Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 316: Beam of Terror

Chapter 316: Beam of Terror

"Do you think we should leave?" Questioned the Myriad Demon King with a grim look as he saw the series of explosions.

"And go where? As soon as those guys finish with the city, then they will come chase after us." Said Zi Ji with a frown.

"So are you saying we should stay and fight?"

"That seems like our best option right now. Either we stay with humans and defend this city or be eliminated."

"I doubt the soul beast will be too keen on doing that."

"Neither am I but-"

Before Zi Ji could finish her words, the building that they were in shook as a golden streak pierced through it.

"... Did that idiot really run to fight them?"

"I guess a decision for us has been made." Mutter the Myriad Demon King.

The streak of light moves through the city before it crashes down in the west area of Tenrou City.

"How dare you all harm my people." Roared the Bear Lord in its beast form but at human size.

Duskgold sharp blades instantly slid out of the tips of its fingers, while its aura wildly exploded.

Before it hacked down, unleashing the Duskgold blade of energy that chopped apart all of the invading soldiers in front.

"Bring it on!"

Bear Lord dashed forward, his body glowing with a Duskgold light as he created and sent the soldiers flying.

Yet instead of flinching, the soldiers that saw this only aimed their soul fixed ammunition weapons and began firing.

While the Holy Spirit Cult began sending down attacks against Bear Lord.

Bear Lord would have normally scoffed at these attacks, as none of the soul masters around him.

Were even Rank 70 but the weapons that they and the Dou Spirit Empire used.

Was piercing through his thick defense, the dark-light beams were causing him to internally bleed.

'Damn it! Has human technology advanced this far.' Thought Bear Lord with a grim look as he figured dashed behind a burning building.

But not before sending out waves of duskgold light at the soldiers, piercing through twenty of them.

The Bear Lord let out a sigh, gaining a few seconds of peace as he tried to think of what to do against those cannons and guns.

'The beams travel at lightspeed, which isn't much of an issue as I can evade it. But considering there is so many, it will prove-'

Bear Lord instantly jumped up, just as the whole building exploded, sending rubbles everywhere.

'They are already regrouped!' Thought the Bear Lord as he saw squads of soldiers with cannons and guns.

His expression changed as they began firing the dark blue light beam at him, while he was in the air.

'Gotta shield myself!'

Duskgold aura began to expand from his body, forming a shield of energy around him.

In the next instant, the shield around him was being bombarded by hundreds of dark blue light.

"Keep it up, guys! Surround him, close off all exit and continue raining down attacks on him!" Shouted one of the soldiers with the others moving around the shield of dusk gold that fell to the ground.

Bear Lord found himself trapped by the constant barrages of attack, with a sense of fear growing inside of him.



It wasn't just Bear Lord who was having trouble but the other soul beasts that were fighting back.

Soul-Beast across the whole city that was over thirty thousand years old was being pushed and forced back.

The cannons that fired a dark blue light was something that drove fear into all of the soul beasts who were hit by it.

As it disregarded their tough hides and dealt a significant amount of damage to them.

Combine this with the fact that the invader's number ranked over the thousands with all of them equipped with it.

The Soul-Beast resistance was decreasing more and more. While the humans were busy dealing with barrages from the battleships and mother ship.

As well as the evil soul masters and soul fixed ammunition from the Dou Spirit Empire.

Some of the soldiers were utilizing Mecha.

Making it hard for the Tenrou Soul Masters to quickly defeat them before more soldiers came and surround them.

'Damn it we are too disorganized.' Thought Mu Ye as he listened in on his soul communicator.

Every second he was receiving all kinds of reports, with it being difficult to properly address each one.

"I need to reorganize everyone... It would have been a lot easier if only Di Tian was here. I can see now, why that figure took them all away." Mutter Mu Ye with a frown.

By taking away the leaders, as well as the powerhouse of the Soul-Beast.

The enemy of theirs cripples there chance to get the soul beast to cooperate with the humans.

Without the presence of Di Tian or Bi Ji, the chances of getting the soul beast to help them were low.

Sure they agreed to guard this city but that was only through the leaders of both sides.

Most of the soul beast wouldn't care or try to follow such an order, considering both side history.

"Alright, let's do this."

Mu Ye moved out of the Pavilion, making his way into the streets while hearing the series of explosions.

As well as the screams, cries, and shouts of the people around him. But he ignored all of that, as he headed towards a specific building.

"Wang Tong, connect me to the city audio, I plan to make an announcement." Said Mu Ye while evading strays beams that were flying all over the place.

"... Master? Alright!"

"Mu Ye we need backup on the south area was being surrounded by thirty soldiers."

"Wrong! We need help right now, we're being pressured by the constant barrages of cannon from the outside. It's becoming harder to move around the city!"

Constant notice was ringing from his Soul Communicator but Mu Ye ignored it all as he increased his speed.


'They should be pushing them back well, according to the information we receive. This city isn't packed with a lot of soldiers or soul masters and even though they have soul beasts here. They aren't on good terms at all.' Thought the Masked Man as countless chains of root erupted from the ground.

