Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 36

C36 – A Super Force

A person’s Bloodline Power was predetermined from birth, and while diligent effort could slightly enhance it, the process was far from straightforward.

Yet, making improvements was a challenging endeavor with limited results.

Any secret technique capable of augmenting one’s Bloodline Power was exceedingly rare and held immense value.

The Blood Devouring Devil Arts carried an ominous reputation.

Nevertheless, Loong Chen paid little heed to such concerns. Though the act of consuming others’ bloodlines was undeniably ruthless and repugnant, he had no reservations as long as it meant gaining strength.

At this precise moment, Loong Chen shifted his focus to the lifeless Lei Kui sprawled on the ground.

He advanced towards the Lei Kui’s remains and placed his hand atop its head. Then, he initiated the Blood Devouring Devil Arts.

Instantly, an unusual suction force materialized.

A crimson, vaporous substance began to manifest on Lei Kui’s body, following Loong Chen’s palm as it flowed into his own body.

Loong Chen distinctly sensed that as the Blood Qi entered his system, the latent genes within his cells began to agitate vigorously.

He could feel his Power of Bloodline had become much stronger.

“This is a very strange feeling.”

Loong Chen thought.

Although there was no significant increase in his physical strength, Loong Chen had a premonition that the potency of his Bloodline Power had grown stronger. This development held the promise of substantial benefits for his future.

A few minutes later, Lei Kui’s lifeless body transformed into a gleaming white skeleton.

Every trace of its flesh and blood had been meticulously refined, serving as nourishment for Loong Chen’s Bloodline Power, which had voraciously consumed it.

Loong Chen also sensed that, following the complete assimilation of Lei Kui’s flesh and blood, his Bloodline Power had surged considerably.

If the classification of Bloodline Power could be categorized into different tiers, then he had initially belonged to the lowest tier.

But now, it was the second grade.

Loong Chen bestowed the remaining 4000 empirical value upon his recently acquired Lightning Superpower, elevating it to the second tier.

Recognized as one of the most aggressive individuals with extraordinary talents, Loong Chen sensed a significant augmentation in his combat prowess.

Following this, Loong Chen proceeded to delve deeper into the vast expanse of Jade Gorge Mountain.

During the afternoon hours, Loong Chen dispatched no fewer than a hundred mutated beasts.

The majority of them were either Level 1 or Level 2, with fewer than ten being Level 3, all of which were classified as Beginner Level or Mid Rank.

In regard to Level 4 mutated beasts, Loong Chen failed to spot any within the confines of Jade Gorge Mountain.

It appeared that the earlier mutated salamander had been an anomaly, as there were no other Level 4 mutated beasts present.

The yield of this afternoon’s endeavors was undoubtedly substantial.

Loong Chen’s attributes had all reached the threshold of Level 2 Mid Rank, roughly totaling 10,000.

The cumulative empirical value had also approached nearly 100,000 points.

Perhaps most notably, his Power of Bloodline had ascended to Level 5 after absorbing the essence and blood of nearly a hundred mutated beasts.

Now elevated to a Mid-grade Bloodline, he was now a rarity, with only one or two individuals boasting such a bloodline among a million.

“It’s getting late, it’s time to go back.”

As the sun descended in the western sky, Loong Chen gazed at its fading light before departing from Jade Gorge Mountain, making his way toward Jinling City.

His commitment to his sister was unwavering; he had promised to return home for dinner without fail.

Loong Chen’s swiftness was remarkable, for within a mere ten minutes, he reached his doorstep. However, just as he was about to open the door, an unexpected voice emanated from inside.

“That individual named Loong Chen displays a rather audacious demeanor. I waited here for an unreasonable duration.”

Inside the room, a diverse assembly had congregated, encompassing individuals of various ages and both genders. All of them exuded a profound aura of strength.

It was evident that these were no ordinary individuals.

The voice belonged to a young man in his early twenties, his countenance now marked by impatience.

“Young Master Chen, I implore you to exercise patience. This young lady has assured us that Loong Chen will return shortly after tending to some matters.”

Standing beside him with an apologetic smile was none other than Zhang Qibing, the respected leader of the Evolver Alliance.

Zhang Qibing held the prestigious position of a Level 3 Evolver, ranking among the most formidable figures in Jinling City.

The fact that Zhang Qibing displayed such deference indicated that the individual in question possessed either superior strength or an influential background.

This young man was obviously the latter.

“There has always been someone waiting for me, and I’ve never been the one waiting for someone else.”

The young man didn’t calm down; instead, his anger intensified.

“My brother mentioned he’d return before dinner. Why don’t you enjoy some tea in the meantime?”

Loong Kui, carrying a cup of tea, approached the young man.

However, the young man waved his hand, causing the cup to overturn, spilling hot tea onto Loong Kui’s hand.

“I’m extremely upset right now. Do you realize how valuable my time is? Can you handle the consequences of wasting it?”

The young man angrily exclaimed, emitting a formidable aura that frightened Loong Kui into trembling.

Zhang Qibing’s demeanor shifted as he observed this scene.

He couldn’t afford to offend the young master before him. However, Loong Kui was Loong Chen’s younger sister, and he couldn’t ignore this young man bullying her.

Just as Zhang Qibing hesitated, an even more powerful Qi burst forth, countering the young man’s pressure.

Only then did Loong Kui cease trembling.

“If you’re not willing to wait, you can simply leave. Why are you causing a disturbance in my house?”

A cold voice sounded outside the door.

Simultaneously, all eyes in the room shifted to witness a fleeting afterimage.

In the next instant, Loong Chen materialized by Loong Kui’s side.

Observing the spot where her hand bore the scalding mark from the tea, Loong Chen’s countenance swiftly turned somber.

“You’re Loong Chen, correct? Do you realize you kept me waiting for quite some time? I highly value my time, you know.”

The young man intended to speak further upon encountering Loong Chen, but Loong Chen cut him off.

“Leave my residence. Your presence is unwelcome here.”

“Are you aware of what you’re saying? Do you have any idea who I am? I’ll afford you another opportunity to choose your words carefully.”

Loong Chen’s words ignited the young man’s fury. He pointed at Loong Chen and roared.

You are courting death.

Loong Chen emitted a cold snort. Without squandering more time on arguments, he seized the young man by the collar and ejected him through the window.

This scene stunned everyone present.

Zhang Qibing also couldn’t help swallowing his saliva at this moment.

He possessed a clear understanding of Young Master Chen’s true identity. How could Loong Chen dare to cast him out in such a manner?

While Young Master Chen might not meet his end in a fatal fall, he would undoubtedly suffer a considerable loss of reputation.

Loong Chen paid no heed to their opinions. He retreated to his chamber and applied the scorching medicinal treatment to bind Loong Kui’s wound. Then, he turned his gaze toward the individuals gathered there.

“May I inquire about your identities and the reason for your presence in my residence?”

“Younger brother, these individuals represent various influential forces. They have all heard about your confrontation with Mo Qitian and have come to explore the possibility of your association with them.”

Zhang Qibing clarified promptly.

It’s important to note that the term “major powers” in this context did not pertain to influential entities within Jinling City but rather referred to globally recognized superpowers.

News of Loong Chen’s victory over Mo Qitian had already disseminated worldwide, and there existed video evidence to support these claims.

Loong Chen was a mere sixteen years old, yet he managed to defeat a Level 3 Mid Rank Evolver, seemingly without exerting his full potential.

This implied that his strength was, at the very least, at the Level 3 High Rank.

Naturally, none of the superpowers were willing to let go of such a prodigious young talent, and thus, they dispatched their representatives to extend recruitment offers.

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