Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 281: Past Long Ago

Chapter 281: Past Long Ago

None of the soul beasts dared to make any more noise and merely chose to stare at Tang Wulin. Their expression was that of fear as they stared at Tang Wulin, body uncontrollable shivering.

The savage beasts were staring at Tang Wulin in shock, not understanding what type of transformation or form he just utilizes.

They all have never seen a form or a dragon-like that before, the overwhelming pressure and fear that the dragon drove into them was too immense.

This was terribly true for Zi Ji and Di Tian who both have the bloodline of a True Dragon, causing them to feel an unparalleled fear.

As if the beast that was just in front of them before was here to claim their souls and drench itself in their blood.

'God-Level!' Thought Di Tian as his eyes widened in shock while he had a look of disbelief as he stared at the back of Tang Wulin.

Unlike the others who cultivation either wasn't as high as his or didn't have that high of comprehension in the world. He was able to gain a sense of just how terrifying that black dragon was, having an understanding that it was comparable to a god.

As only a god-level being could pressure him this much from just its strength alone and with bloodline suppression.

One has to remember Di Tian was no different than a grounded God in this world. With his cultivation being superior to even the top Soul Masters and only weaker than those Calamities.

'Where did he get a form like this? Wait! It feels similar to that weird form he used against me in the Nine Dragon Event, except it lacks the Golden Dragon King presence.' Thought Di Tian as he narrowed his eyes at Tang Wulin.

"Alright, what I want to talk about is the feud between humanity and you guys." Said Tang Wulin causing the expression of the soul beasts to turn sour.

Some of them made the action to let out their disgust for the humans by growling, while the others just glared at Tang Wulin.

Of course, that was all they did, the appearance of the black dragon was still fresh in their mind.

"What I want you guys to do for me, is work together with the humans and on this Island to help create a safe place for you both." Said Tang Wulin causing the expression of the Soul-Beast but Na'er and Gu Yue to change.

They all stared at Tang Wulin in disbelief, looking at him as if he was nothing more than crazy spouting nonsense.

Soul-Beast and humanity working together?

'When heaven and earth collide!'

Was the resounding the thought of all the soul beasts as they glared at Tang Wulin and his foolish words.

Not only did none of them want to ever work with a human, but they rather have nothing to do with humanity as a whole.

"Stop speaking nonsense! How could we ever work with your people!"Shouted the Bear Lord with a sneer as he glared savagely at Tang Wulin.

Work with the people that are experimenting there, people? Laughable!

"Seeing as you are with the Lords, you must have to know what they have done to our kind. How they have reduced us to such a little number compared to thousands of years ago. How at this very moment, they are experimenting on our people, to accommodate their Spirit Souls project."Said the Bear Lord with a look of disgust and rage.

With the words of Bear Lord, the soul beast in front of Tang Wulin expression also darken as the hatred inside of their eyes grew even fiercer.

Tang Wulin didn't stop the Bear Lord from talking and merely glanced at him.

"Oh? Do you hate humans for experimenting on you? Treating you all as nothing more than animals and trash? Not giving you all a choice in this matter and killing most of your kind?"

Each of Tang Wulin questions caused the faces of the soul beasts to darker and more veins to appear.

Even Bi Ji, one of the kindest and most reserved souls beast had her hand clench as she stared at Tang Wulin with a stoic look.

Na'er and Gu Yue's faces were also stoic, but there was the occasional flash of silvery in their eyes.

"Seeing the look on all of your faces, it looked as if you guys wanted to rip apart humanity and suppress them." Said Tang Wulin with a smirk causing Bear Lord to snort.

"If we had our ways, we would have like nothing more than to rid this world of you all." Said Bear Lord his anger obscuring his judgment and allowing him to say the first thing that came to his mind.

"Rid them of the world? That is interesting if you guys were given the chance, I am sure there would be a massacre. Such is how far the hatred has grown between the two races."Said Tang Wulin with a chuckle before sighing.

"That anger you all feel is what humanity felt a very long time ago." Said Tang Wulin as his smirk disappeared, leaving him with his usual stoic look.

"What? Just what are you talking about?"Questioned Zi Ji as she glared at Tang Wulin but her eyes were showing hints of confusion.

"Come now, you all must have realized or understand that humanity wasn't always this strong, right? Didn't you guys rule the world first?"Questioned Tang Wulin causing them to go silent as they knew there was some truth in Tang Wulin words.

Before humanity, soul beasts reign supreme in this world, they were the ones at the top while everything else was below them.

Could any of them say, none of them hunted the humans before? Of course not, as not a lot of them had the intelligence or decided to go against their bestial instincts.

"But none of us has gone as far as you, humans." Bi Ji said softly causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

"Technically you are right, as none of you guys had gone as far as the humans in this era. But what about your ancestors?"

"What are you talking about-"

"Let me show you all, the actions of your ancestor and the world a billion years ago." Said Tang Wulin as he outstretched his hands and a golden trident appeared in his hand.

