Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 266: Father Vs Son (1)

Chapter 266: Father Vs Son (1)

"Are you ready my son?"Questioned Tang San as his gaze gradually began softening.

"Always." Said Tang Wulin as his eyes narrowed.

Tang San nodded to him before raising his right hand, and the golden light shone. A golden trident appeared in his hand, similar to the one Old Tang always had and the one used in the training before.

The Sea God Trident was an Ultra Divine weapon, when it appeared in the hands of Tang San, the feeling it gave Tang Wulin was terrifying.

The weapon seemed to have merged with Tang San, with him no longer being a person but a boundless deep sea.

Tang San's eyes are blue and deep, watching his son, the sound of the waves whistling from all directions. Looking as if they could see through all things and watch over everything, calm as the gentle ocean.

A luminous circle of soul rings rose from the feet of Tang San, all of them glimmering with the first eight being red. But the last soul ring turned out to be a strange bright golden color ring, that gave off the brutal oppression of the sea.

As if there was a behemoth moving under both Tang Wulin and Tang San, eyeing them.

"So it's true, you do have all nine red rings and a one million-year-old spirit beast." Muttered Tang Wulin as he felt his heart beginning to beat even more.

According to the legend told to him by Xie Xie, his father defeated a million-year-old deep-sea demon whale. A similar one that he was supposed to fight but didn't get the chance to as it was presumed dead.

With a one million year ring as his last one, alongside his father's weapon and abilities. Indeed, this is the strongest state of his father, an existence that stood and lord over the top.

Tang San's reputation was not misplaced or for nothing, beating an existence like that and then going on to defeat two gods. It's not wrong to say his father's reputation was something untouched or even close to being surpassed by anyone.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't care about all of that, he only wanted to fight his father at the moment.

With a step, his soul rings began appearing under him before rising and lighting up.

"Amazing."Mutter Tang San as he saw his son's terrifying soul rings.

Red, Red, Red, Orange gold, Multi-Colored, Green-Gold, and two Pinkish-blue rings were rising from his son.

A combination that Tang San has never seen before, not even Huo Yuhao had a ring combination like this.

"Three rings that are over a hundred thousand years, one that is past two hundred thousand years. The last four are at one million years old, son you really are amazing."Said Tang San as his eyes slightly narrowed.

With a stomp of his feet, Tang Wulin shot straight towards Tang San. His whole body was adorned with all of his amplification as a trident appeared in his hand.

Trishula in his hand and wasting no time, the trident pierced over towards Tang San, as it penetrates through the air.

The Sea God trident struck out, hitting the top half of Trishula before moving it downwards, redirecting the thrust.

Yet Tang Wulin didn't mind this as his body twisted, moving the trident into an arc that hacked down on Tang San.

Tang San didn't show any reaction as he slightly step-back from the attack, allowing it to pass by his face an inch apart.

Then he thrust out with his trident that pierced towards Tang Wulin but it was then that vines erupted from below.

The flowering vines surged with lightning as they hacked towards Tang San causing him to turn his thrust into a slash, that bisected all of the vines.

'Magic Dragon Flare.'

The sky was bathed in a brilliant light before a myriad of lights rushed towards Tang San who only began to twirl his trident around.

Smashing apart all of the lights hacking towards him before side-stepping a trident that came flying by.

Tang San brandishes his trident in a sweeping moving, clashing with a golden fist that gave off a terrifying light.

Fist and Trident clashed!

Tang Wulin narrowed his eyes as he felt the impact, it was as if his fist was trying to break through the entire ocean.

Not only that but he could see his fist was leaking out blood as well as shivering from the impact.

Tang San only smiled as he knew and understand just how terrifying an Ultra Divine was. Not even his son God level body could truly contend with it unless his own body has reached the God-King level.

But it was then Tang San eyes widen when he saw multi-colored vines wrapping around the Sea God Trident and him.

Eight rings appeared behind Tang Wulin, all of the lighting up as the vines pulsed with power.

'Eight Soul Skill: Branches of Akasha.'

In the next instant, Tang San vanished from in front of Tang Wulin, appearing a few meters away from him.

But Tang Wulin didn't mind this as he already achieved what he wanted and needed to do.

'So these are his skills and experience.' Thought Tang Wulin as the information of all of Tang San skills and experience were surging into his mind.

This was the power of the Branch of Akasha; it allowed him to gain complete knowledge of personal skills and experience. This was through Yggdrasil's power of being able to peer through the past, present and future.

