Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter 539

This is How a Miracle Takes Place!

Feng Shen did not know why he blocked his own body in front of Ye Lingyue’s .

Maybe it was an instinct .

At last, for once, he could protect her, no longer relying on others but himself to protect her .

But Feng Shen just did not expect that Ye Lingyue would be so sad .

She had never shed a tear in front of him, but this time she made a throbbing cry .

So distressed Feng Shen was! He was not willing to make her feel sad .

Seeing her throwing herself on him and trying to save him, the only thing Feng Shen wanted to do was to kiss the tears out of her eyes .

However, he was a little slow .

When Ye Lingyue bent over and pressed her lips to his, the moment their lips touched the other’s, the eyes of Feng Shen had a slight stagnation, though this was not the first time he and Ye Lingyue got so close to each other .

But this was different from the last time when he woke up from a coma . At this moment, Feng Shen could feel the breath of Ye Lingyue distinctly .

Her soft lips and unique aroma, the constantly fluttering eyelashes like b.u.t.terfly wings because of panic, disorderly breath was well as her hands she put only in front of his body .

His heart was like being hit hard .

The arrow wound was no longer so painful . Feng Shen only felt that himself, the whole person, turned light .

A warm breath continuously went into the body and mouth of Feng Shen from the palm and mouth of Ye Lingyue .

The sweetest breath, accompanying salty taste, flew into the lip of Feng Shen together . Feng Shen felt a slight heart ache . He knew, that was the tear of Ye Lingyue .

Distressed, he felt a little sweet in it .

The lips of his turned heavy in some way . Feng Shen felt that, in his body, something was waking up slowly .

Dejected, Feng Shen closed his eyes .

He, was coming .

Ye Lingyue did not know, Feng Shen under her body was undergoing a great change .

All she knew was that this was the first time she was afraid that a person would die .

She thought she had fallen in love with Feng Shen .

However, when did she fall in love with him?

Perhaps, the love bloomed in his considerate care, or perhaps among his smiles .

Tears blurred her eyes, until she felt the heartbeat of Feng Shen who was under her body, gradually went steady .

Ye Lingyue's actions, in the eyes of others, undoubtedly, were shocking .

How could an unmarried woman do such a thing to a man?

Princess Qing Bi and Hong Mingyue both showed contempt on their faces .

"Human beings are so stupid, is that man your friend? Unexpectedly, he was willing to fend off arrows for a woman . And that woman is the stupidest of them all . Does she really think she could save the man in that way?" Demon Wolf taunted .

He was not a human, so he was not built with the feelings of human beings .

In his view, since the one that was shot by a Heaven Rank Spirit Artifact was also an ordinary human being without Yuan energy, what was waiting for him could only be death .

Seeing Feng Shen fend off the arrow for Ye Lingyue, Cong Lv was also shocked . Until now, he began to realize that Feng Shen had fallen in deep love with Ye Lingyue, and the love had already reached such a degree .

He even did not scruple to risk his own life .

"You are not a human being . Naturally you don't understand the feelings of human . Miracles shall be created . " With full of resentment in his eyes, Cong Lv said that word by word . After all, Fen Shen was his friend .

This man hurt his friend .

Demon Wolf curved his lips disdainfully . There had never been a miracle in the world .

However, just at this moment, Demon Wolf seemed to see something that was the most incredible .

The woman, whom he was ashamed of, rose up .

She suddenly looked up into the sky, though her black hair was still stained with blood . The stubborn unruly eyes and the face as delicate as jade of hers, were so clear, so gorgeous .

Even Demon Wolf who had seen countless beautiful female demons, couldn’t help being attracted .

She had a smile at Demon Wolf .

That smile, blooming like the most enchanting Manjusaka by the Demon River, a single smile that would overthrow a city, .

With that kind of arrogance, that kind of disdain, it was an outright, provocative smile .

The pupils of Demon Wolf that were like double blades, expanded suddenly with a jerk .

He realized what the smile of Ye Lingyue’s meant . Behind the woman, the wound of Feng Shen who was seriously injured had stopped bleeding . Although his breath was still very weak, his gently undulating chest showed Demon Wolf that his life had been saved .

How could this be possible?

Demon Wolf couldn’t help grasping the Spatical Piercing Bow in his hand, his knuckles whitening .

Demon Wolf raged to an extreme . The arrow that was still in the chest of Feng Shen, seemed to be the best disdain to him!

Seeing that Feng Shen was still not dead, Cong Lv felt a little relaxed . He squinted at the Demon Wolf, seeing that he was dazed . Obviously, he could not accept the fact that Feng Shen was not dead . Out of expectation, there were still men in this world who could save lives under his eyes .

Cong Lv endured the pain on his neck to quietly move his wrist . In his palm, a round elixir was hidden .

It was from the lighting globe which he had broken that he got it .

Eight Rank elixir, Indefectible Golden Pill .

It was an inhibited drug that might double the Yuan energy of a person in an instant, though the corresponding cost was that the effect would last for only half an hour . And after half an hour, the potency would wear off, and within a month, the potency of the person who took the drug would decline by half .

Cong Lv moved his hand . Taking advantage of the moment that Demon Wolf was still absent-minded, suddenly he took the Indefectible Golden Pill into his mouth .

The moment the elixir went into his body, Cong Lv felt like there was a volcanic eruption spurting in the bottom of his heart . A strand of terrible Yuan energy rushed into his cinnabar field .

With a roar of anger, he suddenly pulled himself free from the rope formed by the black mist . Pulling out the one Spatical Piercing Arrow he owned, he plunged it into the back of Demon Wolf with the power of thunder .

At the moment of piercing the back of Demon Wolf, because of the severe pain, the hand of Demon Wolf couldn’t help turning loose, and the Spatical Piercing Bow fell down from the sky .

With all his strength, Cong Lv struggled to free the last lighting globe in the sky . He hurled it to the ground .

"Break the last lighting globe and get out!!"

All nine lighting globes were all broken, but the jade carving that went into No . 1 Cave still did not appear .

That jade carving must still be in the tenth lighting globe .

Even No . 1 Cave was better than here where the ma.s.s would be slaughtered by Demon Wolf .

The face of Demon Wolf was twisted . When the Spatical Piercing Arrow pierced into his body, he was eager to counterattack .

He would make the Human Race that tried to kill him feel ‘to live was no better than to die’ .

He roared . Inside him, black mist continuously poured out like poisonous snakes .

"Jie jie, do you think a Spatical Piercing Arrow is enough to kill me? People and demons are different . Let me show you the might of my demon family . " Under the effect of black mist, the figure of Demon Wolf was changing .

He was transformed into a great beast that was like a hill, with skin hard like scale and sh.e.l.l . Laying on the surface of his body, the black mist was like a cloud . Blasts of fearsome demon force were rolling like angry dragons .

He was transformed into a demon shape, with limbs like columns supported the sky . Its huge shadow covered the whole heaven and earth .

With a "Poof!" heard, the Spatical Piercing Arrow was shot out of his back spontaneously .

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