Did she already know what I would ask her for?

Ch 241: There are times when I don’t really understands my girls

Ch 241: There are times when I don’t really understands my girls

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And, of course, thanks to everyone who reads this novel.


'Now I don't have to worry about getting Melisa to agree to go level up in the labyrinths.... Whether she wants to or not, that new class will level up with every visit from me.'

"... Changing the subject, I guess that means you succeeded in your intentions, right?" I say, looking meaningfully at Alessia.

"Yes. We have reached a.... mutually beneficial agreement," Alessia says cryptically.

'Wow! I didn't think she'd make it... It seems that Alessia is much more skilled with words than I imagined.'

After that, the three of them briefly explained to me the details of their agreement.

It seems they agreed that it is in everyone's best interest for the three of them to accept my relationship with each other, even if it might be that they don't quite accept each other.

'This outcome doesn't fully please me, but, considering the situation, I'll have to settle for now....

I know that Delia and Alessia have already accepted each other, and I even suspect that they are starting to think affectionately of each other....

And Melisa...

I might be the third in discord between them for now, but that's because they don't know each other well...

And if it happens, even when they know each other, they don't get along well…


That will be a problem for the future Emir...

I will figure something out'

When they were done with their explanation, Delia asked me to take her and Alessia back to our house in the capital, as the Saint was not yet done with her prayers for the day.

Alessia agreed, saying she was exhausted, even when they only spent several hours talking.

So the three of us got up to leave Melisa's house.

When we reached the exit...

"It's so good to see you again, Emir. You are, as always, a delight to the eyes. And about what happened earlier today..." says Melisa, coming very close to me to give me a chaste kiss on the cheek, where she had slapped me just today.

"... I trust you will know how to forgive me."

While she pronounces those last words in a hoarse voice, she caresses my crotch with one hand, slyly but conscientiously.

'- Watch and learn, you brats. That's how a lady behaves. Calm and serene on the outside, but a bitch on the inside. I can no longer behave around Emir the way I have been behaving. If I'm going to have competition, I have to give it my all. These girls are 10 years too young to be able to compete with me.'

Alessia doesn't seem to have noticed what Melisa is doing, but based on the frowning look she's giving her, I can tell she doesn't like the woman.

This leads me to wonder, once again, why she might have wanted to include Melisa in this polyamorous relationship that previously had just her, Delia, and me.

'- Haa... I have to be patient. For now, this is the best thing for Master. Sooner or later, he'll get bored of that old lady'

"Yes, I understand... There's nothing to forgive..." I say, trying my best to hide Melisa's hand, which is rubbing my crotch harder and harder, from Alessia's gaze.

Delia, on the other hand, does notice each and every one of Melisa's actions.

'- I knew it! This is going to be so fun. Would it be inappropriate if I asked Emir to bring Melisa tonight to.... our house? Hmm, but I don't think Alessia would be too happy with the idea.... And I still have to finish my prayers to the Solus god.... Haa... What a pity'

"... Well. I'll see you around," I say, roughly taking her naughty hand and giving it a soft kiss on the back.

Then I slowly pull away from the farmer before the erection I'm starting to feel in my pants encourages me to do other things with the mature woman.

"Yes, I hope you come back this way soon. I'll be waiting for you. I'm going to be more than ready to receive you inside~" she says with a mischievous smile as she releases that sentence with a clear double meaning in front of Alessia and Delia.

'Haa... For better or worse, it seems like life is going to be very interesting from now on...'


It's been a while since noon, and I'm walking through the war zone forest located in the Drial Cenit area while nibbling on a piece of roasted bear meat that I've taken out of my inventory.

I'm on my way to see Cael after having done a little hunting for the commander.

Sniper, my new class, gave me access to a rather useful skill.

[Eagle's eye Lvl 1] [0|3] [Nothing escapes the eagle's sight. Concentrates mana on the user's vision to increase the distance of vision to the extreme].

