Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 783 783

Chapter 783 Chapter 783

It had been a week since Chloe got her divorce paper.

Things went normal after the big event, though she could see that her face had been quite well-known on the internet and TV. People saw her as a strong woman who went through a lot to finally break free from the cage that her abusive husband created.

She wasn't sure about the strong woman part because she felt she hadn't done anything big except stand up for herself, but she still felt good when someone acknowledged her struggle.

"Mommy, what are you thinking?" Mackie asked as they had breakfast as two.

"Hm? Nothing?" Chloe smiled at her daughter. "Why don't you finish your breakfast, dear? You don't like it?"

"I like it, Mommy! It's just… I miss Daddy…" Mackie lowered her head, playing with her scrambled egg with a spoon. "I haven't seen him in a while."

Chloe patted Mackie's head and said, "Don't sulk like that, Mackie. You know that he is working hard for us."

"But it's been three days!"

Vernon left three days ago. He said he had a business meeting in Europe that he couldn't miss. He even left without saying goodbye.

It had only been three days, but Chloe had been sleeping in Vernon's bedroom every single day, missing the warmth of her man.

It didn't help that he left on Thursday, and it was already Sunday without a single text or even call from him.

Chloe tried calling Vernon a few times, but he always replied with;

'Sorry, I'm busy. Talk to you later, love.'


'I'm in a meeting right now. Can't be with you, bye, love.'

Chloe didn't want to be that jealous, irrational wife that would only give her husband a headache. But she remembered this pattern from Vincent.

At first, Vincent would always say that he was busy with work and could not return home, and Chloe tolerated it for a while until she realized that Vincent was just using that alibi to cheat on her.

Her heart hurt whenever she remembered her married life with Vincent, and if it was possible, she didn't want to repeat the same mistake with Vernon.

'I have to be ready. I love him so much, but if he cheats on me just like his brother, then I will leave as soon as possible,' Chloe looked at her daughter, who was still playing with her food. 'I will do whatever to protect Mackie… and our baby,' she vowed while rubbing her stomach.

"Don't play with your food, dear. Eat it before it gets cold," Chloe said.

"Un…" Mackie nodded and began eating her breakfast unenthusiastically.

Right after they finished their breakfast, Chloe heard a knock on the door.

She thought it was Vernon but then remembered Vernon wouldn't need to knock.

She was about to get up when Mackie stopped her, "Let me do it, Mommy! My baby sister shouldn't get hurt!" Mackie volunteered.

She hopped off the chair and rushed to the front door.

She opened it and was greeted by Diamond, who smiled at her, with Meyer standing right behind her.

"Morning, Mackie!" Diamond patted Mackie's head. "Where is your Mommy?"

Mackie smiled wide, "She just finished eating her breakfast! Why are you here, Diamond, Meyer?" Mackie asked.

"We have a surprise for your Mom," Meyer replied."

"A big surprise!" Diamond added.

"A surprise?" Mackie tilted her head. She was curious, but a surprise meant she and her Mommy shouldn't know about it.

"Yes, let's bring your Mommy somewhere. I promise it is an amazing place!"

Mackie didn't really understand what the surprise was all about since there was nothing special today except celebrating the third day of her Daddy's absence at home, which was truly not something that Mackie liked to talk about because she would always get upset about it.

Chloe finally walked to the door after hearing the conversation between Mackie and Diamond.

"Diamond? Meyer? Why are you here?" Chloe asked.

"Homegirl!" Diamond hugged Chloe and then opened her palm. Meyer got the signal and handed a blindfold to Diamond's hand. "We have a big surprise for you and Mackie, but I need to blindfold you first."

"A surprise?" Chloe was just as confused as her daughter. But she trusted Diamond and Meyer so much, so she had no bad idea about it. "Uh, I don't know what that is. But if that will make Mackie stop sulking about her Daddy, I'll go."

"Hmph! Daddy's not home for three days!" Mackie sulked again.

Diamond giggled, "Your Daddy works hard, Mackie. You should be proud of him. Besides, do you not want to see the surprise?"

"I do!" Mackie nodded. "Do I need to close my eyes too?"

"No need. Only your Mom needs to do it. But you must promise you won't speak until your Mom opens your eyes, okay?"


Thus, Diamond covered Chloe's eyes with a blindfold and held her hand, ensuring she wouldn't trip.

"W—Wait—"Chloe said. "I'm still in my pajamas. Let me dress up first."

"Ah, no need, Girl. I'm sure he'll still be madly in love with you even if you're wearing a clown costume," Diamond commented.

Chloe was surprised but said nothing as she didn't want to get her hopes up.

She was led to enter the backseat of a car with Mackie by her side, "It's okay, Mommy. I'm here! I will protect you!" Mackie assured.

Chloe held her daughter's hand and felt the car was moving.

She was quite anxious about what the surprise was all about.

She hoped the surprise was Vernon proposing to her.

But she doubted that.

He had been so busy with work that he didn't even have enough time to talk with her on the phone, let alone set up a marriage proposal.

It took almost two hours on Sunday morning until Meyer turned off the engine, so they were definitely out of New York City, probably in the suburbs.

"And we are here," Diamond said. "Let me guide you to your surprise, best friend."

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