Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 192: How dare you use such trickery?! You disappoint me!

Ch 192: How dare you use such trickery?! You disappoint me!

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There you can find 18 chapters in advance. Thanks to my patrons and to those who comment on the chapters. It means a lot to me and motivates me to continue this hobby of mine.

And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


For a moment, I stood still on the spot with only General Hernan's shield; it would be impossible for me to survive such a disaster, but then... the soul returned to my body.

"That magic is not directed at me."

Because of the initial fright, I overlooked something very important.

'Since when would arrogant mages cast large-scale magic just to assassinate a person?'

Although my nickname as the Golden Archer has gained some fame, this is still in the range of 'someone outstanding' but that's about it. Spending such resources on someone outstanding is out of the question. They are most likely attacking the retreating group. However…

"That magic will be catastrophic. Before, we were able to defend against it because all the knights of the Tower Brigade were still alive, but now… I must escape."

I covered my head with the tower shield that General Hernan gifted me, and then I ran like hell. I wish I could activate the [Agility] profile to run faster. But a thousand times I'd rather have the [Luck] profile activated!

"Come on, Emir!!! Prove that your night training is good for something!!!!"

Due to the shortage of points, my legs quickly began to lose strength. I had no choice but to encourage myself to strengthen my will.

In the seconds that followed, the fucking magic passed over my head, temporarily dyeing the sky red. Although a few isolated fireballs fell near me, none fell on my position, fortunately.

And then the magic reached its destination.


"AAAAHH!!!" I shouted in a very masculine way as I continued running.

"Goofuh!!!" And then I fell into a hole. In a very manly way, by the way.

'That the stupid shield crushed me doesn't make my falling any less manly at all.'

"Who dug a freaking hole in this place-....?!"


My words were interrupted.

With the passing of the magical wave, the temperature quickly increased in intensity; even some embers floated in the air. Anyone on the ground would be harmed in some way; the heat would practically pass through any type of armor, with the exception of those fused with anti-magic runes.

In the seconds that followed, I saw illusions typical of a desert with hellish temperatures. Only when the air returned to normal did I exit the hole.

Then I witnessed the destruction caused by magic.

''My Holy God Solus...''

'If I hadn't fallen into that hole, would the shield have been enough to save me?'

Although I could answer that question, I'd rather not.

"The mages will need some time to coordinate their aria. I must escape in the meantime!"

Everyone owns their own life. Whether the allies survived or not is not my problem.

Which is why I ran without looking back.

In the position I am in, I risk attacks from both sides. So since I am on the front lines of the war, the safest place is the one where the Castemira kingdom's army is fighting in close combat. Although when I get there I will have to fight the enemy trying to advance, if I make some space, I am sure I can retreat to a safe area…

The hard part will be maintaining my identity as the Golden Archer. There will be so little space that I will have almost no time to aim before an enemy approaches, but I am confident that if I plan well the use of my skill arrows and common arrows, I will be able to survive!

"But just in case, I'll hang a sword at my waist and keep my bow in hand!"

'I won't be able to activate Wind Slash, but at least I'll be able to activate Breath. I'll do my best not to let them link Emir to the Golden Archer!'

After running for several minutes, I arrived in front of the Castemira kingdom's army.

[Dylan] [Knight Lvl 8]

"Stop right there! Who are you?! Identify yourself!" shouted Dylan.

It's normal to be suspicious of someone who suddenly arrives, especially when a bloody war is being waged only a few meters away.

"I am the Golden Archer. I got separated from my group due to the enemy attack-...." I was about to show the insignia on my shoulder when Dylan interrupted me.

"Golden Archer? I don't know you! Take off that mask and show me your true appearance or else...!"

"Wait!" someone stopped Dylan.

The one who approached is a beautiful woman with long blue hair and yellow eyes. Despite her armor, it's possible to tell that not only is her face beautiful, she also possesses a beautiful figure.

[Stella Damore] [Warrior Lvl 11]

'Ah, if she is here, that means...'