'So in this state, he does have the Sea God and Asura God bloodline.' Thought Tang Wulin with his eyes narrowed before he launched himself forward.

'Time Acceleration.'

'Heavenly Emperor Dragon Soars.'

'Magic God Spiralling Flare.'

Tang Wulin figure turned into a dazzling and golden figure before he pierced over towards Tang San, with orbs of energy swirling around.

Within an instant, Tang Wulin reached Tang San who was beginning to move his trident alongside his arm lighting up.

All of the orbs of energy around Tang Wulin instantly dropped down to the ground as the gravity around was increased.

As this was happening, Tang San hacked downwards on Tang Wulin with his Sea God Trident.

Tang Wulin instantly summoned back Trishula before hacking upwards, clashing with the trident for a brief second.

There clash created a small gust of wind and shockwave before they began exchanging moves. Tang Wulin began whipping his trident all around, hacking down on Tang San who kept on deflecting it.

Tang Wulin thrust forward, aiming for the shoulder, leg, abdomen, and everywhere else. Yet Tang San kept on deflecting, blocking, or evading the attacks in the last second with perfect grace.

Gripping Trishula, Tang Wulin hack downwards with all of his might causing Tang San to step back as the trident shook the earth.

At that moment, vines erupted from the ground before hacking towards Tang San who swiftly reacted with a slash.

Yet as he was cutting apart the vines, even more, appeared under him with spheres of light black-blue energy hacking downwards.

But even while he was being attacked from all angles, Tang San expression didn't change as thrust out his hand.

A giant blue-gold web was shot out from his hand; it was six meters wide, big enough to take the attack from above. Then with spectacular grace and skills, the trident in his hand began dancing divinely.

All of the vines that were hacking towards Tang San were slashed, chopped, and hacked apart, with none of them touching him even once.

It was then a glittering trident that was roaring with lightning was hacking down on Tang San. He quickly evaded the attack before thrusting out his trident, aiming for Tang Wulin who quickly jumped out of the way.

Then he hacked down once again, with Trishula surging with lightning. Tang San side-stepped the attack but as he was about to counter, he instantly jumps away as the lighting around Trishula exploded.

Yet not before he shot out a golden-red light line that came streaking towards Tang Wulin who simply swiped his hand.

The golden-red light line was slashed apart as space and time were cut. Then he dashed towards Tang San with his rings appearing behind him before they lit up.

Gripping Trishula in his hand, he felt the lightning and destruction energy surging around it before he hurled it towards Tang San.

'Heavenly Emperor Dragon Ascend The Heaven.'

'Golden Dragon Tremor Blast.'

'Heavenly Emperor Dragon Shake The Earth.'

The trident broke through the air, causing the space around to tremble uncontrollably and break apart as it pierced towards Tang San.

Tang San instantly began twirling his trident before slashing downwards causing a blue dragon to appear in front.

The dragon releases a deafening roar that gave off a terrifying pressure before it made contact with Trishula causing a tremendous explosion.

'Magic God Fist.'

As this happened, Tang Wulin appeared next to Tang San, his fist piercing over with his heavenly dragons beside him.

Yet as if he was expected this, Tang San begins to calmy react but then Tang Wulin began to rotate his hand.

'Heavenly Emperor Dragon Shocks The Heaven.'

A terrifying pressure erupted outwards causing Tang San figure to stagger and Tang Wulin fist to appear in his face.

But instead of it smashing into Tang San's face, it made contact with a long-tin leg that appeared out of nowhere.

As the fist made contact with the leg, they began to crack everywhere but this gave Tang San enough time to recover.

Tang San quickly used the force of Tang Wulin fist to move back but not before looping a vine around Tang Wulin arm.

Eight rings appeared behind Tang San causing Tang Wulin instinct and senses to scream at him. Red ripples began to erupt from the vines, moving towards Tang Wulin.

'Magic God Explosion.'

Instantly energy erupted from Tang Wulin, which blew away the red ripples and the vine that was around his arm. But it was then, that even more vines began to appear all around as if they were waiting for this chance.

"Sorry, but nature is the one thing I am least afraid of." Said Tang Wulin as life energy exploded outwards from him causing all of the vines to freeze.

Tang San's eyes flashed as he saw the vines freeze before they began to lay down, no longer under his command.

Tang Wulin stomped down on the ground, causing vegetation and nature to sprout all around him and Tang San.

