Divine Mask: I Have Numerous God Clones

Chapter 108: Crafting the Thunder Puppet

Zeus navigated the winding streets of the town with purposeful strides, his mind focused on a single goal: crafting a new puppet that would eventually carry the guise of Zeus. The plan was clear in his mind, each step meticulously thought out as he made his way to the local blacksmith.

As he arrived at the blacksmith's shop, Zeus didn't waste any time. He approached the counter with a calm yet determined expression, his eyes locking onto the blacksmith. "I need a private room," Zeus stated, his voice firm and leaving no room for negotiation.

The blacksmith, a grizzled man with years of experience etched into the lines on his face, looked up from his work.

He noticed the intensity in Zeus's gaze and nodded, understanding that this was no ordinary request. "You'll want the best room then," the blacksmith replied, his tone respectful. "Equipped with high-quality forges and all the tools you'll need."

Zeus gave a curt nod, appreciating the man's quick grasp of the situation. "That's exactly what I'm looking for. What's the price?"

"100 inferior mana stones," the blacksmith said, watching Zeus closely to gauge his reaction.

Without hesitation, Zeus reached into his pouch and produced the required amount. He placed the mana stones on the counter, the clink of the stones echoing in the quiet shop. "Done," Zeus said simply, his tone indicating that the price didn't faze him in the slightest.

The blacksmith's eyes widened slightly at the ease with which Zeus handed over the payment. "For what you're planning, only the best will do, I take it?" the blacksmith asked, curiosity tinging his voice.

Zeus allowed a small smile to play on his lips as he pocketed the key to the private room. "Exactly. I have something special in mind."

The blacksmith nodded again, more to himself this time, as if reassured by Zeus's resolve. "Good luck with your work," he said, watching as Zeus turned and made his way to the back of the shop.

Once inside the private room, Zeus locked the door behind him, the click of the lock signaling the start of his project. The room was exactly as promised—spacious and equipped with everything he needed. He took a moment to take it all in, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.

"It's time to make a new puppet," he murmured to himself, the anticipation evident in his voice. This was the next step in his plan, and he was ready to see it through.

Without wasting any time, Zeus reached up and removed the Zeus Divine Mask, replacing it with the Hephaestus Divine Mask. The transformation was instant.

His thunder-based abilities faded, replaced by the skills and knowledge of a master crafter. His mind now focused on the task at hand, he retrieved the thunder ore he had collected from the thunderstorm area about six days ago.

With the Hephaestus mask, Zeus was no longer just a cultivator—he was a craftsman of the highest order. He set to work, shaping the thunder ore with expert precision.

Sparks flew as he hammered the ore, his movements smooth and controlled. Each strike of the hammer infused the metal with the energy of thunder, forging a body that would be as strong as a three-star warrior.

As he worked, Zeus also began to cultivate using the flame mana that filled the blacksmith's forge. The pain that accompanied this cultivation was intense, but it was nothing new to him.

Over time, Zeus had become accustomed to the agony that came with pushing his limits. He welcomed it, knowing that with every bit of suffering, he grew stronger.

Hours passed, and Zeus remained focused, alternating between forging the puppet and cultivating his Hephaestus Divine Mask. His dual efforts paid off—by the time the puppet was complete, he had successfully cultivated the Hephaestus mask to the level of a two-star Divine Mask.

Zeus stepped back to admire his work. The new thunder element puppet stood before him, its body radiating with the energy of thunder. The puppet was a formidable creation, its strength rivaling that of a three-star warrior. It was exactly what he needed.

Satisfied with the result, Zeus removed the Hephaestus Divine Mask and donned the Zeus Divine Mask once more, returning to his thunder-based abilities. With the puppet safely stored, Zeus left the blacksmith, the satisfaction of a job well done evident in his stride.

Zeus returned to the inn, making his way back to his room with a sense of satisfaction. As he closed the door behind him, he let out a small sigh of relief. The inn was quiet, a perfect setting for the next step in his plan.

Without wasting any time, Zeus removed the Zeus Divine Mask, revealing the face of Lucas beneath. The familiar weight of his true identity settled back onto his shoulders, but Lucas didn't dwell on it. He immediately focused his attention on the task at hand.

"System," Lucas called out, his voice firm and resolute, "embed a piece of my soul into the Zeus Divine Mask."

[Oh, so now you need my help, do you?] the system quipped, its tone laced with its usual arrogance. [Fine, let's get this done. Just don't go crying to me about the pain.]

Lucas smirked, unbothered by the system's mockery. He felt a slight, almost imperceptible tug deep within his core as the system began its work.

There was a brief moment of discomfort, but Lucas stood steady, his expression unwavering. The system carefully split a fragment of his soul, channeling it into the Zeus Divine Mask.

As the mask absorbed the piece of Lucas's soul, it shimmered with a new, vibrant energy. What had once been a mere tool of power was now far more—it was a living extension of Lucas himself, a clone imbued with his essence.

Lucas's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he carefully placed the Zeus Divine Mask onto the thunder element puppet he had forged earlier.

The transformation was instant. The once-lifeless puppet seemed to come alive, its form stiffening with purpose. In a blink, the puppet became Zeus, his eyes glowing with that same intense focus that Lucas had.

"Zeus," Lucas said, addressing his clone with the same authority he held within himself, "your task is to guard me while I create a new Divine Mask. Let no one disturb us."

The newly awakened Zeus clone nodded, mirroring Lucas's resolve perfectly. "Understood," he replied, his voice carrying the same confident authority that Lucas naturally commanded.

As Lucas turned his attention back to the task at hand, he couldn't help but feel a surge of anticipation. "Now, let's create a new Divine Mask," he said, his tone tinged with excitement.

[Finally! I've been waiting for you to say that,] the system chimed in, its excitement barely masking its usual smugness. [But let's be clear—I'm the one doing the heavy lifting here. So, what's it going to be? What kind of mask shall we create this time?]

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