Dragon King of Apocalypse

Chapter 321: Plan After Plan

Chapter 321: Plan After Plan

"We have been... Following your tune?"

"Big Brother? Did you just call them the Demon Monarchs?"Questioned Na'er with her eyes wide.

Yun Ming did brief her on what was going on, but she was still surprised that they would actually show up here.

Not only that but they were working together with the Holy Spirit Cult, even though they both have different ideologies.

"Yes, that is one of the Demon Monarchs. They are a part of the Holy Spirit Cult; it makes sense that they are the Monarchs in the hierarchy."Said Tang Wulin.

"... How long did you know we were here and were inside of the Holy Spirit Cult?"

"Honestly, not long. To be more precise, I didn't even know you guys were here till months ago."Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er to tilt her head.

"But big brother, how did you know that they would be dispatching fleets?"

"I knew because I was the one who got them to do it." Said Tang Wulin.

Na'er eyes widened, while the Taotie Masked Man slightly trembled as he titled his head.

"You... You got us to do it?"

"More or less. I guess I should explain."Said Tang Wulin as he saw that Na'er was giving him a blank look.

"I guess it was almost a year ago when we were on our way to killing Jorgunmandr? I perceive and feel the presence of evil soul masters tailing us."Said Tang Wulin.

Na'er was slightly confused and surprised as she opened her mouth and said," You never said anything about this. And none of the Limit Douluo who was with us mentioned they sense anything."

"Not surprised, the evil soul masters that were tailing us as we went to the depths of the ocean were being cloaked. I am surprised they had someone like that in their rank but I doubt any Limit Douluo could sense them. If it wasn't for my senses being so sharp as well as being underwater, I probably wouldn't have sensed them." Said Tang Wulin with the Taotie Masked Man nodding his head.

"Hmm, I thought we were able to perfectly track and escape your notice. But I guess Ming concealment wasn't enough."

"I am assuming he is another Monarch?"

"Hm, I guess there's no harm in you guys knowing since it has come this far. Yes, Ming is the name of one of the Monarchs with my being Abbadon, the Ruler over Silva."Said Abbadon as the masked on his face began to crack.

Before in the next instant, it shattered.

Revealing a human-man like a face, with three horns that were centered in the left, middle, and right of his face. The man's skin was light purple with bits of scales being scattered around him and purple-blue eyes.

"Please do continue. You have caught my interest." Said Abbadon with a huge smirk causing Tang Wulin and Na'er lips to twitch.

'What a weird bastard.'

"I didn't say anything because I wanted to test a theory of mine. So I allowed them to follow us to the sea palace and afterward, it seems the theory of mine is true."

"Oh? What theory is that?"Questioned Abbadon.

"You guys have been allowing us to kill the Calamities. Hm no, it was more like you guys wanted us to do, as if they were a threat you all. I didn't understand this at first since the presence of the Calamities was very beneficial to you all."

"But it was after I learned about your Monarchs being here, that it all clicked. Why the holy spirit cult barely tried to interfere with my movement, allowed me to go free and why taking back Star Luo was so easy. It's because you guys wanted me to kill the Calamities. After all, beings like you wouldn't like such an existence on the same plane as you."Said Tang Wulin, causing Abbadon's smile to grow even wider.

"... You figure all that out? Well color me impressed, I didn't think there was someone as sharp as Gremory. But anyway, you are right, while those other clowns would have loved the presence of the Calamities to help their cultivation. We Monarchs detested their presence and required a way to get rid of them."

"So imagine our surprise when we found out that someone could kill them. And so, we allowed you to kill them, delaying and restraining the cult from interfering too much with you but not enough to the point. You all will get too suspicious of our motives."Said Abbadon causing Tang Wulin to nod his head.

Yun Ming and the others were suspicious about the recent actions of the Holy Spirit Cult.

But they didn't have anything to help them see why this was the case.

"So you guys have been just using us?" Na'er questioned with a frown.

"I wouldn't say used, as we both benefit. You guys killed the calamities thereby bringing calm to your people and continents. And we gained the benefit of not having to deal with multiple gods, see how it worked out fine."Said Abbadon while Na'er simply glared at him.

As she didn't like the feeling of being used, especially by these people.

"I didn't like it too, so I decided to get some compensation. By using the people that were following us."

"I can understand that you allowed them to follow you but why would-" Abbadon began to trail off as his eyes slowly began to widen.

"Figure it out already?" Questioned Tang Wulin in amusement with Na'er also understanding as well.

"... You really are a crazy bastard." Said Abbadon as his smile began to fade away while staring in shock.

"Big brother... Don't tell me you allowed the Holy Spirit Cult members to follow us to Tenrou Academy, so they can attack it?"Questioned Na'er in disbelief.

It wasn't just her but even Abbadon was finding this a bit hard to grasp, not understanding why he would do such a thing.

"I did."

"But... Why? Was it because you wanted to divide our forces? Or to give more breathing room to the Douluo Continent?"Questioned Abbadon.

"It's none of those if I had to say the true purpose of doing this. It was to bring a result that I wanted and could most likely only get from this."

"And that result is?" Questioned Na'er.

"The beginning of the unification between soul beasts and humanity." Said Tang Wulin causing Na'er eyes to widen in shock.

"The history between soul beast and humanity is such a long one, that is filled with injustice on both sides. Because of this, it would require a method that would have both sides seeing past their hatred for each other and working together."

"Most methods would take thousands of years because it would require both sides to slowly start to forgive each other. I didn't have the time or care for that, so I decided to implement the most straightforward method."

"... You gave them something in common."Muttered Na'er as she began to slowly understand.

"Yes, I gave them a common enemy that both will need to combat together if they want to survive. But of course, I understand I need to make some preparations so things won't get out of hand."


