Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 238: Do you love her?

Ch 238: Do you love her?

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Thanks to my patrons and to those who comment on the chapters. It means a lot to me and motivates me to continue this hobby of mine.

And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


"I can try to help you with that," Alessia says, pressing herself a little more against my body.

'I love this sense of inner peace.... Why can't we always be like this?'

I'm lying on my back on the bed while my right hand makes lazy circles on Alessia's back, who is on her side, hugging the right side of my body.

"You seem to be getting along better with Delia already..." I tell her as I reminisce about what happened just a few minutes ago, after they both completed their morning duties.

As soon as I released my load, Alessia went back to monopolizing it all.

But then she seemed to remember what I had told her yesterday, and, moving closer to Delia, she shared some of the sticky liquid with her through a kiss, which Delia accepted somewhat shyly but with a happy expression on her face.

That scene turned me on again, and for a few hours, we devoted ourselves to giving free rein to our most primal desires.

This left us in the exhausted state we are in now, despite the fact that we only woke up a few hours ago.

"... Have you completely accepted the idea of not being my only woman?"

"Yeah, I guess I'm slowly coming around to the idea. Haa... I've come to the conclusion that, as much as it annoys me, I can't have that much of a problem with you having more women following you around. I've already realized that my perverted master is too powerful and libidinous to be satisfied with just one woman..." She says playfully, softly tapping my little friend, who is now flaccid and exhausted after having battled for so long.

"... But, if something like this happens again, I want you to tell me! You haven't slept with anyone else, have you?"

As she says those words, the blonde girl suddenly grabs my balls tightly.

Hesitating as to whether I'm doing the right thing, given the situation, I say, "Well.... Don't get mad, but the point is that...."

'Since Delia and Alessia know each other, and since the thing doesn't seem to have ended that badly....

I guess I don't lose anything by telling them about Melisa....

Besides, it's probably better to tell Alessia now, when she is experiencing a dose of post-coital bliss, before Hero forces me to do it at any other time.'

So I get ready to tell her about Melisa, while Alessia still has my balls clutched in her hand.

'I hope I'm not committing suicide as a man with this confession.'


"I agree with Alessia. I think you should have told us about this before. But, considering the circumstances, I guess it's understandable...." Delia says, after listening to Alessia's explanation.

"... After all, it's only been a few days that Alessia and I have known about this special relationship the three of us have. When are you going to bring her in?"

"What do you mean?" I ask, confused.

After I told Alessia my story with Melisa, the blonde girl started screaming for Delia.

She then set about telling the fox girl what I had just explained to her.

At first, Alessia took the news that I had been with another woman besides her and Delia very negatively.

But when the little fox girl Saint came to our room and Alessia finished telling her everything, the calmness with which Delia took the news seemed to quell Alessia's anger to a great extent.

"I think it's pretty clear what she meant. When do you plan to bring Melisa here?" says Alessia in a growl, still in a bad mood but controlling her voice so as not to shout.

'- Agh... If Delia plans to take it this way, I can't show my anger. If I do, it will appear that she's much more secure in her relationship with Emir than I am. At times, I'd like my partner to be a little less understanding and a little more temperamental.'

"But... Didn't you understand what I told you? She doesn't know about you, and, based on what I know about her, I don't think she's interested in this kind of relationship we have," I say, concerned.

'Fortunately, Alessia dropped my balls as soon as I started telling her about Melisa…

Probably because of how surprised she was...

But if I'm going to tell Melisa that I slept with her while I was already in a romantic relationship with two other women....

No, wait...

She's more guilty than I am. It's true that I had to seduce her at old Gerald's request, but I never imagined that she would drug me that day...

If you look at it that way...

I am the victim'

"We get it... But you are interested in her, aren't you?" asks Alessia sharply.

' - Why does my womanizing Master have to complicate things so much?! Seen from the outside, I am sure it looks like we're the ones who are convincing him to have other women besides us instead of being the victims of his stupidity.'

"Yes... I guess you could say that." I say, hesitantly, not quite sure what to think of my relationship with Melisa.

'It's true that everything with Melisa started in a very strange way, but I've learned to appreciate Melisa's company and to value her as a woman.'

"Do you love her?" asks Delia.

'- That's the only question that should matter to us. If Emir loves that woman, clearly she is someone else who is meant to be with us. And if Emir doesn't love her, well.... anyone can commit a mistake once in a while'

"What?! No, I don't think I love her. I just... It's complicated," I say in a daze.

'I'm sure I don't love Melisa. I can't love her... Apart from having had sex with her, I don't even know her!'

'- I think if Master keeps saying that this is complicated, I'm going to punch him in the balls! How can anyone be so oblivious and thoughtless? He's the one who got us into this!... But there's no use lamenting over spilled milk. Master slept with that woman in the past, and, knowing him, I know he will do so in the future…. With that in mind, I want to know everything there is to know about that woman. I am his first wife!... To some extent, I don't care anymore if I have to share him. But from now on, I'm going to keep a close eye on whatever he does with other women…. I won't let anyone steal him from me!'

"Haaa.... Yeah, I can imagine. In any case, if she can become a woman who is going to have some kind of..... relationship with you, I want to meet her," Alessia says with tension both in her voice and in her eyes after a prolonged sigh.

"Yes, me too..." says Delia, though her look is much softer.

".... I want to know everything about you."

"I still think this is a bad idea. I'd rather-" I start to say, but am rudely interrupted by an exasperated Alessia.

"I don't give a shit what you'd prefer. YOU got us into this, and now it's YOUR duty to fix it..." says Alessia, emphasizing certain words as she speaks.

"... Will-you-go-get-that-woman-and-bring-her-here? or do I need to talk to your parents about it to get you to listen to me, like you're a fucking spoiled BRAT?"

"Alessia, I don't believe this is the best way to talk about it.... We shouldn't be threatening each oth-" Delia says sheepishly, at Alessia's outburst of fury.

"Don't defend him! I don't like this either, but it seems the only way to get him to see reason is to threaten him with his parents...." says Alessia, snorting in exasperation.

"... They're the only ones who seem to have any control over my airhead master."

'Agh… I hate when she treats me like a little kid....

But it's her anger that speaks through her, and to some extent, she's right....

I got us into this mess.....

Anyway, it seems that Alessia is actually much angrier than she lets on....


That being the case, I'm left with no choice. I'll have to go to see Melisa'

"Erm... I was just saying that-" Delia speaks again, but this time I'm the one interrupting her as I affectionately rest a hand on hers.

"It's okay, Delia. Alessia is right. Haa, fine, I'll try to bring her here..." I say, resigning myself to my fate.

"... But I'm telling you right now, I don't think Melisa is going to take the news well."

'- Agh… it almost seems like I'm the bad one in this situation. Damn you, Delia, and your exaggerated empathy.'

"You just need to go talk to her, and.... we'll see what to do, depending on her reaction," Alessia says in a steely voice as she rubs the area between her eyebrows, looking very frazzled.

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