Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 216: WHAT?!

Ch 216: WHAT?!

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And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


'If I have this class and the light is enveloping the three of us, will Alessia and Delia have a new class as well?'

[Harem Member Lvl 1]

My two women's statuses show that class available to them.

"What is that light?" my parents ask in unison.

'- I guess since we're the enlightened ones, they think we know what happened, but I don't have the slightest idea.'

'- Is this... Is this a divine sign of God Solus giving his blessing to our relationship? Oh my God'

I can see Delia and Alessia look at each other in confusion as the light begins to fade.

While we are still glowing, Delia moves away from my mother and Alessia to come sit next to me hurriedly.

'I think I should explain to them what's going on, even though I don't know much myself.'

"That was the sign that we got a new class, but I have no idea why we were engulfed by that pink light," I say, drawing stares from the other four people in the room.

'- Maybe the new class is a gift from God Solus as part of his blessing. Wait… How does he know that we got a new class?'

"A class that makes a sign when it is acquired?" asks my mother, confused.

"That sounds like a very rare and legendary class! What's it called?" asks my father excitedly, and I see that Alessia is also eager for the information.

'- Why are they asking Emir for the name of the class? Does he have a way to know that?'

'I don't think they'll like the name of the class, but since they asked...'

"Harem Lord, in my case… And in Alessia and Delia's case... Harem members," I say flatly.

'Best to get the information out as soon as possible so they have more time to accept it.'

'- What a... strange name for a divine gift...'

'- Does that mean that now my perverted master will have an excuse to find more women to add to our... relationship? Over my dead body!'

"What a strange name... We've never heard of that class before," says my dad, laughing nervously as my mom looks like she's about to kick me out of the house again, "... but surely it's an ultra-rare, legendary class!"

"Great. Another legendary class," I say, with very little conviction in my voice.

'If Hero has such an innocent name and had those annoying hidden side effects, what side effects could this class have that sound anything but innocent?'

As I think about this, I look at the new class with suspicion.

"Another one?" ask the four of them, not understanding.

"Ahh, yes... I recently got the Hero class." I say distractedly.

'But it's a class that affects both me and my girls....

And it seems to generate some sort of bond between us. It would be a waste not to take advantage of it....

Besides, the Survivor class hardly levels up anymore lately because it's at level 37….

Yes, I think this new class could be a good replacement...

And my girls can use any new class they can get because they still have a lot of slots for additional classes unassigned…

I'm going to create a mental note to edit our statuses when I get the chance.'

"WHAT?!" Alessia and my parents ask in disbelief.

Delia looks just as shocked, but my parents' presence must intimidate her because since we entered the house, she's barely uttered a word in their presence.

'- The legendary class par excellence. The one that defends people from evil... And Harem Lord... Well, with that class, it looks like my son will be guaranteed to have fun in life. I knew that the family luck would benefit our son enormously, but I didn't think it would be that much'

'- That's more like something I would expect from my son. Still... what is this Harem Lord shit? It's the first time I feel like the family's luck is working against me'

Unbeknownst to them, both parents had very different reactions to the news of their son's legendary classes.

"That's great, son. Isn't that great, Emilia?" says my father smiling and looking at his wife.

"Yes... But the class he just got..." says my mother, with a tense smile.

"We still don't know anything about that class. We'll have to ask our friends in the capital, but.... Hero! We raised a hero! That's something very few people in history can boast about," says my father with contagious enthusiasm.

"Yes, you're right," says Emilia, and she begins to smile sincerely.

On the other hand, Alessia and Delia are also very impressed, but neither of them says anything about it.

'- Our story is becoming more and more like the one in the legends. The story of love between the Saint and the Hero… I always loved that story'

'- I knew Master would be someone great, even if he doesn't seem to like the idea of being noticed. But I never imagined that he would be one of the few chosen in history to acquire the Hero class. And I am his woman... His first woman!'

"It's actually not as cool as it sounds. It just allows me to use one new skill," I say, pulling my sword out of my inventory and activating my "Weapon of Justice" skill by saying those words.

'And despite how good the skill is, the class has... certain nasty side effects' I think as I put my sword away again.

"That'll probably change when the class levels up, but even if it doesn't.... this class makes you someone very important to the kingdoms..." says my mother, rubbing her hands together with growing enthusiasm.

"... All heroes in history have some characteristics in common: an accelerated level of development in their capacities and skills that can tip the balance of any war, and all of them have contributed to the progress and salvation of society in incredible ways."

"And that's why we don't recommend you reveal that you have this class to anyone you don't trust in the kingdom. Things can get out of hand very quickly," says my father with sudden seriousness, and my mother nods in return.

"Ok, I understand what you mean... But about the classes we just got..."

"We don't know anything," they both say in unison, and my mother's smile sours a little at the mention of our new classes.

"You can look in the library in the capital." says my father.

"But I doubt you'll find any information about a class with that name." says my mother as the smile fades from her face.

"Anyway, we have... more reliable sources of information..."  says my father with a wolfish grin.

"... If there really is some information about that class somewhere, in a few days we will surely know a bit more about it. One thing is for sure: it's an extremely rare class."

'Surely the acquisition of such rare classes is the product of having so much Luck combined in one place, coupled with the experience discount….

If my parents' luck can rain penguins from the sky....

What couldn't happen when you add my Luck profile and Delia's divine luck to the mix....

Come to think of it...

Blue Wind's upgrade condition...'

I quickly deactivate the Luck profile before more seemingly impossible things happen to us.

The last thing I need right now is for a zombie dragon to appear near us.

'I've already had too much excitement for one day'

"For the moment, we can only recommend the same as with the Hero class. Don't reveal to anyone that you have these classes.... Their names don't seem very... I don't think they would be well regarded by the Solus Temple," says my mother, rubbing her eyebrows with her index finger and thumb.

'- I won't say anything so as not to upset Emir's mother, but she's wrong. If this class is as rare as they say, it can only be considered a miracle to get it. And if so, the Solus Temple can't look down on it.... Unless... no, the Solus Temple people have always done the right things.'

"Now that you have the Hero class you just need a talking weapon to be just like the characters in the stories my mother used to tell me as a child..." says Alessia, joking as she laughs at her own joke.

"... as if those things actually existed".

"Yeah, well...." I say laughing for a completely different reason than Alessia. "... In fact, I may have accidentally contributed to the creation of one."

Alessia, Joel, and Emilia: "WHAT?!!!"

'Ha.... This time the screams of the three of them must have been heard by the neighbors.'

I then signal Delia to take Blue Wind out of its storage ring and begin to explain to my parents and Alessia how the weapon was created and how, when touched by Delia, it changed to become a weapon with a conscience.

Halfway through my explanation, Delia had to put Blue Wind back into her ring as the spear kept insulting me and, to Delia's surprise, my parents.

According to Delia, the spear kept trying to convince her that we were bad people and that she should get away from us immediately.

It is a surprise to me that Delia can avoid communicating with her weapon by keeping it in her ring, but it is very valuable information.

'All in all, my inventory is much better than any storage ring. Muahaha. It looks like there's more than one way to reeducate that foul-mouthed spear.'

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