Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 86

C86 – A Quasi Lord-tier Mutated Beast

“Five thousand credit points?”

Loong Chen stared at the credit points displayed on his bracelet and mumbled to himself.

Level 1 zombies or mutated beasts yielded ten credit points each, while ordinary ones only granted a single credit point.

The area around him had been completely cleared. Within a hundred meters from his position, not a single zombie or mutated beast remained standing.

“If this keeps up, I’ll accumulate a substantial amount of credit points, Attribute Points, and experience.”

Loong Chen felt a surge of excitement. This battlefield seemed like a gift from the heavens.

Just as Loong Chen was preparing to continue eliminating zombies and mutated beasts in another location, he suddenly noticed a figure approaching him at high speed.

“Murong Yuntian?”

Loong Chen was taken aback. He couldn’t fathom why Murong Yuntian was here.

Murong Yuntian was incredibly swift. In the blink of an eye, he stood before Loong Chen.

Loong Chen was about to speak when he witnessed Murong Yuntian rapidly dart to his left.

Before Loong Chen could even turn to look, a massive red figure charged towards him.

“Red Hair Giant Ape!”

Long Chen was startled. At that very moment, the colossal form of the Red Hair Giant Ape collided with him.

“Let’s see how you meet your end.”

Murong Yuntian glanced back as he fled, witnessing the Red Hair Giant Ape crashing into Loong Chen.

His expression now held a triumphant air, as if his scheme had succeeded.

“Be cautious!”

Lyi Jie, who had just breathed a sigh of relief, suddenly changed his demeanor.

It was too late for him to rush over and assist. He even believed that Loong Chen was undoubtedly in mortal danger.

Facing the Quasi Lord Class Red Hair Giant Ape, even a mere blow from it could inflict severe injuries on Loong Chen.

Loong Chen’s eyes turned icy, his thoughts no longer dwelling on the connection between the Red Hair Giant Ape and Murong Yuntian.

As the Red Hair Giant Ape approached him, he swiftly triggered the power of World Dominating. With his strength amplified sixfold, he delivered a powerful punch.

Accompanied by a resounding impact, Loong Chen was forcibly pushed back several dozen meters.

His shirt was torn apart, revealing his tanned, muscular skin.

“A Quasi Lord Class mutated beast is truly formidable.”

Loong Chen shook his numb hand, realizing that without the aid of the Titan Mark, defeating this Red Hair Giant Ape would be an arduous task.

Yet, using the Titan Mark here was not an option; he couldn’t afford to run around naked.

“That guy is still standing. He endured the Red Hair Giant Ape’s attack!”

The border soldiers who observed Loong Chen couldn’t help but exclaim.

“How on earth did he manage to endure that? But now that he’s provoked it, he’s bound to meet his end!”

Murong Yuntian clenched his teeth, convinced that even if Loong Chen survived, he would be severely wounded.

True to Murong Yuntian’s prediction, the Red Hair Giant Ape was seething with anger.

It pounded its chest furiously and swung a massive fist, resembling a sandbag, toward Loong Chen.

“I didn’t pick a fight with you, but you picked one with me!”

Loong Chen bellowed in frustration and unleashed another punch, this time infusing it with the power of thunder.

Channeling the Lightning Superpower onto his fist significantly boosted his strength.

His punch, charged with relentless lightning, clashed with the Red Hair Giant Ape’s massive fist.

Instantly, lightning bolts shot out in all directions.

Although Loong Chen was pushed back a few steps again, this time, the Red Hair Giant Ape was clearly worse for wear.

Its entire right arm trembled, paralyzed by the thunder’s power.

“Earth Domain, Gravity Suppression!”

Loong Chen’s voice rang out, and the ground around him quaked.

A formidable gravitational force pressed down on the massive body of the Red Hair Giant Ape, forcing it to kneel halfway.

“World Dominating, slash!”

Loong Chen shouted with fury once more. His body transformed into a blur, appearing instantly before the Red Hair Giant Ape.

With a sudden leap, he wielded the Tyrannical Saber and delivered a forceful strike toward the beast’s head.

The Red Hair Giant Ape roared and struggled against the gravity’s hold, attempting to land a punch on Loong Chen.

Yet, just as its punch neared Loong Chen, he vanished into thin air.

The Red Hair Giant Ape’s punch missed its target.

This was the extraordinary talent of spatial manipulation—Teleportation.

Loong Chen’s Teleportation brought him behind the Red Hair Giant Ape, and he plunged the Tyrannical Saber into its shoulder.

The Red Hair Giant Ape emitted a pitiful scream, its body convulsing violently, sending Loong Chen flying.

Loong Chen executed a graceful 360-degree somersault in the air and landed securely on the ground.

“The trial of thunder!”

Capitalizing on the Red Hair Giant Ape’s vulnerability, Loong Chen pointed skyward.

In an instant, the sky became shrouded in dark clouds, and a multitude of lightning bolts began to gather.

Suddenly, a colossal bolt of lightning crashed down with a resounding boom, striking the wounded area of the Red Hair Giant Ape.

A cloud of dust and mist billowed out, obscuring the entire vicinity. The fate of the Red Hair Giant Ape remained uncertain.

“Could that young man have defeated the Red Hair Giant Ape?”

“How is this possible? The Red Hair Giant Ape was a Quasi Lord Class mutated beast! Even the Centurion might not be capable of defeating it. Could he be more powerful than the Centurion?”

Not too far off, Lyi Jie furrowed his brow while watching the billowing dust cloud.

Loong Chen’s display of strength had taken him aback, but Lyi Jie remained skeptical that Loong Chen’s strike had actually killed the Red Hair Giant Ape.

After all, it wasn’t so simple to dispatch a Quasi Lord Class mutated beast.

As expected, before the dust had even settled, a dark silhouette burst forth and charged toward Loong Chen.

“It’s the Red Hair Giant Ape!”

Loong Chen had anticipated this. He knew that the Thunder Trial alone wouldn’t be sufficient to eliminate the Red Hair Giant Ape.

The Red Hair Giant Ape threw a punch that created a deep crater upon impact with the ground.

This should have been where Loong Chen stood moments ago, but he was no longer there.

“You big idiot, I’m right here!”

A taunting voice echoed from behind. The Red Hair Giant Ape turned around and spotted Loong Chen smirking from a distance.

The Red Hair Giant Ape pounded its chest in frustration several times, clearly angered.

It was like a person attempting to swat a mosquito but continuously failing to land a hit, with the added annoyance of the mosquito still buzzing near their ear.

The Red Hair Giant Ape charged toward Loong Chen once more, but it suddenly realized that the human figure in front of it had split into two.

Abruptly, the Red Hair Giant Ape came to a halt, rubbing its eyes in bewilderment.

It couldn’t comprehend the situation. Just moments ago, there was only one person, so how had there suddenly become two?

Furthermore, the two individuals looked identical, down to their scents.

“You big idiot, take my attack!”

“You big dummy, take my attack!”

Both Loong Chens declared simultaneously, then lunged at the Red Hair Giant Ape from opposite sides.

This left the Red Hair Giant Ape, not particularly known for its intelligence, uncertain about which direction to defend against.

In the end, the Red Hair Giant Ape grew impatient and casually threw a punch at the Loong Chen on the right.

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