Miracle Doctor, Abandoned Daughter: The Sly Emperor’s Wild Beast-Tamer Empress

Chapter chapter 474

Chapter 474 “The Phoenix Lord’s Doting Behavior (p1)”

When seeing the carriages moving slowly up ahead, the members of the Da Xia entourage were all greatly refreshed in their mentality.

They’ve been on the road for several days now. Although they’re all martialists with a strong body, it’s still inevitable that they would be tired from all the toils of travel. This was especially true for Princess Qing Bi who was practically jumping with glee.

She’s a very spoiled person whose been pampered since young. If not for Xia Hou Qi’s presence, this princess would’ve rushed over to demand the requisition of the vehicles for her own use already.

“Hold up, I want to buy your carriages.” With a flick of her horsewhip, the girl promptly rode up for the other group to only get an unexpected answer in return.

“Apologies, our carts aren’t up for sale. Dare I ask, is there someone by the name of Ye Ling Yue, Lan Caier, A’bone and Jin Wu Monster among your group?”

Naturally Qing Bi’s expression would sink at the news, What! This team of people are actually here to pick up Ye Ling Yue?

“Their party should still be behind our party.” Riding over also, Cong Lu urges the princess to continue on their way, which instantly rewarded him with a annoyed glare from the girl.

As frustrating as this was for Qing Bi, this girl knew she couldn’t do anything at the moment. It’s not like she’s going to start robbing others on the road now was she?

All in all, the party did eventually arrive at their destination near the border through the expense of tiring their horses out. However, it would appear their troubles didn’t just end there.

In this big settlement known as Frost Mountain City, one would expect there to be plenty of rooms in the biggest inn situated at this city. Sadly, upon inquiry with the shopkeeper, that’s when they were informed of the unfortunate news – the rooms were all taken and would only receive Ling Yue and her friends!

Of course, there’s no way Qing Bi would willingly take this indignation again. But before she could unleash her fury, Cong Lu had stopped her with a tug again, indicating Xia Hou Qi was still watching from the side with his eye signal.

As a result of this unexpected detour, the members of the Da Xia team could only relocate to another location after multiple detours.

Night time….

“What’s the meaning of this? The best inn, the best restaurant, even the best carriages have all been taken by someone else. They better not let me find out who’s behind all this, otherwise I will make them pay dearly for this.” Qing Bi never felt so wronged in her entire life that she could break out into tears by this point.

Likewise, Xia Hou Qi’s expression was also growing deeper by the minute.

If his speculations are correct, this would only be just the beginning because he’s not stupid. This was North Qing, there are plenty of rest stations along their planned route. For so many to be taken at every turn in their path, and of such high class as well, there could only be one out there capable of arranging all this.

Naturally Cong Lu too could tell what was going on as well, It would seem the news of Ling Yue heading to North Qing has become known to Feng Shen already. To think the lad would become so overbearing in light of his gentle appearance. This is clearly his way of repaying Qing Bi’s rudeness against his woman. Oh Feng Shen ah Feng Shen, and here I was thinking you were a indifferently cold person, to think you would also show such a side like all of us!

As nice as the arrangements were, Ling Yue herself didn’t get to enjoy it one bit. The reasoning? It’s because the girl and her team didn’t follow the main road at all when heading to North Qing!

To some extent, the girl herself was very pleased to be away from Xia Hou Qi and the others. This meant that she could freely explore the ancient forest that was A’bone’s home for so long during her youth and make claim to some of the secrets that lies within.

Chapter 474 “The Phoenix Lord’s Doting Behavior (p2)”

“Chief, you mean you want to develop this stretch of jungle terrain?”

When A’bone became informed of the news, the wild girl was quite taken aback by the proposal, as was with Lan Caier and Jin Wu Monster as well.

“That’s right, I’ve been under the restraints of others for far too long already. I heard this ancient forest here is a vast stretch of territory that hasn’t been tapped into yet because of the numerous wild animals living there. But with you here A’bone, I’m sure that wouldn’t be an issue for us anymore.”

Ye Ling Yue wasn’t some sort of absolute loyalist of the kingdom. It’s true Da Xia was her motherland, but after the repeated snubbing by the king and the constant pressure of other political factors, she’s had it already and its time she made arrangements for the future.

Led by none other than A’bone herself, Ling Yue’s party soon deviated from the main road and headed for the ancient forest where their animal friends should already be waiting.

This wasn’t prearranged to be clear. The wild girl originally became worried that her animal friends wouldn’t be comfortable living so close to the human settlements, hence the reason why she would task the giant elephant to lead the pack back into the forest first.

Very soon, after three days of traveling off road, Ling Yue and her friends could finally see the first signs of the lush jungle up ahead.

As the dividing line between North Qing and Da Xia, this vast stretch of greenery was one of the oldest forests in the entire Qing Continent, making it the ideal paradise for the wildlife.

Understanding this much, Ling Yue simply couldn’t resist calling her friends out from the Red Mist Sky as well. The little fellas been cooped up in there for quite some time already so it couldn’t be good to continue that practice.

Likewise feeling the excitement rushing through her veins, A’bone immediately made a climb for the nearest giant tree like a monkey. Then using that powerful voice of hers, she called out: “Flower, Roar, Purple, I am back!”

Watching this from the ground, both Ling Yue and Lan Caier were both very happy for their friend. They know, A’bone may have tried desperately to mingle in with everyone else at Moon City, but the natural part of her character couldn’t be brushed aside no matter how she tries to hide it. That part has already been infused into the girl’s blood and they all knew it.

“Weird, how come Flower and Roar isn’t coming out to greet us?” The wild girl began to wonder as a gush of powerful wind hit their faces.

Now that instantly caused a series of frowns across everyone because they could clearly pick up the scent blood in the air.

“Not good!” Falling into a panic, A’bone’s first instinct was to rush into the forest at lightning speed.

“Chief?” Looking for the order to give chase, JIn Wu Monster and Lan Caier were both quite worried as well.

“No, the both of you stay here in the outer perimeter to keep an eye out for anything unexpected. I will go ahead to see what’s happening first.” That said, Ling Yue immediately tasked Little Crow to locate A’bone’s location from the sky.

This wasn’t the first time the wild girl had left the ancient forest; however, this was undoubtedly the longest though. For this reason, A’bone’s expression only grew uglier the further in she went for the ominous sensation in her heart only got worse with every jump.

The signs were too obvious: messy tracks of horses and rut, the obvious signs of human’s and not the good kind. To make matters worse, there are a huge number of dead animals and arrowheads littered across the jungle floor.


A’bone was ready to spew fire from her eyes at the thought. She did not expect that her absence would create such a outcome.

But anger was still anger, she’s not so foolish enough to completely lose herself just yet. The girl understands full well that the scale of this hunt must be huge, something far beyond anything in the past that she has encountered.

With a frightened and complicated mood, A’bone began to follow the traces of horses and vehicles on the ground. And very soon, the looming sight of a camp had come before her view up ahead.

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