Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 228: I didn’t ask for this responsibility….

Ch 228: I didn’t ask for this responsibility….

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It is still very early in the morning, and we are already at our home in the capital of the kingdom, Altamira, after having passed through the illusory door that I created in the bedroom of the Solitary Temple.

'- So he can really use space travel to travel directly to a large city... And without reciting any spells! Haa... It seems that my Master will never cease to amaze me, but... is he aware that, if the nobles ever find out about this, he would be hunted down and imprisoned?'

Since we're not supposed to have secrets from each other, I've decided to stop pretending I need to recite the spell to use Space travel and start using it freely when I'm with my girls.

'Alessia's expression is priceless... but Delia doesn't seem surprised at my ability to use space travel... how skilled does she think I am that she's not surprised by this sort of thing'

"Well, here we are..." I say, making a sweeping gesture with my right hand towards the main room of the house as I look at Delia with a smile.

"... From now on, this will be your new home."

But Delia's reaction seems to be quite different from what I thought it would be.

"Mine? Oh, no, no, no, no. I shouldn't..." says Delia, dismayed by the spacious living room.

"... I.... I don't know how to feel about this."

'Haaa... in retrospect, I should have expected this....

I had forgotten that religious people are not supposed to be attached to material things....

Or at least that's what the Solus temple says....

I remember the same thing happening when I gave her Blue wind....

Hmm, I could tell her that this is simply a loan, like that time...

But I won't...

At some point, Delia will have to change those old Solus temple habits and accept that she is a free person to do what she wants, and this moment is as good as any other.'

"Delia, this property was once bought by me to be the place where I could spend my days in peace and quiet with my partner..." I say, reaching out with my right arm to hug Alessia's waist, who seems very content and lets herself be pulled to my side.

"... and that, for some time now, has also included you. If you really believe that we are predestined, you should accept that those old ways taught to you by the Solus Temple don't apply to us." I say, extending my left hand towards her.

"I do believe we are fated! But... I don't-" says Delia hesitantly.

A bit frustrated, I look to Alessia for help.

"Emir is right, Delia. You can't think we're meant to be together while still keeping all those Solus Temple customs. After all, if they ever find out about this relationship we have, it probably wouldn't go over well with the temple," Alessia says, smiling amused.

'Hmm... maybe I shouldn't have asked Alessia for help?

It's true that she said she would accept Delia, but....

It seems she'll still use any opportunity she gets to get my Saint to leave us and go back to the temple'

'- Alessia doesn't know what she's talking about. If the Solus temple learns of our relationship, they will accept the relationship I have with Emir and Alessia for what it is. A miracle worthy of a legend. After all, the Saints in the kingdom are really very few, and most of them only stay at level one, two, or three for their entire lives. I, on the other hand, have not only regained my class, thanks to Emir, but my class has even gone up to level 7! The number of people who have reached that level in the Saint class in history can be counted on the fingers of one hand'

Delia stays quiet and thoughtful, but she accepts my hand and lets me hug her, the same way I did with Alessia.

"Haa... what I mean is, if we really want this relationship to work, you can't keep freaking out every time I give you a gift, because I love you and I plan to give you many more gifts in the future," I say, kissing the fox girl's forehead.

At this, Delia blushes and smiles shyly, after which she nods very slowly.

'- How can she act this shy and adorable at times like this and then in bed be so... wild? This girl confuses me. I suppose it's all due to Master's influence'

"Weren't we going to have breakfast, Master? I'm going to need you to let go of me so I can go to the kitchen," says Alessia, who suddenly looks uncomfortable for some reason.

"Yes, that's right. Do you want me to help you?" I say, releasing the blonde girl from my embrace at the same time as I gently stroke her back.

Alessia trembles in response and says affectionately, "No need, Master. You go rest, and we'll have breakfast ready in a jiffy. Come, Delia."

Without waiting for any response, she takes Delia by the hand and, forcibly releasing her from my embrace, leads her towards the kitchen, leaving me alone in the dining room.

'Well... What do I do now?'


"Hrm... Emir... There's something I still don't understand," says Delia, hesitantly, as she nibbles on a piece of toast with jam.

