Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 78

C78 – Admitted Defeat


Under Loong Chen’s command, the accumulated lightning in the sky finally unleashed its fury.

A bolt of dragon-shaped lightning, thick as two arms, descended with great force, targeting Murong Yuntian.

Murong Yuntian furrowed his brow, fully aware that he had become the lightning bolt’s chosen target. There was no way to evade it; he had to neutralize it.

“Don’t think you’re the only one who possesses the extraordinary talent of the Ice Barrier!”

Murong Yuntian declared loudly, conjuring an icy crystal barrier above himself in response.

Sensing the impending danger, he added several more layers of the Ice Barrier.

At that moment, the lightning bolt finally struck, colliding with the layers of the Ice Barrier.

With a resounding crack, the initial layers of the Ice Barrier shattered within a second.

Murong Yuntian hastily reinforced the Ice Barrier with more layers until the lightning had exhausted itself.

Exhaling a long sigh of relief, Murong Yuntian couldn’t help but acknowledge that he had underestimated Loong Chen.

Loong Chen’s Lightning Superpower had proven immensely potent, almost ending Murong Yuntian’s life on the spot.

“We cannot prolong this battle any further, or it may lead to unexpected consequences.”

With this realization, Murong Yuntian drew a sword from his waist and thrust it towards Loong Chen.

Before the sword reached its target, the Sword Qi had already arrived.

“Murong Yuntian has actually mastered the Mixed Sword Technique and produced Mixed Sword Qi!”

An expert exclaimed in astonishment. The Mixed Sword Technique was another treasure from the Dragon God Temple’s vault, a 6-star sword technique capable of generating potent Mixed Sword Qi.

The quality of the 6-star sword technique was no less than that of the World Dominating.

Loong Chen swiftly retrieved the Tyrannical Saber and unleashed the World Dominating technique, slashing at the approaching Sword Qi.

By the time the Sword Qi had dissipated under Loong Chen’s assault, Murong Yuntian’s sword had already reached him, leaving him no time to defend with the Tyrannical Saber.

Consequently, he grasped Murong Yuntian’s sword with his bare hand.

“Aren’t you interested in keeping this hand of yours?”

Murong Yuntian snorted disdainfully and twisted the sword in his grip.

However, the expected scene of Loong Chen’s palm being severed never materialized. Not a single drop of blood spilled.

It was a mystery when Loong Chen’s hand had transformed into gold. Murong Yuntian couldn’t even withdraw his sword from Loong Chen’s grasp.

“How can this be?”

Murong Yuntian exclaimed.

Loong Chen sneered. If his Vajra Domineering Body could be easily breached, it wouldn’t deserve the title of a 5-star defensive skill.

In a fit of anger, Loong Chen shouted and delivered a powerful kick to Murong Yuntian’s lower abdomen.

Caught off guard, Murong Yuntian had no time to defend himself and was sent hurtling through the air.

“Earth Control, ensnare!”

Seizing the opportunity, Loong Chen pursued him and activated his Earth Superpower.

The ground beneath his feet cracked, sending rocks flying toward Murong Yuntian.

In a matter of moments, the rocks completely ensnared Murong Yuntian.

However, in the next instant, the rocks exploded one after another, revealing a battered Murong Yuntian.

“Loong Chen.”

Murong Yuntian was about to say something when he realized that, at some point, Loong Chen had appeared right in front of him, slashing at him with his blade.

“Ice Barrier!”

In a last-ditch effort, Murong Yuntian immediately employed his Ice extraordinary talent, conjuring an ice crystal barrier to block Loong Chen’s attack.

Nevertheless, Murong Yuntian detected a smirk on Loong Chen’s face.

“You’ve lost.”

Loong Chen spoke deliberately.

Murong Yuntian spun around, only to find an identical figure of Loong Chen standing behind him.

Before Murong Yuntian could react, the Loong Chen behind him delivered a forceful kick to his face, causing a few of his teeth to go flying.

His body was sent flying and crashed harshly onto the ground.

Two Loong Chens swiftly placed their blades on either side of his neck.

“You accuse me of cheating, claiming I brought help,” Murong Yuntian tried to protest, but due to the loss of some front teeth, his words came out unclear.

“You’re truly inexperienced! I didn’t bring any assistance! This is simply my exceptional skill!” Loong Chen retorted.

With that declaration, Loong Chen waved his hand, and the duplicate Loong Chen vanished into thin air.

“Now, do you surrender, or should I sever your head?” Loong Chen taunted. Murong Yuntian clenched his teeth.

Nevertheless, the blade pressed firmly against Murong Yuntian’s throat. A slight move by Loong Chen would mean Murong Yuntian’s demise.

Ultimately, in the face of preserving his life and dignity, Murong Yuntian chose the former.

“I concede.”

After uttering these words, Murong Yuntian seemed drained of all his strength, collapsing as if he had nothing left to live for.

Loong Chen sheathed the Tyrannical Saber and descended from the arena.

The spectators below cleared a path for him, their gazes now filled with reverence.

Loong Chen had, in fact, vanquished the second-ranked Sky Ranking holder, Murong Yuntian. What did this signify?

It meant that Loong Chen would replace Murong Yuntian and ascend to the second rank among the Sky Rankings in the Dragon God Temple.

Without a doubt, this sensational news would soon spread throughout the entire Dragon God Temple and even reach the far corners of the world.

The news headline read that Murong Yuntian, the former second-place holder on the Dragon God Temple’s Sky Ranking, had been defeated by a newcomer who had recently joined the temple.

“Master, he actually emerged victorious.”

Up in the attic, Dugu Lengyue was genuinely surprised.

Even though her master had previously predicted Loong Chen’s victory, she still harbored some doubts. After all, Murong Yuntian held the second position on the Sky Ranking, right behind her.

Did this imply that Loong Chen might be even stronger than her?

Dugu Lengyue realized that no one had responded to her. She turned her head and noticed that the person with the dragon head mask had vanished.

Loong Chen’s gaze shifted towards the attic. He had always sensed someone observing him from there.

With his keen eyesight, he easily spotted Dugu Lengyue atop the attic. He was mildly taken aback.

Did this ice-cold goddess truly pay attention to his duel with Murong Yuntian?

Dugu Lengyue also noticed that Loong Chen had spotted her. In the next moment, she vanished into thin air.

“Loong Chen, you actually defeated Murong Yuntian. I’m truly impressed.”

At that moment, Xiao Yan’s voice broke in, interrupting Loong Chen’s thoughts.

“Brother, your recent battle had me on edge. I almost thought you were going to lose.”

Loong Kui expressed his concern.

“You still doubt my strength. Don’t worry, I didn’t even unleash my full power. If I had, I wouldn’t have needed that long to defeat him.”

Loong Chen comforted Loong Kui, and he wasn’t exaggerating. Had he activated the Titan Mark or utilized his complete extraordinary talent, Murong Yuntian wouldn’t have lasted as long as he did.

“Loong Chen, you’ve defeated Murong Yuntian. You’ll now take his place as the second-ranked on the Sky Ranking. You’ll enjoy more privileges than I do. You owe me a meal!”

Xiao Yan chimed in eagerly.

“Alright, alright. I’ll treat you to a meal at the finest restaurant!”

In this moment of joy, Loong Chen readily agreed.

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