Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 191: The Marfields, Nero's Shock!

Chapter 191: The Marfields, Nero's Shock!

As the group appeared, everyone had different reactions as a middle-aged man in a business suit walked at the head of a small party. This man had short purple hair and purple eyes, with a neatly trim beard, his expression calm and assured as if filled with utmost confidence.

Besides a few powerful-looking attendants, right beside this individual was a familiar black-haired youth with slender eyes and purple pupils. Like the leading male, he wore a simple suit.

A hawk-nosed youth stood at this youth's side, his hook nose facing the sky as his sharp eyes arrogantly stared at everyone else.

Nero narrowed his eyes when he saw this person; he couldn't help but mutter coldly, "Velmon..."

Elly, who had also noticed Velmon's group, was a bit stricken as she heard Nero's utterance; she could feel a surge of hatred in his voice that he couldn't easily hide.

Elly noticed that Nero had a cold and indifferent gaze with a quick glance from the corners of her eyes as he stared at Velmon. 

'Did Nero have a grudge against Velmon? This isn't good, it's one thing to provoke trash like Delkan, but Velmon isn't one that just anyone can mess with... I have to do something if he acts out.'

Elly thought to herself as her manner before a stern, feeling a bit worried about Nero, she thought that he would do something stupid, but soon, she noticed that Nero didn't stare at him any longer.

"Whew, I guess won't need to worry for now,' Elly thought as she exhaled in relief.

Yullia's eyes locked onto the middle-aged man who led Velmon; she couldn't help but think to herself.

'Xellan Marfield.... to think that prestigious leader of that unattached family would personally escort his son. It's odd; I'd have thought their family was one to remove themselves from all other affairs. Why show up now?'

Not only Yullia, but it was also clear that Ian and Screwgelman had similar thoughts. Heck, even the officials from the different assignations were a bit startled by Xellan's appearance.

"That Marfield... their family has yet to clear their names from certain suspicions, and there was even that the incident that occurred back then. With so many disadvantages, what would they gain by coming here?" Reil muttered as he stared at Xellan from the podium with his arms now crossed, his face a bit more serious than usual.

"Huhu... for the leader of the Marfields to appear, it makes this meeting all the more fascinating. Wouldn't you think so too, Chairman?" Dale Vermeulen, the refined-looking short-haired man with a golden top hat, whispered to Xu Waren as he stared at the scene.

"Maybe so, Chief Dale," Xu Waren also agreed with his words.

"...." Kailua Meng, the bald monk in ancient martial robes who stood with his arms crossed behind his back said nothing, but only looked on with contemplative eyes.

"Hehe... such a fascinating day it is," Maxim Alkaline, the short African woman with her plump, full hair wrapped in a colorful and luxurious clot, whispered to herself with profound eyes.

"Hmph! To think he'd dare to show himself..." Pale Brightwood grumbled to herself, her slender body and features hidden by her priest's robes with her bright gold cross mark patterns.

As if Xellan could sense their thoughts, his lips curved into a smile as he spoke, "Fellow digitizers, please, no need to be so surprised or concerned; my intention here is a simple one. I have recently decided to allow our clan to partake in more of these affairs; we realize that our enemies keep getting stronger. If it continues, it will be of great detriment to our bases in the Origin World and even our home world. To show our intent, I have decided to allow for my son and another of our family's key trained talent to participate in today's meeting."

The officials were all surprised by this; no one would expect such words hinting towards a cooperative relationship to leave Xellan's mouth. Many individuals who know of his past manner stared at him in shock and suspicion.

Xu Waren was also surprised, but he soon regained his composure before speaking for everyone else, "Xellan, do you take us for fools? Even during that era, you had not shown such keen interest in the sake of humanity's agendas. In such days we had to rely primarily on my family, the Granduz Clan, the Brightwood's, and even that Legendary Frontier Squad. So tell me, what are you really after?"

Alkaline, Kailua Meng, Hatman Chief Dai, Pale Brightwood, and Reil had deep expressions as they stared at him, the air growing heavy as a pressure had formed.

