Dominator with Endless Level-up System

Chapter 34

C34 – The Fieryeyed Lion

“It’s getting late; you should get some rest and heal up. I might need your help again tomorrow,” Lee Tian told Green.

Green hesitated, “Mr. Tian, what are we going to do tomorrow?”

Lee Tian wasn’t certain himself. “The Swordtooth Tigers mentioned they were going to enlist a Fiery-eyed Lion for help as they left. I expect they’ll show up tomorrow.”

“Fiery-eyed Lion!” Green exclaimed in shock.

Startled by the outcry, Lee Tian asked, “What’s the matter with the Fiery-eyed Lion?”

“It’s a Spirit Beast!” Green explained.

“Spirit Beast?” Lee Tian’s eyes sparkled with excitement. “Even better. I’ve never had the chance to take down a Spirit Beast!”

He had assumed the Fiery-eyed Lion mentioned by the Swordtooth Tigers was merely a higher-tier Mortal Beast. But learning it was a Spirit Beast, his eyes gleamed with anticipation.

Like he said, he’d never hunted a Spirit Beast before. So, he saw this as a challenge, a trial before venturing deeper into the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

While Lee Tian was thrilled, Green was less so.

“Mr. Tian, I know you’re a Spirit Beast now, but you’ve only just transformed. The Fiery-eyed Lion, on the other hand, has been one since birth. Are you sure you can defeat it?”

Lee Tian smiled with unwavering confidence. “Don’t worry, I’ll definitely take it down.”

Green, still uncertain, pressed, “Are you sure, Mr. Tian?”

Narrowing his eyes, Lee Tian assured, “As long as we’re not facing a pack of them, I’m confident I can handle one.”

“I believe Fiery-eyed Lions prefer solitude. And if I’m not mistaken, the one the Swordtooth Tigers referred to is that particular Fiery-eyed Lion,” Green mused.

“Which one?”

“The one that reigns as king among our Mortal Beasts!”

Lee Tian let out a cold laugh. “Then it’s settled. That’s even better.”

But Green remained puzzled. “Have you figured out how to confront it? Shouldn’t we just run?”

“The Swordtooth Tigers have our scent memorized. Even if we fled to the farthest corners of the world, they’d track us down. And why run anyway?” Lee Tian let out a breath. “I need to seize this chance!”

Green gave a tentative nod, not quite grasping Lee Tian’s point.

“I’m going to get some rest,” Green said, arranging himself until he was comfortable, then turned to Lee Tian. “Aren’t you going to rest?”

“I’ll rest in a bit,” Lee Tian answered.

His gaze lingered on the evening sky, the colors of the sunset seemingly painting the silhouette of the girl named Zhou Yuyan.

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