Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother

Chapter 622 622

Of course, she knew Chelsea had been obsessed with Vincent since Chloe first introduced him to Chelsea and her mother.

Chelsea had been lovestruck and soon after started hating her for no reason other than jealousy.

She thought that Chelsea would eventually grow out of it because she and Vincent had been married for ten years, but it seemed that Chelsea never grew out of the childish jealousy she had.

However, Chloe didn't expect things to get this bad.

"Yes, Officer," Chloe replied, confirming the Officer's theory. "My sister has been obsessed with my… my husband since we were just teenagers. But I thought she'd grow out of it, especially since she had been married for nine years and had four kids of her own."

"Did she show any kind of obsession on a daily basis as well?"

"No, she was normal most of the time…" Chloe said. She didn't want to give too much information to the Officer about her life because she knew it was very private and might be too scandalous. But she gave him enough information to work with. "I rarely meet her, but whenever I meet, she'd always be hostile towards me, even attacked me once. It worsened once she got that scar."

The Officer had a lot of questions that he wanted to ask. But he also had to be careful because this woman was the wife of Vincent Gray, a highly respected businessman, and philanthropist. He didn't want to get into trouble just because the questions annoyed a billionaire's wife.

"May I know if… if your husband ever reciprocated to her obsession?" Officer Derek asked.

Chloe understood what he meant. He wanted to ask if Vincent had ever had an affair with Chelsea. Unfortunately, the answer was no.

Though Vincent was a serial cheater who'd fuck any woman he liked. But he was also very picky.

He only wanted to sleep with a woman if he was physically attracted to her or if he would get any benefit from sleeping with them, such as connection, or letting that woman do his bidding, just like what he did by sleeping with Jaden and Mia's mothers. He did it so they'd go crazy over him and willingly told their children to bully Mackenzie.

But there was zero incentive for Vincent to sleep with Chelsea. He wasn't attracted to her, and she didn't give him any benefit worthy enough to get her fucked.

It was sick, of course, but it wasn't surprising for Chloe. Because the sight of Vincent fucking a maid in the mansion wasn't uncommon for her.

She thought it was because Vincent found that maid attractive, but it seemed he just liked seeing her reaction from her. He laughed in joy and satisfaction whenever Chloe became hysterical after finding him cheating, and he'd do it repeatedly just to get her reaction.

Chloe's heart ached. She couldn't help to get upset about it because it was crazy that she could actually endure ten years of physical and mental abuse from that bastard.


The Officer's voice snapped Chloe out of her daze, "Ah—No, my husband never had an affair with my sister."

"… are you sure, Ma'am?" Officer Derek asked further. "Because the way she tells the story about him, it seems that Mr. Vincent Gray reciprocated her obsession."

Chloe frowned, "What did she say?"

"She told us that Vincent Gray is waiting for her. He already promised her a hand-in-marriage, and Chelsea Davis also claimed that Vincent would come to save her here."

"To save her?"

"Yes, Chelsea Davis told us that Vincent was the one who asked her to kill her entire family in exchange for a diamond ring," the Officer added. "It may sound bizarre, but looking at Chelsea Davis' current mental state, it might not be impossible that she'd accept a crazy offer."

"But Ma'am, you should know your husband and your sister better than I do, that's why I want to ask your opinion about this," Officer Derek said. "It is up to your judgment if you want to deny all of Chelsea Davis' claim, because it does sound crazy."

Honestly, Officer Derek expected Mrs. Gray to deny all those allegations about her husband and said that her husband was a loyal man with upright bringing.

She could also say that her sister was delusional, and everything she said was because she was crazy.

It was as simple as that.

However, instead of quickly denying all the accusations, Mrs. Chloe Gray stood silently, staring at her sister on the other side of the room.

Chloe was contemplating the Officer's question.

Obviously, the most logical thing to do right now was to lie about it. She should've just denied all the accusations regarding Vincent. Because she was afraid the police would use her testimony against Vincent, which would anger that bastard.

Chloe shuddered whenever she imagined Vincent getting at her. He'd beat her until she could only cower like a shrimp at the corner of the room, crying while repeatedly asking for forgiveness.

However, her heart told her otherwise.

She was 100% convinced that Vincent used Chelsea's obsession with him to get revenge. He was probably mad when he saw the trending video on social media today. In exchange, he somehow had to suffer because he got humiliated online.

Since Chelsea was the nearest and easiest target right now, it wasn't surprising if he actually offered a hand-in marriage in exchange for Chelsea murdering her entire family. Of course, that was all just sweet talk to trap Chelsea, whose sanity had already deteriorated even before that.

"Mrs. Gray, all you need to do is to say no and we will drop all the accusations and suspicions regarding your husband," Officer Derek said. "We won't question you further and will regard Chelsea Davis as mentally insane, so all of her words would be invalid."

Chloe brooded for a long time, and her body trembled because her mind and heart were fighting against each other. She contemplated whether she should save herself from Vincent's rage by lying to the Officer.

Or should she tell him that Vincent wasn't as kind and generous as people thought he was.

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