This new skill, combined with my interface map, my Strength profile, and a scroll of silence, allowed me to eliminate 23 enemy soldiers without the risk of exposing myself.

All this from the safety of my elevated position in the treetops, miles away from the enemy soldiers.

And since, thanks to my enhanced vision, I always eliminated the one with the flare first, the groups of enemy soldiers didn't even have a chance to raise the alarm.

Today, unlike that day when I came with Alessia, the groups of enemy soldiers are composed of fewer members.

The largest group I saw today consisted of only 5 members.

On the other hand, there are many, many more groups patrolling the area.

The only bad thing about this strategy is that I feel a bit sorry for the fact that lately I always end up using my bow, leaving aside my great sword for emergency situations.

Even despite the fact that sword combat was the first thing I learned from my parents in my short life.

Then there's also the fact that I hardly use my Wind Slash Sword Style skill.

It's an amazing skill, and I should get more out of it when I fight, but I never find the need to use it.

'Hmm, from now on, I'm going to use my sword more in the labyrinths.... Agh... How boring it is to try not to stand out....'

Following what I discovered the last time I came to this area, I came to the conclusion that I have to be much more careful about where I use space travel.

Since apparently there are people who can hide from my interface map and who could be watching me without me knowing it.

For that reason, right now I am walking back to our army while I look around very cautiously and pretend to be just another ordinary soldier.

The enemy soldiers already saw, when I came with Alessia, that the Golden Archer has a method to use space travel in the war zone, something that should be impossible.

But I'm sure they imagined that it was thanks to the sacrifice of some magic item or something like that.

However, if I were to be seen using space travel on a daily basis in their territory, the bounty on my head would rise astronomically.

In fact, it could be the case that such information would leak into the ranks of our kingdom, causing me to have to watch out for both armies.

This ability of mine would make me the subject of experiments by the kingdoms, just as they did in the past with the sages, according to the story my parents told me.

'... But I have to be cautious with my abilities. At least for now. Surely there will come a point where I'll be so strong that I won't have to worry about hiding what I can do.... If only everything in life could be resolved with strength.'

As I walk, I reminisce about what happened yesterday on the way home.

As soon as we got to our house, Alessia and Delia showed that they were much more upset than they had let on at Melisa's.

All thanks to that jerk old Gerald.

Apparently, while the three of them were chatting and discussing our relationship, the stupid old man couldn't contain his curiosity and went to Melisa's house to blatantly ask Delia and Alessia what kind of relationship they had with me.

When the impotent old man found out who Alessia and Delia were to me, he was so shocked and indignant that, as if by mistake, he let slip the information about the circumstances by which I had seduced Melisa.

I can't even imagine what the combined fury of three strong, independent women could have done to the reckless old man.

However, his sense of survival saved him, and, feeling in mortal danger, he had time to flee while the three girls had not yet decided what they would do with him.

Despite his great sense of survival, according to what Alessia and Delia told me, the old man could not escape a few blows from the two beautiful humans, while the fox girl looked at him with a disapproving look that probably caused more damage than the blows.

'Stupid old prick! Why the fuck did you have to go and further complicate my already complicated situation? Haa...

I'm still surprised that, considering what happened while I wasn't present, Alessia went ahead with her plan to include Melisa in our relationship....

Haa... There are times when her beautiful head works in very strange ways for me'

As a result of all that, last night I had to endure Alessia once again putting into practice against me the stupid idea of using sexual abstinence as a punishment for my actions.

And, even worse, I had to witness the blonde girl corrupt the mind of my innocent little Saint, putting those strange ideas into her head.

If I hadn't been so upset with the situation at the time, I might have been amused by the fact that Delia seemed more saddened than I was by the idea.

I tried my best to keep Delia from hearing the voice of evil, but to no avail.

Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, the fox girl agreed with Alessia that I needed to be punished for what I did so that I could get back 'on the right track'.

'Haa… and there are also times when the mentality of religious people gets on my nerves'

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