Yet, as if Xellan didn't feel any pressure, he kept his smile. His eyes shone a bit cold when he heard the words, Legendary Frontier Squad; he could even vaguely recall a few figures.

However, not wanting to lose his composure, he replied with a calm manner, "Haha, no need to bring up the past or such shady agendas; it's true that I have a motive, but it's nothing of which you're assuming. My intent remains clear; as for the details, I'm sure we can get around to discussing them in much further depth after the meeting."

Xu Waren and the other officials looked at each other for a while before nodding; Xu Waren then waved his hand and spoke, "Fine, we will listen to your intent after the meeting, for now, find yourself a position, I shall officially commence the start of the meet."

"With pleasure," Xellan said with a slight bow of courtesy, his face showing a look of complete control.

It didn't take long for Xellan and his company to organize themselves in a special area, taking their seats amongst the other unions and clans. Velmon, who sat within his group, took this chance to look around, his eyes running by characters like Child of Blaze and Kailua Mei as if they weren't important, before finally sweeping by Avollo and Elly, only to fix onto Nero.

Nero now sat with his eyes closed as if thinking about something. Suddenly, as if he sensed a stare, he opened his eyes and glanced at Velmon.

The two stared at each other in silence before a light spark that only they could see flickered across the void. 

"Huhu, I knew you'd come, it's good to see you again, Nero... let's have fun today," Velmon said as his eyes glowed in dim golden light; within those eyes, Nero saw the illusion of a dazzling golden spear, one that seemed very familiar.

Much like Nero, Velmon also caught sight of something within him, a black illusory scythe, his lips curved into a sly grin as he said nothing more.

Nero felt shocked as he saw that illusion, but as he didn't want to show too many emotions outwardly, he said nothing. Without any words from either, they looked away, focusing on other things.

"Son, is he the one you mention?" Xellan, who idly sat by Velmon, asked indifferently.

"Yes, father, it's him; those strange memories I received are certain in this fact," Velmon said with a smile as he didn't bother going into context.

Xellan naturally didn't say anymore either, leaving those around them in a state of confusion. If anything, Xellan's eyes which stared at Nero, had a slight flicker of murderous intent as he thought to himself.

'So, he's the child of that legend...'

Unaware of Xellan's and Velmon's thoughts, Nero frowned as he didn't like how they stared at himself. The image he saw was also disturbing, he was about to say something to his older self, but it seemed that he was one step faster.

"It appears that I was foolish... I should have realized it much sooner," Adult Nero said at this moment. He no longer floated in Nero's mind but stood up, his figure now permeated by a cluster of demonic spirits that threaten to annihilate everything due to his dense killing intent.

Nero was surprised as this was the first time he sensed such a violent intent from his older self. Suddenly, his mind flashed as his skin trembled; he seemed to have realized something from his former spiritual clash with Velmon.

"No, wait... it couldn't be him, could it?" Nero thought as he felt as if he only now realized something. 

Adult Nero spoke in his icy tone, "You are correct; it's definitely him, that Gold Spear Child, the one who went by the alias, Diyamite."

Nero felt a surge of rage boiling within him at those words; he spoke, "But how? He doesn't look anything like that memory; how could it be him?"

Adult Nero took a deep breath to calm himself before he spoke, "I don't know; all I can say is that I was too foolish to realize it so late. Another thing is that this isn't the usual Velmon. The Velmon of my past had purple hair; I had wondered why he suddenly changed his hair color in his timeline, but now it's clear, very much like myself, he's somehow found a way to return to this time."

"Another reincarnated? Doesn't this meant he had similarly died?" Nero said with a strange look on his face.

Adult Nero had profound eyes as he spoke, "I don't know, right now, nothing is certain, there could have been many reasons, but if anything, I would say it was that Origin Bit... there is no other explanation."

Nero had a puzzled look on his face as he didn't know what Origin Bit meant. Adult Nero seemed to have understood the confusion. He was about to explain, but right at this moment, Xu Waren had started to speak again.

"Sorry for the delay; without any further ado, let the competitions begin..."

The mood within the room changed as the meeting between the various talents was about to set off in motion. 

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