Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 64

C64 – Hedonist

“Excuse me, I apologize. Perhaps I can arrange an alternate room for you?”

The server, a young girl of about 17 or 18, was so terrified by the young man’s demeanor that tears welled up in her eyes.

“Other rooms? Are the other accommodations suitable for someone of my stature? Allow me to clarify, you have two options here. Either provide me with Sky Room 1, or brace yourself for an expulsion into the wilderness by my hand!”

He remained indifferent to her teary-eyed state.

“Oh, wait, there’s a third option. You seem rather attractive. If you accompany me to my residence tonight and spend the evening with me, we can consider this incident null and void.”

A sinister expression suddenly crossed his face as he reached out to touch her chin.

She hastily evaded his touch and uttered in a panicked tone.

“Sir, please exercise caution. I will find a way to secure Sky Room 1 for you.”

“It’s your lucky day that I’ve taken an interest in you. You dared to dodge my advances! I’ve changed my mind; I no longer desire Sky Room 1. You must come with me!”

However, he abruptly adopted a stern countenance and seized her arm, attempting to lead her away.

This wasn’t the first time he had engaged in such behavior. Given his influential position in the ancient city of Yandu, no one dared to intervene.

She let out a cry of distress, but the other patrons merely watched without any inclination to lend assistance.

Desperation filled her eyes.


At that precise moment, a cold and authoritative voice resonated, immediately capturing everyone’s attention.

He halted in his tracks, shifting his gaze to the speaker.

When he laid eyes on Dugu Lengyue’s nearly flawless visage, his expression underwent an abrupt transformation. It was the kind of avarice one might associate with a ravenous wolf spotting a defenseless lamb.

Such a breathtaking beauty, akin to a celestial being; even for someone who had encountered countless women, it was an unprecedented sight in his life.

Unconsciously, he released the waitress’s arm. In comparison to the enchanting figure before him, the waitress seemed like an unsightly monster.

He ran a hand through his bangs, striking a pose he believed to be dashing but, in reality, appeared rather pitiful.

“Fair lady, my name is Duanmu Hua, and I serve as the Young City Lord of the ancient city in Yandu. May I inquire about your name?”

His words were delivered with a courteous tone.

Nonetheless, Dugu Lengyue maintained her expressionless demeanor and completely disregarded him, causing him considerable embarrassment.

“Madam, I’ve heard there’s a meteor shower expected tonight. Would you care to join me in observing it?”

Duanmu Hua persisted. This time, his hand behaved rather improperly as it extended toward Dugu Lengyue.

A glint of coldness flickered in Dugu Lengyue’s eyes. As Duanmu Hua’s hand neared her, she swiftly grasped his wrist and gave it a sharp twist.

Duanmu Hua let out a wretched cry.

This abrupt turn of events left everyone, including Duanmu Hua’s bodyguards, dumbfounded.

“If you ever attempt to touch me again, I won’t hesitate to end you.”

Dugu Lengyue’s voice held a chilling resolve that left no room for doubt.

But as a notorious womanizer, Duanmu Hua wasn’t so easily cowed.

“You wretched woman, you dare to break my wrist! What are you all standing around for? Seize her, and I’ll personally teach her a lesson!”

Duanmu Hua commanded his bodyguards. Only then did the bodyguards snap out of their daze and, wearing fierce expressions, advanced toward Dugu Lengyue.

Dugu Lengyue’s countenance remained unchanged. Just as she was about to retaliate, a figure suddenly interposed himself.

“Miss Dugu, handling these scoundrels would only soil your hands. Allow me to take care of it.”

The intervening party was none other than Loong Chen, the one who had proposed dining here and felt responsible for resolving any issues that arose.

A peculiar expression flitted across Dugu Lengyue’s eyes as she regarded Loong Chen. After a brief pause, she nodded and withdrew.

“You still have reinforcements, don’t you? Everyone, attack! Capture the woman alive and incapacitate the man!”

Duanmu Hua barked orders at his bodyguards, who promptly charged toward Loong Chen.

Being Duanmu Hua’s dedicated bodyguards, they had carried out similar tasks numerous times and were well accustomed to such situations.

“These two youngsters might have sealed their fate. They actually dared to provoke Duanmu Hua, a notorious troublemaker in the ancient city of Yandu.”

“It’s a shame! Such a beautiful girl is about to face the wrath of Duanmu Hua!”

Conversations buzzed among the patrons.

As individuals hailing from the elite circles of the ancient city of Yandu, they were intimately acquainted with Duanmu Hua and his associates.

They knew that anyone who crossed paths with him would likely meet a grim end.

“Young man, if you possess any semblance of wisdom, kneel down and apologize to Young Master Duanmu. There might be a chance he’ll spare your life,” one of the bodyguards coldly suggested.

“Enough of your nonsense. Finish your meal quickly. I haven’t even finished eating,” Loong Chen impatiently retorted.

“You don’t grasp the gravity of your situation!”

A group of bodyguards advanced toward Loong Chen.

“Are you attempting to amuse me?” Loong Chen sneered, leaving the surrounding customers astounded.

Several blows landed on Loong Chen’s body, prompting the onlookers to avert their eyes.

However, the anticipated scene of Loong Chen being pummeled and screaming never occurred. His expression remained unchanged.

Duanmu Hua’s bodyguards were all Level 3 Evolver warriors, a status that was highly regarded in a small city like Jinling City but relegated to mere bodyguard roles in the ancient city of Yandu.

The disparity was indeed staggering.

Regrettably, the present-day Loong Chen was no longer the same as before.

To him, a Level 3 Evolver was akin to a Level 1 Evolver, like an insignificant ant.

Although a few punches connected with Loong Chen’s body, the observing patrons could hardly bear to witness.

Nevertheless, the expected spectacle of Loong Chen being battered and screaming failed to materialize. His expression remained unfazed.

“Is this your attempt at tickling me?” Loong Chen taunted, leaving the bodyguards visibly astonished.

Did he remain unfazed?

“Get out!”

Loong Chen bellowed, unleashing a formidable energy that radiated from his being.

The six bodyguards were sent hurtling through the air, crashing into several tables due to the immense force of Repulsion.

Without even flinching, he effortlessly incapacitated the six Level 3 Evolver warriors!

“This young man is truly formidable!”

“To defeat six Level 3 Evolver warriors so effortlessly, could he possibly be a Level 4 Evolver warrior?”

“But strength alone won’t save him. He’s offended Duanmu Hua! With City Lord Duanmu’s influence, vengeance is certain.”

The surrounding patrons exclaimed, and Duanmu Hua herself was taken aback.

“What do you say? Would you like to disable me?”

Loong Chen smirked and regarded Duanmu Hua with a teasing gaze.

“Don’t let your confidence get the best of you. Having strength doesn’t make me fear you. I am the Young City Lord of the ancient city of Yandu. As long as you’re in Yandu, I won’t let you off lightly!”

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