning lottery numbers!"


Cael: "..."

'- I see… If you wanted to die, you should have said it clearly. I'll gladly stab you.' With a twisted smile, Cael took the dagger from his waist.

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