With a swift twirl of the trident, he tapped the ground as multi-colored vines broke through the earth and bound itself around his foot.

'Sleipnir and Yggdrails, your time.'


With the voices of the duo, Tang Wulin's eyes began shining with a multi-color light as he felt himself connecting with the plane.

"What are you doing, human!"

"Shut up and watch." Said Tang Wulin as his eyes burst with a multi-colored light that began twisting and changing the surroundings.

"What your ancestors and their actions."


They all watched, every single soul beasts watched wide eyes.

The actions of their ancestors, the soul beast in the past that roamed and ruled the land a billion years ago.

They saw a gigantic serpent rising from the sea, then they saw multiple cyclops moving towards Tang Wulin before the surrounding shift.

It was then they saw it, the huts that the humans lived in all those years ago. They saw their lifeless eyes and how little their numbers were.

And it was then, that they saw it as the image shift.

They saw it; they saw the horrific images of human heads on pikes that were sticking up in the air.

Some of the heads were burned, some had spikes protruding out of it, while others were half crushed and the rest was mutilated.

If that wasn't bad enough, they saw the bodies that were littered around, laying on the ground with fresh blood still streaming out.

Some bodies were crushed, some were smeared with blood, others were piled on top of each other and the others were mangled.

"How..."Muttered Bi Ji wide eyes as she stared at the horrid and terrifying scene with her hands moving her mouth.

It wasn't just her but the other soul beast even Di Tian's expression was grim as they stared at this scene.

"Such barbaric humans..."Muttered Bear Lord as he didn't believe for one second it was his ancestors.

He wasn't the only one as the other soul beasts while some had grim looks, they all believe it was the other humans who did this.

As they all couldn't believe that any of their kind would do this when it would be far simpler to merely kill the humans.

After all, this was no different than torture and cruelty.

Yet their reality was about to turn upside down in the next moment, as the surrounding shift once again.


Bi Ji's voice rang out as she stared at the scene in front of her in disbelief and pure shock, her arms were hanging from her side.

The scenery was showing a wolf spirit beast munching on the body of a human, with their laughter ringing through the room. As the human screams for help while slowly being eaten by the wolf spirit beast.

Before anyone could say anything the scene changed to an ape spirit beast, towering over two humans with a baby in his hand.

The ape soul beast tells the male human that if he kills his wife, he will give the baby to him. The male human screamed out loud when his wife rang herself through the blade, telling him to protect their child.

And then they saw the ape spirit beast crushing the baby in its army, smiling gleefully at the male human.

The scene kept on flashing in front of the soul beast, each image horrifying and worse than the last one.

Tearing off the skins of the human and using them as sculptures, with some forcing the humans to use their loved one's skin.

Turning their lives into the game, where only the strong can live, having them fight each other to death while they laugh.

They saw it all; they witnessed it all and slowly came to terms with just how terrifying it was back then.

This wasn't a means for survival but simply cruelty and games.

"Your ancestors played with the human's lives, torture them, and also treated them like experiment rats for their own amusement." The voice of Tang Wulin rang out as he appeared in front of them.

His face was stoic as he rewatches the scenes he saw in person, all those years ago with no emotion showing.

"This...This can't be true! How could our ancestors be so-"


Bi Ji went silent as she heard Tang Wulin words but she still kept her gaze on him, her eyes screaming for an answer.

"The humans back then didn't have any special power or means of defending themselves like the other clans. To the Soul Beasts back then, the humans were no different than bugs that they could squash with little effort."Said Tang Wulin with a sigh.

"Back then, it was the dragon clan who protected them...But after their fall, with no one to protect them or help them..."

"They were prey to the others." Said Gu Yue with a sigh as she looked at the scene in front of her with a sorrowful expression.

She didn't know what to say or how to react to this.

In a way, the only thing she could feel was a shame, similar to a mother who saw the horrifying actions of her child.

Na'er had bits of tear leaking out, as she recalls all of the scenes she saw and how heartbroken she felt from what her people did.

The only thing she could do was ask and wonder, how could they go so far?

The rest of the soul beasts were quiet, they didn't know what to say or how to respond. None of them were raising objections or questioning the authenticity of these sceneries as they were still in shocks.

There was a moment of silence as everyone began processing what they saw before Di Tian's voice rang out.

"Is this when he appeared?"

Bi Ji blinked her eyes, glancing at Di Tian before turning to Tang Wulin who was still staring on ahead.

"Who appeared?" Questioned Bear Lord in confusion causing the Zi Ji to roll her eyes before saying.

"You know who fools. The Demon King."Said Zi Ji although in a soft voice as she felt a shiver run down her spine.


Tang Wulin let out a faint chuckle before nodding his head.

"He appeared after a few years, as they suffered this. But as you know, when he appeared, the world was forever changed."

"When he dragged those soul beats off their throne."

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