All of the vegetation was covered in gold from them being in a golden world. But they were all happy as they could feel the divine energy around them.

Tang Wulin thrust out his hand as a massive spinning sphere of vines that shined with golden-green colors erupted from the ground.

Not only that but myriads of vines erupted from the ground, shining hotly with destruction energy before they hack down towards Tang San.

Tang San glance all around, seeing that he was being attacked from everywhere, he couldn't help but smile.

As his son really has become strong, even though his cultivation wasn't at the peak, it was still worthy for him to take this seriously.

The lances on his back began to tense as he gripped his trident before turned into a blur as he began moving. The lances began slashing and chopped apart the vines that were hacking towards him from the back.

While Tang San rotated his trident, creating energy that defended him from the top before he thrust out his trident.

In the next instant, the trident clashed with the spinning tree before it shattered it and then slashed down on his left side.

Tang Wulin appeared next to him with Trishula surging with power before they collided once again and began exchanging moves.

They exchanged fifty moves with each other before Tang Wulin back up.

He was bleeding from all the time's Tang San broke through his defenses, a testament of him being on another level when it comes to the spear.

But those bleeding were instantly healed, thanks to his terrifying regeneration and body.

Understanding it was hopeless to fight him with the spear, Tang Wulin hurled Trishula before dashing forward again.

Tang San deflected Trishula away before chopping towards Tang Wulin, his trident flaring with power.

Tang Wulin countered with a fist that shined like the burning sun as vines wrapped around his whole arm.

'Golden Dragon Tremor Blast.'

As these two collided once again, a great explosion rang out once again.

Tang San was blown back from the overwhelming force with blood leaking out. But he was then pulled back as a vine appeared around his waist.

Tang Wulin clenched his fist as his god slayer magic swirled around his fist before he thrust out toward Tang San.

Alongside this was his sixteen heavenly dragons that erupted from the ground before dashing towards Tang San.

Behind him, divine spears made of vines were formed one after another. They rushed towards Tang San, wishing to pierce through him.

Tang San calmly began moving his trident, chopping apart the vine around him before his rings appeared and lit up.

Tang Wulin eyes widen when he saw a cage made out of vines forming around him before his heavenly dragon and fist made contact.

As they broke through the cage, a light appeared under him and the dragons before they were encased in a crystal.

As this was happening, Tang San began twisting his body to deal with the vines that were hacking towards him.

He saw thousands of vines that were filled with killing intent surging towards him, they shined with a dull purple light as they descend.

This type of scene was too terrifying as Tang San could tell the destruction energy inside of these vines was a large amount.

Knowing he couldn't use any of his normal skills, the trident began to move in a circle, forming a golden hoop.

As the vines reached him, they made contact with the golden hoop before fading away. Then Tang San launched another golden hoop towards Tang Wulin as the crystals shattered.

Tang Wulin's expression changed as he saw that familiar golden hoop and knew getting captured was defeat.

'Time Magic: Compression.'

Tang Wulin instantly appeared a few meters away from the golden hoops before they came into contact with heavenly dragons.

And to no surprise, he saw the heavenly dragon being suppressed and fading away.

Tang Wulin slightly narrowed his eyes as he could feel the wisp of divine energy coming from those golden hoops. It was similar to what he felt from Fafnir, Niddhog, and Surtr but far more profound and deeper.

'Is he utilizing divine energy in those hoops? It's not just those hoops. He has also been doing it with his trident.'

"You're utilizing the power of a god. You could do this even as a mortal?"Questioned Tang Wulin in a slight surprise causing Tang San to smile.

"Even before becoming a God, I had ways to reach the god level, just like you do. Of course, right now you aren't just fighting me as I was before but the me who has mastered all of his skills. With his twenty thousand years of experience and full control over the Trident."Said Tang San as a terrifying aura erupted from his figure causing Tang Wulin smile to widen even more.

He then stomps down on the ground producing cracks and fissures all around before he launched himself forward.

Tang San twirled the trident before he thrust forward, it was overflowing with brilliant colors and terrifying pressure.

It illuminated the area, making the space collapse with a single strike, the cracks extending outwards as it came upon Tang Wulin.

Tang Wulin fist directly smashed down on the trident point causing blood to splash from his fist from contact.

Then a huge golden dragon head appeared behind him before releasing a deafening roar that shook the whole area.

Tang San figure staggered from the roar as Tang Wulin foot stomped down on the trident before he inhaled.

'Magic God Bellow.'