They began rushing in all directions, attacking indiscriminately. Trying to smash and crash into the enemies around him.

"These annoying roots again!" Shouted Er Ming as he smashed the roots into smithereens.

Before he sent out a rapid amount of fists towards the eight enormous roots came from different directions.

Piercing towards him as well as large amounts of water that were descending like a gigantic waterfall.

Er Ming scoffed but he didn't move a five-colored light shined behind him.

A swirl of five radiance shot forward, as a sphere of the five elements crashed into the piercing roots and descending water.

A large explosion rang through the area, with water splashing around.

"Hm, not bad." Muttered the Masked Man on a root that towered over Er Ming, Tong Yu, and Bi Ji.

'And that other one is even more terrifying. It's good I locked in him there, although it won't last long.' Thought the Masked Man as he glances to the side.

At a gigantic root that was interweaving with countless others, looking like a gigantic pillar.

The root was giving off both a dark-green gold light as well a dark purple light, with cracks forming.

'We have to find a way to free Di Tian.' Thought Bi Ji with a frown as she also glanced at the root.

As soon as the Masked Man teleported them away, it seemed he was able to transfer and seal Di Tian away.

Such a feat shocked them, as Di Tian can be considered the strongest person in the world, minus those special exceptions.

Yet for this man to be able to seal him...

They tried breaking him out but found out that all of their attacks would just get absorbed by the roots.

With the attacks healing the cracks that were formed from Di Tian trying to break out.

Meaning, their best bet was to believe in Di Tian's ability and hope that he can break out soon enough to help them.

"How about you stop running!" Er Ming growled at the masked man in irritation.

Ever since this masked man had transported them here and sealed away Di Tian.

He has been using silly tactics that were pissing Er Ming off who at this point, just wanted to rip the man apart.

He would simply attack the roots of the land around them while manipulating the water elements.

Attacking them from all sides with attacks that Er Ming considered weak and a pest.

But anytime Er Ming and the others created a chance to attack the Masked Man, he would always switch with the roots around.

Using his teleportation power, something that Er Ming found he couldn't fully lock it down.

As the Masked Man in front of them was as strong as him, with his strength growing for some reason.

'Could it be because of the environment?' Thought Er Ming.

"Now, now. We're at a delicate stage right now, let's take our time."

"What are you on about?"

"He's talking about the city situation." Said Bi Ji with a frown.

"A sharp one I see, but it doesn't matter. It soon will come to an end." Said the Masked Man causing Er Ming to glare even harder.

"We will see about that."

Er Ming stomped down on the air, sending a shockwave through the area before dashing forward.

The Masked Man already notices it, summoning countless gigantic roots to obstruct him.

But Er Ming only snorted as his fist shined with a purple-red light before he launched it forward.

The roots as they got close to Er Ming fist, began to bend before shattering and breaking down.

But then even more roots came forward, piercing and hacking towards Er Ming figure.


Er Ming figure began to grow and change, reaching a height of 100 meters and becoming a gigantic ape.


The Titan Great Ape released an ear-splitting roar before its giant's arm seemed to be emitting a rumbling sound.


As Er Ming fist surged forward, the sky trembled, and a strong gust of wind howled.

The roots that were coming towards him, started to crumble as the gigantic fist closed in.

Whether it was Bi Ji or the Masked Man, they all had to gulp involuntarily the moment they saw this fearsome fist.

"Crazy bastard, such control over the laws of the world." Muttered the Masked Man with a dry chuckle.

Before he clapped his hands together causing a dark-green gold radiance to burst from him.

Just as the ground began to shake below them and thousands of hands made out of roots broke through the earth.

They burst out between Er Ming and the Masked Man, moving to intercept Er Ming attack.


Er Ming roared as his fist surged and shined brilliantly with a purple-red light as it crashed into thousands of hands.

The sky was split with the whole country below them shaking and the area in-between them being erased.

And the shockwave created fissures that spanned across two kilometers.

The Fist and thousand hands fought for dominance for a bit with the powers of the law clashing.

Before the fist smashed overpowered a thousand hands and released a gigantic explosion.

That devoured the figure of Er Ming and the Masked Man, covering them in a flash of light and smoke.

It was only after a bit that the light and smoke faded, allowing Bi Ji and Tong Yu to see the state of both of them.

Er Ming looked fine with only small burns and cuts on his gigantic body. While the

Masked Man's right harm was damaged, the cloak being destroyed, showing them his right arm.

Which to their surprise was green with strange symbols that were adorned on it.

There were also cracks on their mask, with pieces of the mask already falling off but still hiding their face.

"That mask is almost done for, only a bit more and I can see that ugly face of yours." Chuckled Er Ming causing the Masked Man to titled their head.

"Too bad, that won't be happening today."

"And why not?"

"Because the show is over." Said the Masked Man with a chuckle causing Er Ming to be confused.

But before he could open his mouth, the whole land shook.

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