"Yes, so I purposely allowed your scouts to see and grasp what you would be dealing with. If you ever tried to invade Tenrou Island, you all would know how to attack it and be better equipped."

"How did you know we would even attack it?"

"First because it was out of fear. You guys saw the soul beast there in the forest and heard my words of having them work together. Facing the forces of both Soul Beast and Humanity isn't something you guys would want. Especially when you rather have them fighting against each other."

"And the second was after I found out you all were here and stole the God-Killer weapon. You all would want to attack it as a distraction, betting on the fact I would rush to Ishgar. Instead of staying to defend Shrek or trying to stop you guys."Said Tang Wulin.

Abbadon couldn't help but chuckle, but he didn't say anything, as Tang Wulin continued.

"And so I laid out the groundworks for the invasion of Tenrou."

Changing the plans he and Mu Ye made up if there was ever an invasion.

Reconfiguring the Lacrima barrier that was around the whole city, so that it would turn off after a few hits.

Setting a formation inside of the city that would help reduce the causality of the Tenrou people.

As the formation was utilizing the power of life, which was spreading through the city and helping its people.

It was similar to Tenrou Island's divine protection in his old world, where those who were the people of the city.

All of them were blessed by the life energy that would heal and revitalize them. To the point that it was almost impossible for them to die.

This formation only worked on those who have been in the city or Island, longer than a month.

This is what Zeref came up with, instead of having the people be branded with a mark.

"From the moment the invasion started, which I know has been going on even as we speak. It was all part of my plan to bring these annoying races together, giving them a common enemy. As well as something that they hold precious that could be lost, the stage was set."

"Did you expect them to work together at the first sign of the attack-"

"Of course not, I expected them to behave like children and try to do their own thing. This, of course, would have them be pushed back severely to the point that most of the city would be destroyed. But this also serves the purpose of forcing them into a corner with the only choice of winning is through working together."

"... I see, so you were using us to push and forcibly bring those two races together." Muttered Abbadon.

"More or less, thanks for helping out-"

Tang Wulin couldn't say anything more as he felt his cheeks being pinched and glare being directed his way.

"... Really."

"Yes really! Wulin you put everyone's life in danger!"Roared Na'er causing Tang Wulin to shrug his shoulders.

"It was the fastest way to bring them together, besides it's not like there will be any grave danger." Said Tang Wulin said, causing Na'er to purse her lips but reluctantly nodded her head.

With the life Lacrimas that were placed around the city, there shouldn't be too many deaths or casualties.

And it wasn't like she could put all the blame on Wulin, considering she was the one who wanted both races to come together.

'Besides, I doubt it was easy for him to come up and follow through with this plan.'

"Honestly, it really leaves an unpleasant taste in my mouth. That we got played when it's supposed to be our thing."Muttered Abbadon with a sigh.

They would be a laughing stock if their demon army found out about this.

"But you miss one tiny little detail. One that you will have to suffer for."


"Push them back! Keep on going on!"

"We are doing it!"

"Keep on eliminating them!"

All around Tenrou City were the cheers and roars of her people as they were eliminating the invaders around.

With the Lacrima barrier back up, there weren't any more people coming in from the outside.

Allowing them to progressively cut down and obliterate the enemies inside of the city.

The battleships and mother ships from the outside were launching barrages of attacks, but the barrier was holding up strong.

"Keep going; we can do it. We can defend and make sure our city is good!"Shouted Mu Ye with a smile as he lashed out with a kick.

That sent a Dou Spirit Empire soldiers flying.


"I overlooked a detail? And what is that?"

"Most if not everything you did can be considered all according to your plan. But you miss out on one detail that even we can't fault you for."Said Abbadon causing Tang Wulin to furrow his brows.

While his instincts and senses were beginning to feel a sense of unknown danger. As if he missed or overlooked, something he shouldn't have.

"What are you-"

"Humans of this world really are something."


"Sir! It seems all of our forces inside are being annihilated as we speak. And the barrier that is around the city is stopping our cannon fire and our men from entering. Do we move on to plan b?"

"Hmm, our supreme commander isn't here to give the orders, but he did say if anything went back. Then we should proceed by ourselves."

"Alright, get ready to utilize plan B."

"What about the others?

"They are useless, just move on to plan b."

"Yes sir!"


"Were something? Just what are you-"

"Tell me something, you guys already know we stole the God-Killer right? It's why you guys sent those soldiers to infiltrate the motherships, to take them away."Said Abbadon as he glances at the knockout Sea-God Fleet soldiers.


"Well you are right, we did steal it and I am guessing you all thought we would have launched it on Shrek?" Questioned Abbadon as a faint smile inevitably began to appear.

"... Wait a minute, you didn't-"

"Oh~ But we did. You see, that's where you guys were wrong, we were never going to launch it at Shrek or the Demon Island."

"No..." Muttered Na'er with her eyes displaying shock and disbelief.


"Huh? Hey guys what's that?"Questioned a soul master as he pointed to the sky.

As he did, the people around him shifted their heads and looked at the sky that was being blocked out by a green wave.

"Is that an attack?" Questioned one of the soul beasts before they heard a shout that rang through the city.

"Move away from the-"

Mu Ye's voice was interrupted by a terrifying suppression that came from the green wave that was closing on the city.

The green wave was erasing the plants, trees, and forest that was in front of the city as it closed in.

In the next moment, it had reached the city before it began to engulf and swallow the whole city.

The barrier that was surrounding Tenrou City began to struggle desperately and fight back against the green wave.

But it was all futile against the weapon that was known as a rank 12 Soul Fixed Ammunition, God Killer.

The barrier released a resplendent light with everything in the city glowing before it was shattered.

And the city and academy being devoured by the green wave that released an earth-shattering noise.

That shooked the whole continent.

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