Divine Card Creator

Chapter 226 - Wahahahahaha, I Am In Heaven!

Chapter 226: Wahahahahaha, I Am In Heaven!

Zhou Yang?!

Lu Ming was taken aback.

Why was this guy feminine?

Something was not right!

When he first saw this guy, although he was hard-hearted and vicious, he was also super domineering...

Wait a minute.

After carefully contemplating what the bed spirit said, the seemingly masculine but actually feminine...

Lu Ming suddenly understood now.

It was Zhang Xiaopang’s health products!!!


After this chap had been swindled by Zhang Xiaopang, he was truly wrecked. Wrong. If he had consumed the health products, it should just be a temporary hormonal imbalance...

Actually, he would recover from the temporary hormonal disruption after some time.

It was true.



If he were to accept such a legacy at this point in time... It was fearful that he might not be able to revert to his previous state...

Lu Ming squinted his eyes.


It seemed very interesting? Zhou Yang was someone from a big family clan. Although Lu Ming hated him, he could not kill him. However...


Who said he did not have other ways besides killing him?!


A feminine Zhou Yang...

His emotions ran high at the thought of it.

The legacy would make Zhou Yang more powerful. Nevertheless, given Zhou Yang’s identity, he could attain other legacies even without this one. Therefore, he might as well choose one for him now. Hahahaha...

“What are you thinking of?”

Jiang Feng distanced himself from Lu Ming.

This chap was wearing a lewd expression. He did not know what kind of evil thoughts were on his mind.


Lu Ming waved his hands. He felt very satisfied. “Him, then.”

Ten million yuan. He would split the money with Jiang Feng. It was just nice. He could let Student Zhou Yang make some contributions again.


Before this...

“Help me temper my Original Card,” Lu Ming said to the bed spirit.

“We’ll talk about this after you find the person.”

The bed spirit was not pleased.

This was only a video, okay?!

“That won’t do.”

Lu Ming pursed his lips. “In this era, even assassins are paid fifty percent of the remuneration in advance. You’re asking me to run errands for you. At the very least, you have to do something. I’ve already helped you find someone...

Initially, I would have attained a breakthrough to four-star if I cultivated on my own, okay?!

I’m not asking you to help me break through now.

You just have to temper the Original Card first.”

The two glanced at each other as if they were in a confrontation.

“What if I don’t agree?”

The bed spirit was angry.

“I’ll go and kill that guy.”

Lu Ming pointed at Zhou Yang.

The bed spirit was silent.

Cultivators nowadays were really evil.

After a long time...

The bed spirit surrendered.

“I’ll help you temper half of it first.”

The bed spirit took a deep breath.

It had not seen a person who was that disrespectful of seniors!

He even negotiated!

It was so infuriating!

During ancient times, when anyone saw a legacy appearing, they would come begging and kowtowing to display their respect every now and then, okay? It was unlike this extremely shameless chap!


Lights danced.

The bed spirit pointed at the Original Card and faint lights flowed into the latter.

After a long time...

The Original Card underwent a transformation.


Faint fluorescent lights dazzled.

The Original Card was uncontrollably thrilled.

It had advanced!

Haha, it had advanced again!

At this speed, soon, it could...


Lu Ming suddenly pulled the Original Card to him. “Let me test it.”

Wait a minute.

The Original Card realized that something bad was about to happen. “Let me prepare...”


Lu Ming stepped onto it.


The Original Card was trampled hard.

It did not become stronger!

Lu Ming furrowed his brows. Did the bed spirit bluff him?

“Step on it slowly.”

The bed spirit shook its hand.

Given your physique and way of stepping, who could withstand it?

Was that true?

Lu Ming was doubtful.


He asked the Original Card to float gradually and then stepped onto it carefully...


Another card print appeared on the ground again.

Lu Ming broke out in a sweat. “It doesn’t work?”


The bed spirit was also very puzzled. Something was not right. Clearly, it had given enough tempering earlier. Therefore, it tempered the Original Card again seriously. “Try it again.”


Lu Ming stepped onto it.


Another card print appeared on the ground.

“It doesn’t seem to work.”

Lu Ming was very displeased.

“Didn’t you temper it properly?”

The bed spirit was perplexed. It tempered the Original Card again and then asked Lu Ming to try stepping onto the Original Card gingerly. In the end, when Lu Ming stepped on it...


The Original Card was trampled into the ground again.

“It still doesn’t work?”

The bed spirit was slightly confused.

It had tempered the Original Card thrice, okay?!

It had given Lu Ming far more than what was requested!

Yet, it still did not work?!

To hell with it!

How could that be possible...

Wait a minute.

The bed spirit cast a suspicious look. Suddenly, it launched an attack towards the Original Card.


The Original Card flew upwards instantly at lightning speed.