[Yair Cangani]

'I knew it! That guy is nearby too!'

According to my map, Yair is only tens of meters away. With the frequent changes in the war, it can be considered lucky that I met up with Stella instead of that guy. Especially since both armies are fighting fiercely within 100 meters of us.

"Captain? Why are you in this position? You should-"

"No time to explain," Stella shook her head and then pointed her finger at me, "I saw it all. He tells the truth, he comes from the archers division."

"Is that so? I understand, then... What should we do with him?"

After Dylan's words, Stella looks at me from head to toe, but then she squints her eyes and looks at me strangely.

'- Why can't I remember what he looks like? No matter how much I look at him, within seconds I forget everything.'

'Right, if I continue to keep my [Perception Inhibitor] at full strength, I fear they will end up forgetting me and start doubting me again. Before, I didn't provoke suspicion because, in the distance, it was difficult for her to see me completely, but being close, that shouldn't be the case.'

'- Hm? What a strange thing... Now I can. Could it have been my imagination? Well, he stopped being suspicious.'

"Miss, as you know, I've been running all the way to this position. Somehow I managed to survive the lightning magic and then the fire magic with which the enemy attacked us, but I am exhausted. I'm afraid that if you send me to fight now, you'll only be sending me to die," I shook my head.

Because I fell into that hole, my clothes are dirty. But that's not what's important.

What's really important is that this appearance implies that I've made great sacrifices for the sake of getting to this place by squeezing all my remaining strength in order to survive a hellish battle.

If Stella is smart, then she will know what to do.

"Yes, you're right. You deserve to have a rest" Stella nodded "Dylan, escort him to safety."

"Yes, captain. Golden Archer, follow me."

After saying goodbye to Stella, I sighed in relief. From start to finish, she didn't recognize me. That's a good thing. She, along with Yair, spent quite a bit of time with me in the knight’s test. They are the closest people to recognizing my real identity.

If Yair made it, then Stella has a high chance too.

But well, that was before I got the [Perception Inhibitor]. As long as I have it at full strength, even my parents won't be able to recognize me-...!

'No... With their luck, I'm afraid the necklace will break and a squirrel will fall out of a tree to take off my mask. If it's my parents, the sky's the limit.'

I kept walking after Dylan for a few minutes, during which he flashed his badge proving his identity and then mine. He appears to be someone known.

Thankfully, they didn't verify our identity using a magic item.

"General, Captain Stella is in an unauthorized location. Could you do something about it?" Dylan ratted Stella out to the General.

'Even though that girl has men under her command, she's still not allowed to be in dangerous places, huh?.'

After all, Stella and Yair are nobles of royal blood.

That reminds me, I haven't investigated the circumstances that led them to become knights... Although I can deduce it. They have older siblings who will inherit everything, and that's why they want to make a name for themselves.

I have no proof, but no doubts either.

''Golden Archer, you can continue on your own from here on out. You only need to keep walking in that direction. We've already overcome all the barriers, so you can rest assured that this is a safe place'' Dylan nodded with a sincere smile.

Thanks to Dylan's support, I managed to get far enough away from the frontline.

"Thanks, I wish you luck." I replied.

"Likewise. I'll say goodbye; I must get back to Captain Stella."

Now that Dylan understands that I'm not an enemy, let alone a spy, his attitude has changed completely. He is kinder and speaks with respect. Somehow he reminds me of Alex, Yair's subordinate.

After his departure, I was left alone in the place.

Each military division is performing a formation that leaves empty spaces between each of them to promote mobility.

I am currently in one of those spaces. It is so quiet compared to the front that my heart has finally stopped beating fast. It is true what they say: You will only appreciate peace after witnessing war. Because, although nothing has changed, everything seems different now.

'Well, it is no longer necessary to have so much [Luck]. I will return the points to their original location.'

As soon as I did so, a man fell from the sky close to me.

"Little Dorian! How dare you use such trickery?! You disappoint me!"

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