Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King

Chapter 1969: Are You Really My Friends?

Chapter 1969: Are You Really My Friends?

Restrict the Universe, Dragon Emperor Annihilation!

Tang Wulin swept his Sea God's Trident through the air, and a massive burst of golden light that was imbued with a terrifying destructive aura erupted forth, threatening to pierce through this entire world. Everything in the wake of the golden light rapidly collapsed, and in that instant, no attacks were able to reach Tang Wulin.

His Dragon Emperor Annihilation seemed to be threatening to destroy everything in this world, and if Tang Wulin's eight opponents had been situated outside this array, this attack alone would've been enough to erase all of them from existence.

The combination of the Sea God's Trident and the Dragon Emperor Restriction Techniques was simply far too fearsome, and a rift was forcibly sliced into the top of the array, allowing light from the outside world to seep through.

Even with multiple domains stacked on top of one another, the power of a true god was still too formidable to contain.

Tang Wulin naturally wasn't going to let such a golden opportunity slip, and he immediately flapped his wings as he unleashed his Golden Dragon Takes Flight, flying out of the rift in virtually the blink of an eye.

However, if he thought that breaking out of the array would spell the end of his problems, then he was about to be sorely disappointed.

From Gu Yuena's perspective, she could see that the array that trapped Tang Wulin was a massive ball of light that was constantly warping and shimmering.

While it was true that the array had been unable to withstand the power of Tang Wulin's Dragon Emperor Annihilation, in the instant that it was broken, it transformed into the shape of a gourd, which meant that another ball of light had appeared above the existing one, and the two were tightly connected with one another.

Tang Wulin had managed to break out of the original array, but only to rush right into the new ball of light above it! Immediately thereafter, the original ball of light quickly rose up to encompass the new ball of light, and the array remained complete.

This was an incredible display of adaptability and versatility from the array, and Gu Yuena couldn't help but be struck by the impression that the array had most likely been designed with Tang Wulin in mind.

Indeed, her suspicions were correct.

Shrek's Six Monsters were extremely familiar with Tang Wulin, and he was currently a true god, so as they were designing the array, their first goal was to be able to trap Tang Wulin in it. Otherwise, what would be the point?

As soon as Tang Wulin emerged from the array, he was immediately met by countless streaks of Dazzling Starlight, immense gravitational force, and a flurry of evil dragon breaths...

Are you really my friends?

A wry smile appeared on Tang Wulin's face as he hurriedly defended himself from the oncoming attacks. It was truly a surprise to him that he had failed to break out of the array, and he could sense that the array was still incomplete.

What was lacking from the array wasn't complexity, but power instead.

Even though it was able to combine everyone's domains to a certain extent, combination wasn't fusion, which meant that the domains couldn't enhance one another through fusion and integration.

At the very least, it still wasn't powerful enough to withstand his Dragon Emperor Restriction Techniques yet.

He couldn't afford to continue like this. Otherwise, his condition would be too severely compromised for the next two battles.

With that in mind, a serious look appeared in his eyes.

Fortunately for him, this array still hadn't been perfected. Given sufficient time, perhaps his friends really would be able to create an array capable of trapping him. What was also fortunate was that he had kept a trump card up his sleeve.

All of a sudden, the Sea God's Trident in his right hand was transferred to his left hand, and at the same time, he made a grabbing motion.

All of the evil dragons that were surging attacking him within the array instantly warped violently before disintegrating one after another.

At the same time, the remnants of these giant dragons quickly transformed into streaks of rainbow light that intertwined with one another, and as a result, the entire array began to tremor and sway.

A burst of powerful reddish-golden light erupted toward Tang Wulin from all directions, seemingly in an attempt to stop what he was doing, but it was already too late.

Meanwhile, Tang Wulin was unleashing a series of golden halos with the Sea God's Trident in his left hand, and the halos were surging directly toward the reddish-golden light.

The array was still attempting to struggle as it warped and twisted, bending space and time in an attempt to nullify Tang Wulin's Unpredictable Storm, but he certainly wasn't going to allow that to happen.

All of a sudden, light flashed within his eyes, and all of the warping instantly stopped.

Xie Xie wasn't the only one capable of controlling time; Tang Wulin's spiritual domain was Time Reversal!

The reddish-golden light was eradicated by the golden halos, revealing none other than A'Ruheng.

At the same time, the rainbow light formed by the disintegrated evil dragons finally fused as one, taking on the form of a massive nine-colored.

Tang Wulin reached out with his right hand, and the saber fell into his grasp. This was the law-enforcing saber of the dragon clan, and Tang Wulin slashed it through the air in a very simple gesture, but another rift was instantly sliced into the array.

However, on this occasion, Tang Wulin wasn't in a hurry to rush out of the array like last time. Instead, he gently swept his Sea God's Trident through the air, and a series of clouds of light took shape, giving the surrounding area a dreamy and illusory appearance.

Time and space intertwined, and a muffled groan rang out as Xie Xie's domain was broken, revealing the starry sky beyond it.

This was Tang Wulin's Millennium White Clouds!

Tang Wulin threw his head back and let loose a thunderous dragon's roar as purplish-golden light erupted out of his eyes. At the same time, he pointed his Sea God's Trident up at the sky, and in the next instant, a devastating burst of reddish-golden light erupted out of his body.

Heaven and earth seemed to be trembling in the face of the scintillating radiance, and the starry sky overhead began to crumble away as everything in the surrounding area was reduced to nothingness.

This was Tang Wulin's seventh Dragon Emperor Restriction Technique, Dragon Emperor Radiance!

There was no technique to speak of; only absolute power. In the face of Tang Wulin's true power, the array was unable to hold itself together any longer.


The array exploded, and seven figures stumbled out into the open; even the Starlight Shackles that connected them had been destroyed, disintegrating into specks of starlight.

All of Tang Wulin's opponents for this battle had been forced to reveal themselves, with the exception of Sima Jinchi, who had already transformed into the Dragonslaying Saber that was being wielded by Tang Wulin.

All of their faces were very pale, and if it weren't for the fact that Tang Wulin had withdrawn his Dragon Emperor Radiance, all of them would've been severely wounded.

In fact, the ones among them with lackluster defensive prowess, such as Xu Xiaoyan, could've even been killed on the spot.

Tang Wulin was holding the Sea God's Trident in one hand and the Dragonslaying Saber in the other, and he looked like a deity that had descended from the heavens. His Golden Dragon Moon Song battle armor was glowing with golden light as he spread his massive golden wings, and his eyes were filled with determination and resolve.

A series of vine projections appeared behind him, and in the next instant, the sky turned a purplish-blue color, encompassing Tang Wulin's seven opponents.

Immediately thereafter, one earth-shattering thunderclap rang out after another, and this entire space began to warp in the face of Tang Wulin's power.

This was his Blue Emperor Myriad Lightning Hell!

Having just been sent flying by Tang Wulin's Dragon Emperor Radiance, everyone was still yet to stabilize themselves, but the Blue Emperor Myriad Lightning Hell was already upon them.

Bolts of purplish-blue lightning struck their suits of four-word battle armor, causing the surface of their battle armor to shimmer and ripple as it attempted to protect itself.

The defensive prowess of four-word battle armor was truly astounding, to the extent that even Tang Wulin's Blue Emperor Myriad Lightning Hell wasn't able to completely overwhelm them.

However, this was only the beginning!

All of a sudden, Tang Wulin appeared next to A'Ruheng amid a flash of light. Currently, A'Ruheng was completely immobilized by a series of golden halos manifested from Tang Wulin's Unpredictable Storm.

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