Doomsday: I Become Invincible By Picking Up

Chapter 95

Chapter 95 - Defeat of the Red-furred Ape

Suddenly, a daring notion crossed his mind. The mass of zombies and mutated beasts converging on the Great Wall appeared to be under someone's command.

Just as in ancient battles, there were always generals or military advisors orchestrating the forces.

“Is it possible that someone is controlling these zombies and mutated beasts?”

Loong Chen asked, his disbelief evident.

Lyi Jie nodded, then shook his head, leaving Loong Chen somewhat perplexed.

Lyi Jie dispelled the suspense and promptly clarified.

“Indeed, these zombies and mutated beasts are being manipulated to assail us, but the mastermind behind this isn't a human; it's another zombie.”

“Zombies controlling zombies to attack us?”

Loong Chen grew even more puzzled.

“Could it be that some zombies have developed intelligence?”

Zombies had a capacity for continuous evolution, but Loong Chen was uncertain about their intelligence.

“Whether zombies or mutated beasts possess intelligence remains uncertain. What I want to convey is that the entity orchestrating this horde isn't an evolved intelligent zombie; it's an ‘army corpse.'”

Lyi Jie said solemnly.

Observing Loong Chen's bewildered expression, he went on to elaborate.

“An army corpse is a specialized type of zombie, akin to a mutated zombie. Their unique talent lies in controlling other zombies. Typically, an army corpse surfaces during a corpse tide. Once we eliminate that army corpse, the zombies and mutated beasts will retreat.”

Loong Chen found himself slightly taken aback; it appeared he had underestimated the situation. Unbelievably, there were zombies controlling other zombies.

“Mr. Lyi, are you suggesting I assist you in locating that army corpse and eliminating it?” Loong Chen inquired, quickly grasping Lyi Jie's intent.

Loong Chen promptly comprehended Lyi Jie's request.

“Yes, typically, the army corpse conceals itself among the horde of corpses, camouflaging as an ordinary zombie,” Lyi Jie explained.

“As I mentioned earlier, venturing into the heart of the corpse tide is perilous. It's easy to become encircled. However, I didn't anticipate your domain ability. With your domain, we can penetrate the depths of the corpse tide and hunt down the army corpse.”

Loong Chen's formidable Earth Domain rendered him impervious to concern about being surrounded by zombies and mutated beasts.

Even if the formidable zombies and mutated beasts proved immune to his domain, it was of no consequence.

With Lyi Jie by his side, as long as they didn't find themselves enveloped by a multitude of zombies and mutated beasts, they should remain safe.

“Very well, let's proceed immediately.”

Loong Chen nodded, fully aware that on the battlefield, lives hung in the balance with every passing moment.

Although he relished the sensation of extracting attributes from the corpse tide, he couldn't afford to be selfish.

“We're moving out.”

Thus, Loong Chen and Lyi Jie commenced their dash toward the heart of the corpse tide.

Loong Chen's Earth Domain pulverized the lower-tier zombies and mutated beasts into a gory paste.

As for the Level 4 and higher zombies and mutated beasts, they proved scarce and easily dispatched by Loong Chen and Lyi Jie.

“I found it!”

Thirty minutes later, Lyi Jie's eyes suddenly sparked with excitement as he directed his gaze towards a nearby zombie.

“Oh no, it's the Ironarm Demonic Bear!” exclaimed Walter in alarm.

Walter's exclamation was met with immediate ground tremors, shaking the surroundings.

A colossal Heixiong, standing at a towering height of three to four meters, charged menacingly toward Dugu Lengyue and the group.

The sight of Heixiong, the mutated beast, sent shockwaves of astonishment across their faces.

“This is the Ironarm Demonic Bear, an overlord-level mutated beast!” declared Zhu Hao, his voice trembling with awe.

Zhu Hao nervously swallowed and cautiously steered his mecha several steps backward.

This creature was classified as a Level 6 mutated beast, often referred to as an overlord-level mutated beast.

The chasm between Level 6 and Level 5 was vast. Even though everyone present were elite Level 5 Evolvers, their combined strength might still not be sufficient to overcome an overlord-level mutated beast.

Furthermore, the Devil Bear Lord was a mutated beast specializing in brute force.

Walter and the six other Blood Race warriors swiftly advanced toward Loong Chen. With Dugu Lengyue and the rest pinned down by the Devil Bear Lord, there was no way to impede their progress.

“You've arrived at the perfect moment,” Loong Chen greeted the six Blood Race reinforcements with a confident smile.

Loong Chen was unperturbed by the arrival of the six Blood Race warriors; in fact, he eagerly anticipated their approach.

Loong Chen couldn't wait for them to draw nearer.

Loong Chen had discerned that despite William's Level 4 Evolver combat strength, his bloodline surpassed that of some Level 5 Evolver warriors.

The Blood Race, whose sustenance came from blood absorption, possessed bloodlines far superior to those of ordinary individuals.

This fact wasn't particularly surprising.

Upon Walter's arrival, William had already met a fate worse than death, reduced to a desiccated husk.

Loong Chen tossed the lifeless body aside, treating it with the same regard as discarded refuse. His icy gaze then settled on the six Blood Race members confronting him.

“Are you aware of the peril you've willingly thrust yourselves into? William was Dracula's offspring, and his father held the esteemed title of a Prince Class warrior!” Walter exclaimed with righteous anger. Dracula's lineage was the aristocracy of the Blood Race, their noblest bloodline.

Their vehement reaction was grounded in the expectation of bearing responsibility for William's demise and enduring a significant punishment as a result.

“Even if his father were a deity, I would still slay him should he dare provoke me,” Loong Chen retorted, his voice chillingly detached.

Walter's argument had a point.

“Should we succeed in capturing him alive and delivering him into the hands of William's father, perhaps we'll secure our chances of survival,” Walter suggested to the other five Blood Race members. With that, all six Blood Race warriors simultaneously advanced toward Loong Chen.

Loong Chen observed the six Blood Race warriors with an unflinching expression.

In terms of combat prowess, these Blood Race warriors could only be likened to ordinary Level 4 Evolver fighters. Yet, their Immortal Body made them formidable opponents, a challenge that often confounded even Level 5 Evolvers.

Nevertheless, Loong Chen had already devised a method to dispatch them. Thus, in his eyes, these six Blood Race warriors were no different from run-of-the-mill Level 4 Evolvers.

“Earth Domain, Gravity Field!” Loong Chen bellowed, activating his Earth Domain. The formidable gravitational pull bore down upon the six Blood Race warriors, immobilizing them completely.

With a stoic countenance, Loong Chen defied their intimidating Immortal Body.

“However strong they may appear, these six Blood Race warriors are no different from typical Level 4 Evolvers in my eyes,” he silently mused.

“Earth Domain, Gravity Field!” he declared again, deploying his Earth Domain once more. The powerful gravitational force kept the six Blood Race warriors firmly grounded, making their movements impossible.

Swiftly, Loong Chen moved beside one of the Blood Race warriors, his hand touching the adversary's head as he initiated the Blood Devouring Devil Arts.

Instantly, a thick surge of Blood Qi emanated from the Blood Race warrior's head, coursing into Loong Chen's body through his arm.

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