The bed spirit’s expression darkened instantly.


This speed...

This strength...

How could it not carry Lu Ming?!

Therefore, this guy was deliberately putting on a show earlier?!

“Fly properly,” the bed spirit gritted its teeth and said.

“Don’t mess around.”

Lu Ming also did not know whether to laugh or cry.

He really did not expect the Original Card to play such tricks...

It was too wretched!

He did not know where he learned all these bad things from. It did not pick up his good habit of helping others in need at all...


Lu Ming asked the Original Card to behave well and then he gingerly stepped onto it. The Original Card floated gently and could actually carry him and float in the air!


He was only ten centimeters from the ground!


Lu Ming was excited.

Hahaha. He could finally fly!

Card Kinesis Flight!


He was the first one. Oh, wrong. He was the second Card Creator who knew how to fly!

Of course.

The distance from the ground was too short.

“Can you fly slightly higher?”

Lu Ming asked.


The Original Card floated higher.

It trembled slightly before lowering again.

“It does not seem to work.”

Lu Ming was full of regrets.


The bed spirit only sneered coldly.

These two shameless things!

Given the strength of its tempering earlier, it would not be a problem for the Original Card to fly about twenty centimeters from the ground. These two chaps discounted it by fifty percent and then pretended to be in dire straits...


I’d be worth crap if I were to believe you!

“Bring the person to me.”

The bed spirit took a deep breath. “I’ll give you the rest then.”


Lu Ming drifted away happily.

Jiang Feng was silent...

He had finally seen what was called shameless.

They were really good!


At this very moment...

On the exchange platform.

The sensation caused by the Soul Legacy had not ceased. It was becoming even more strange and mysterious.

“I don’t think it’s a scam?”

“It’s alright. The transaction program is linked to a scanning microchip. The transaction won’t go through if there is no legacy. We won’t suffer from any loss. I only want to know if anyone is fooling the public.”

“I don’t think so.”

“I heard that a principal authenticated this.”


“Then why hasn’t the transaction go through yet?”

“We bought it yesterday and sent the videos. We did receive some feedback – Not good looking enough. We have no choice but to give up for now.”

“Me too.”

“Me too.”

“I agree with the previous thread.”

At this moment, everyone then realized the number of people who had been rejected!


That many people had been rejected yesterday?

It was no wonder... the price had been declining!

“That young lad from Old Wang’s family is a man of striking appearance. He also looks dignified and masculine. Ordinary people are no match for him. Yet, he didn’t pass the selection?”

“Yes, that child from the Mu Rong family has also been rejected.”

“It’s that stringent?”

“It seems that this is a legacy with extreme requirements...”

Everyone finally understood.

The so-called extreme requirement meant that the selection criteria for the legacy were extremely tough!

Basically, it could be the kind that had a one-in-a-million chance. Even genius cultivators might fail. It was completely different from legacies such as the Lunar Shadow legacy that would choose one out of seven participants!

This kind of legacy...

If one was not selected, there was no longer any hope!

“I’m afraid that’s the case.”

“It’s no wonder the price is so low now.”

“Even those people don’t have any chance. It seems that very few people will be selected... I don’t know which senior from the ancient times would have such stringent criteria...”

“During the School Championship Competition some time back, I heard that someone called Lu Ming is extremely good looking. He has countless fans. I don’t know if that child can fulfill these criteria...”

“Who knows.”

At this very moment...

A sudden thought popped up in someone’s mind. “Do you think it’s those videos that make something out of nothing?”

“Something major happened here some time ago.

A cultivator initiated a legacy transaction, which was said to be a mysterious form of martial arts that required videos of one’s body figure for assessment of bone structure. It was best not to cover up the body too much. He received hundreds of videos from fairy-like cultivators. He then packaged and sold them to other people. This caused a huge commotion... Afterward...

He was beaten to death alive.

His death was very serene.

On the other hand, the video this time merely requested looks.

It was still alright.

Furthermore, with the last incident, if anyone dared to mess around again, he might not be able to escape death. No matter what, it was safer than before.”

“Er, I don’t think so. It’s not that kind of video anyway.”

“You’re right.”

“Can I ask you. Last time did you...”

“Shh, let’s talk in private.”


Everyone was talking about it.

Strangely, there was a heated discussion about the legacy.


At this moment.


Someone was shocked to discover that the purchase order had changed from ‘available’ to ‘unavailable’ and the status of the order was ‘In the process of a transaction’!


“Someone succeeded?”

“Who is that?!”

“I don’t know. Everything is encrypted...”

“There is actually someone who can fulfill the criteria!”

Everyone was astonished.

At this very moment...

In the hotel.

Zhou Yang, who was preparing to go home, was also dumbstruck.

He was aware that the Zhou family was trying to purchase the legacy. This was because his elder brother had looked for him to record a video. However, he did not expect... it to be successful!.