'Golden Dragon Tremor Blast.'

A wisp of dark blue-black energy had begun forming inside of Tang Wulin's mouth before he released a beam of pure energy.

The beam appeared right in front of Tang San, too close for him to evade, while he wasn't able to guard with his trident.

Yet Tang San only smiled as instantly vines erupted from the ground, moving to form a barrier around him.

In the next instant, the beam made contact with the vines, shattering and breaking them apart as it moved forward.

But they were able to stall it enough to give Tang San enough time to side-step away from the beam path before lifting the trident.

Tang Wulin expression changes as he quickly hops off the trident as he felt its flaring with divine energy.

The golden trident erupted with energy like the boundless sea, divine radiance shined as Tang San spun the trident around. Then he thrust out, the trident rotated and flew like a dragon, turning into a streak of light.

Vines erupted from the ground, forming a barrier in front of Tang Wulin before the trident could reach Tang Wulin.

As the trident began plowing through the vines, a blue dragon appeared from its tip. It released a roar before pouncing at Tang Wulin who lashes out with a kick.

But the dragon simply moves around the kick, circling Tang Wulin foot before gently wrapping around his body.

Tang Wulin expression change as he felt himself being restrained for a brief second before he shattered it with his terrifying strength.

Yet this has given the trident enough time to reach him, directly appearing in front of his chest.

'Heavenly Emperor Dragon Emission.'

'Body Sect Secret Technique: Royal Guard.'

The spectral aura around Tang Wulin began shining with a golden and red light as it began to expand.

Just before the trident made contact, breaking through these lights, his defense and then launching him backward.

'Time Magic: BackTrack.'

As Tang Wulin's figure was being sent flying with blood leaking from his mouth and chest, it began to blur before vanishing. Tang Wulin appeared right in front of Tang San, with his leg hacking down upon him.

Tang San couldn't move his trident as it wasn't done with the motion but he didn't express any worry as a vine appeared around his waist.

Then to the slight shock of Tang Wulin, he saw Tang San being pulled away before his leg could make contact.

'Magic God Bellow.'

Yet not wanting to be outdone, he inhaled wisps of energy before roaring towards Tang San.

The beam of energy was able to instantly catch up to Tang San; it's dwarfing his figure as it gets ready to submerge him.

Tang San with his smile still present began to make a golden hoop before he launched it forward with his trident in hand.

The golden hoop and brilliant beam collided, clashing with each other before the beam faded away.

And then he swiftly swung his trident backward, with it clashing with Trishula that came rushing from behind.

'So, God Slayer is effective against the hoop.' Thought Tang Wulin as he knew that most of his skills are useless against Tang San.

Tang Wulin appeared behind Tang San before hacking down with Trishula that was surging with lightning and flames.

Tang San responded with by thrusting out his trident, intending to redirect the trident before sticking his son.

But as these two Ultra Divines made contact, Tang Wulin released Trishula. Then he hacks down with his leg that shined with a dark blue-black aura as it began breaking space.

Tang Wulin knew Tang San wouldn't be able to move his trident as Trishula was locking it in place.

Meaning Tang San would have to directly confront him without his Ultra Divine, something both parties knew wasn't a good thing.

But to his slight shock, he saw Tang San smile before a hammer appeared in his hand. With one great shout, Tang San swung the hammer upwards, colliding with the leg that was hacking down on him.

An ear-splitting and thunderous noise rang out through the area.

'Even this hammer has the essence of divinity...So his strength with the hammer really has reached the God level!' Thought Tang Wulin as countless thoughts flash through his eyes.

While the strength of Tang San with the hammer was still far below his, it was still good enough to withstand his blow.

Not only that but Tang Wulin could feel a terrifying killing intent within the hammer as if he was being hacked apart by a blade.

Tang Wulin fist came crashing down, striking through space and shattering everything around it as it released a golden-red light.

Fist intent overflowed as it moves down to suppress everything but it was met with a hammer that was erupting explosively with killer intent.

Their clash caused a great shockwave to form as a strong wind blew through the area.

Tang Wulin resummoned Trishula before hacking down on Tang San with it, yet Tang San responded similarly.

Sea God Trident in his hand lashing out with divine energy as it clashed with the lightning and flames of Trishula.

Tang Wulin tried to suppress Tang San with his terrifying strength as he began pushing down with Trishula.

But Tang San's eyes only flashed before he vanished once again, not daring to contend with Tang Wulin when it came to strength.

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