The three of us are sitting at the dining room table, eating the exaggerated amount of food that Alessia and Delia have prepared.

On the table in front of us, there are things as simple as toast with jam, different types of meat and eggs cooked in various and complex ways, and even some desserts.

'More than a breakfast, this looks like some sort of banquet....

It seems that their competition continued in the kitchen....

I don't understand how they were able to cook all this in such a short time...

I have to see how to change this new dynamic between them....

At first, I thought it was fun, but now it's starting to wear on me....

Ugh, I can't eat anymore; I'm so full....

But it's all so delicious...

Who did they think would eat all this food?...

If it weren't for my inventory, which allows me to keep the food in good condition indefinitely, we would have to throw away more than half of what they prepared'

"What thing don't you understand?" I ask, taking advantage of the comment to avert my gaze from the tempting mountain of food still in front of me.

"Maybe it's silly for me to ask, but.... Why haven't you freed Alessia from her enslavement?..." says Delia, looking at me with a slight frown.

"... I mean, I know you don't see her as a slave.... So-"

The fox girl leaves the sentence unfinished, undecided on how she should go on with what she wants to say.

'- How dare she ask my Master that question?! This is a private matter between him and me. She has no right!'

"Yes, I understand what you mean. I really wouldn't know how to explain the reason why I haven't decided to release Alessia yet.... But if I had to say a reason, I think it's because she's never asked me to..." I say, suddenly confused.

'It's not like I've never thought about this....

But I never seriously thought about it...

Hmm, that's right, I should release Alessia if I want the three of us to be equals in this relationship.'

"...But I think you have-"

"And I will never ask you to!" exclaims Alessia, interrupting my words, suddenly very upset and irritated, looking at Delia as if she wants to throw the knife in her hand at the fox girl. "I don't mind being your slave, Master, so don't worry about it."

'Why is she reacting like that? She almost looks scared about the possibility of being freed by me’

'- I certainly didn't like people knowing I was a slave. The way they look at me is as if I were an object they could buy. But that hasn't bothered me for a long time now. Ever since my Master figured out how to hide my status from the rest of the world.... No... it was before that... The truth is that I don't dislike people knowing that I'm Emir's slave..... It is a visible proof that reminds me and others how deeply he and I are connected. A greater connection than my Master could have with ANY other woman who does not give herself to him in the way I do.'

"But-" Delia begins to say in a soft tone of voice, looking confusedly at Alessia and refusing to drop the subject.

But she is interrupted by the blonde-haired girl.

'-Agh... Why won't she shut up? She seems determined to annoy me! But I'm not going to let her get away with it. I am Emir's, my whole being is his, and I don't care what this self-righteous girl thinks about it.'

"In any case! to put Delia's mind at rest so she'll stop distur.... Worry about me; you could give me an order that allows me to ignore all the orders I have been given in the past or that you are going to give me in the future; that way I would be a slave in name only," says Alessia through gritted teeth, looking at the table with growing irritation.

"I... Are you sure?..." I say, as confused as Delia is by Alessia's reaction.

"...think that, even if you are a slave in name only, you would still be my slave and, if I were to die, you would be left as a slave without a Master, which would leave you in a precarious situation."

At my words, Alessia simply looks at me with a sad look on her face. "If Master were to die, I would not want to continue living in a world without you. I'm sure I would rush to follow you wherever you went."

'WHAT? Did she just indirectly say that she intends to commit suicide if I die?...

No, no, no... This is too much... I didn't ask for this responsibility....

I want my girls to love me, but not to the point where they can't live without me....

But now Alessia seems very irritable for some reason I don't know, so I won't delve into the subject....

Anyway, at some point we will definitely have to talk about this....

It is true that I could give her an order that would prevent her from committing suicide....

But that would take away her freedom....

Also, if I follow her idea of giving her an order that allows her to ignore any other order, I would not be able to prevent her from thinking that way simply by giving her an order....

No, I have to talk to her about this....

As many times as necessary until she understands. Anyway...

It's ironic how, being that she didn't like being seen as a slave before, now she wants to remain as one....

but I guess that, since I can hide her status with my UI, it's really never going to negatively affect her.... Well done, user interface!'

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