Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 40

C40 – Causing Trouble

“Senior Loong Chen deserves your respect!”

Bai Xiaohan raised her voice.

Upon hearing Bai Xiaohan’s utterance, Fann Wei’s smile was laced with iciness.

“Bai Xiaohan, despite being my betrothed, you engage in clandestine meetings with him. You even raise your voice at me on his behalf.”

Fann Wei’s smile was present, yet the fury in his tone was palpable to all.

“Is he your intended?”

Loong Chen inquired, taken aback.

“Absolutely not, Senior Loong Chen. He exploited his family’s influence to coerce my parents, pushing me into this forced engagement.”

Worried about a possible misinterpretation, Bai Xiaohan hastened to clarify.

“Regardless of your acceptance, our engagement is a fait accompli.”

“Maintain your distance from my future wife, or face fatal consequences!”

Fann Wei leveled a threat at Loong Chen.

Loong Chen maintained a composed demeanor.

“I have no desire to meddle in your affairs, yet it’s imperative that Bai Xiaohan departs with me this instant. Step aside without delay.”

Loong Chen’s response was steeped in tranquility.

“His audacity knows no bounds.”

“Shall we teach him a lesson?”

The youths flanking Fann Wei cried out.

Fann Wei’s expression turned dark at that instant.

Never before had anyone dared address him with such insolence.

“You’re dead meat!”

With a clench of his jaws, Fann Wei unleashed a formidable aura that surged through his being before launching a fist towards Loong Chen.

“Wei is infuriated.”

“That youngster is as good as dead.”

Observing Fann Wei’s aggressive move, the onlookers continued to comment.

Disdain clouded their eyes as they gazed upon Loong Chen.

They appeared to have pre-visualized the moment where Loong Chen would be pleading for leniency.

Yet, in the blink of an eye, their mirth ceased.

The grins etched on their visages solidified.

Inexplicably, Fann Wei’s fist halted in its trajectory, just shy of striking Loong Chen.

His frame seemed to petrify right there, motionless, his expression consumed by dread.

Only those who confronted Loong Chen could comprehend such terror; Fann Wei sensed his body had betrayed his command.


The command from Loong Chen was uttered with nonchalance.

Subsequently, to the astonishment of all, Fann Wei genuflected.

“Had you intentions to end my life moments ago?”

Loong Chen inquired, having detected the lethal animosity from Fann Wei in their prior encounter.

Such a sensation suggested that Fann Wei was no stranger to the act of taking a life.

“It’s in your best interest to release me; else, your chances of departing Dongfang Academy unscathed are nonexistent!”

Despite his predicament, Fann Wei managed to articulate a threat towards Loong Chen.

“Answer my question!”

Long Chen exclaimed, causing Fann Wei to sense an overwhelming force. It pushed him down to the earth.

“Indeed, my intention is to end your life!”

Though the pressure on Fann Wei intensified, his defiance did not waver.

“Anyone seeking to end my life shall meet their end first.”

Loong Chen’s voice carried a chilling note.

Any threat to him or his kin must be eliminated.

“You should know, my uncle is the Vice Principal of the Academy. Harm me, and escaping this place alive will become a mere dream for you.”

“Those associated with you will face their doom.”

“I’m eager to see how this plays out.”

With a disdainful snort from Loong Chen, the oppressive force surrounding Fann Wei intensified dramatically.

It felt as if he was on the verge of being squashed completely.


Suddenly, a boisterous yell echoed through the air, followed swiftly by the emergence of a middle-aged man.

Yet, Loong Chen remained indifferent, focusing instead on manipulating gravity to torment Fann Wei.

“You’re seeking your own doom.”

Observing this, rage consumed the middle-aged man. Without hesitation, he lunged at Loong Chen, aiming a punch in his direction.

“Be on your guard, Senior Loong Chen!”

Bai Xiaohan hastily cautioned Loong Chen. Without sparing her a glance, he effortlessly countered with his own punch.

The impact of their fists meeting left Loong Chen unfazed, while the middle-aged man was pushed back several steps.

“Such overwhelming power.”

Disbelief was evident on the middle-aged man’s face. How did Loong Chen possess such might?

“It’s unthinkable that the Vice Principal is at a disadvantage.”

“If the Vice Principal is a Level 2 Evolver, then who is this young fellow? Barely looking older than sixteen or seventeen, how can he exhibit such strength?”

“He looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t place him.”

By now, a crowd from Dongfang Academy had formed around the scene.

The spectacle of Loong Chen repelling the Vice Principal with a mere punch left them in sheer astonishment.

All those admitted to Dongfang Academy were considered prodigies of Jinling City. But standing before this young man, their prowess seemed insignificant.

“You claim to be his uncle? He mentioned that you’ll ensure I can’t escape alive. I’m intrigued to see how you intend to accomplish that.”

Loong Chen said indifferently.

Vice Principal’s face was gloomy at this moment.

After their recent altercation, he sensed that the youth before him was no less formidable than himself.

He gazed at Fann Wei, his face showing clear displeasure. How could Fann Wei utter those words publicly? It left him in an uncomfortable position.

“Listen, young man, we can negotiate. Release him first.”

The Vice Principal spoke without a hint of dignity. His embarrassment aside, Fann Wei was, after all, his nephew.

He couldn’t just stand by and see harm come to him.

“He’s intent on ending my life. Do you genuinely expect me to release him?” countered Loong Chen.

“I’m saying this for your benefit. Our Dongfang Academy has strict rules against taking a life within its walls. The consequences are grave.”

The Vice Principal emphasized with seriousness.

If not for his caution about Loong Chen’s prowess, he might have engaged him sooner.

“I’m curious to experience this ‘grave consequence’ you mention.”

A smirk formed on Loong Chen’s face.

His actions weren’t arbitrary; they had an intent.

If he was going to stir the waters, he might as well create a storm.

In doing so, everyone would understand he stood behind Loong Kui. With her entry into Dongfang Academy, no soul would dare mistreat her.

The Vice Principal’s expression grew stormier. He whispered to a faculty member, who then departed swiftly.

Loong Chen witnessed this but remained unperturbed.

Shortly after, another middle-aged gentleman made his appearance.

“Dean, this individual brazenly created chaos within Dongfang Academy and even voiced a desire to challenge our institution’s disciplinary measures.”

The Vice Principal briefed the newcomer.

Incapable of overcoming Loong Chen himself, he hoped the dean might handle the situation.

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