Ten million yuan for a Soul Legacy!

It was too cheap!

No one expected Zhou Yang to succeed at this point in time after batches of cultivators were eliminated!

That elder brother of his sent the video when it cost ninety million yuan and was eliminated directly. He registered for him in passing when the price was ten million yuan...


He succeeded!


“My looks are better than them?”

Zhou Yang was in disbelief.

It was true.

Although his looks were alright, they were not very well-liked by the elders. They said that he looked too gloomy and scheming. As a result, his self-esteem was very low.

But now...

He had been recognized by the ancient legacy!

Hahahaha. I, Zhou Yang, will also have my time!

He suddenly felt that there were finally some colors in his dark life. Haha, a legacy that belongs to me, Zhou Yang, is finally here!!!

He had heard that his legacy had already rejected thousands of people!

The requirements were extremely stringent!

He was well aware that legacies with such high requirements were normally very powerful! It belonged to the kind that one could only yearn for but not touch! It was the kind of shocking chance encounter!

But now...

It landed in his hands!


Those damned guys, wait and see!

Gao Tianlang...

Zhang Xiaopang...


I will definitely take revenge for all these feuds!


At this very moment...

In the ancient tomb.

Lu Ming was having his final conversation with the bed spirit.

“The person will arrive in a while. But don’t scare him off and don’t talk too much. Just activate the legacy based on your master’s standards...”

Lu Ming guided earnestly.


The bed spirit froze a little.

The inheritor had already appeared. Couldn’t it tell him more?

“What’s there to talk about.”

Lu Ming pursed his lips. “If you scare him away, let me tell you. These people are disciples from big family clans and they have powerful family backgrounds...

Among so many geniuses, there is only one feminine one. If you scare him away...


I can only help you to find those people from the entertainment industry.

Their looks will certainly fit the bill. But are you sure you want them to start cultivating from scratch? Are you sure that their cultivation talent can make it?!”

“Zhou Yang is different...”

Lu Ming’s tone was grave and serious. “So, don’t scare people away. Have a sense of formality, understand?”

The bed spirit looked at Lu Ming doubtfully. “Why do I have the hunch that you’re up to no good?”

“What nonsense!”

Lu Ming widened his eyes. “If not for the sake of helping you to find an inheritor and completing the mission, do I need to waste my breath on you? Why would I bluff you?”

That was right.

The bed spirit came to its senses.

Even if it was for the sake of the reward, there was no need for Lu Ming to do him it.


The bed spirit decided to listen to Lu Ming.


At night.

Zhou Yang scanned his whole body according to the requirements of the transaction and activated the recording mode. He then headed to the designated location of the transaction, which was a certain school, and waited.

It was very late at night.

A deep voice could be heard.

“Zhou Yang?”


“Follow me.”



“Are you Principal Jiang?” Zhou Yang said in a low voice. After the transaction, the two parties had already verified each other’s identities. It was safe and reliable. Therefore, he came alone this time.


Jiang Feng smiled. “Let’s go in first.”


Zhou Yang followed him.


Jiang Feng led Zhou Yang into the ancient tomb.


There were faint lights and shadows.

Over there...

In the ancient tomb.

Zhou Yang saw a mysterious figure suspending in the air.

“Are you Zhou Yang?”

That mysterious figure asked.


Zhou Yang was thrilled. He knelt on the ground respectfully. “Zhou Yang pays his respects to the senior.”

“Not bad.”

That mysterious figure was very satisfied.


This was the right attitude that a junior should have!

When Lu Ming came out, its opinion of the cultivators in this era almost collapsed. Fortunately, fortunately... The disciple that it had chosen was normal!

“Let me confirm again,” the mysterious figure said in a deep voice.

“Because of the uniqueness of the legacy...

I need to confirm if you’re accepting and becoming the disciple of the Phantom Legacy on your own will. If you’re reluctant, you may also leave now.”

Phantom Legacy?

What Phantom Legacy?

Zhou Yang was somewhat confused.

But he came to his senses very soon. Oh, the name of Soul Legacy...


Why did it sound so familiar?

Where did he hear that from?

Although he was somewhat perplexed, from the name, it seemed similar to those types of legacies like Lunar Shadow? What was there to decline?!

He was already here...

“I’m willing to,” Zhou Yang said respectfully.

“Very good.”

The mysterious figure waved its hands.

“In that case. Accept the legacy...”


Lights flashed.

The jade bed radiated bright lights.


In that instant, Zhou Yang entered a whole new world. Countless materials, abilities, and energy began to transform and temper his body...

It was so surreal.


The memories of that legacy were a stretch of pink...

The abilities of that legacy were a stretch of pink...

The powers of that legacy were a stretch of pink...



Zhou Yang felt that something was not quite right.


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