Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 970: president's gift

  Chapter 970 President's gift

  Fengya Yuting villa area, the Ye family hall full of people was silent, the door was suddenly pushed open with a 'bang' sound, everyone looked up, and saw the tall and handsome man outside.

   "Ting Shen?" Wen Yan stood up in surprise, "You... came back so soon?"

   "Where is Xianxian?"

  Ye Shaowen threw away the phone, his face was not very good, "After Xiao Yezi finished posting Weibo, she stayed in the room and refused to come out. It has been almost six or seven hours."

  Before he finished speaking, the man strode up to the second floor.

   There was a knock on the door, and the little woman in the dark gradually moved her hands to her temples. Her voice sounded sleepy or just waking up, as low as a mosquito, "Uncle Li, I'm really not hungry..."

   "Xianxian, it's me."

  The man's low, mellow and melodious voice came, Ye Xian kept his posture for a long time and moved slightly, then slowly raised his head, as if he had heard a hallucination.


He is back?

  With a sound of 'click~', the door was opened from the inside, and bright light entered the sealed and dark room. Ye Xian was in the dark for a long time. At this time, against the strong light, his eyes felt slightly uncomfortable, but he could still see the man in front of him clearly.

Flying back to the imperial capital from distant Rome after crossing several oceans, he is not as personable and elegant as before. His suit and tie are slightly loose, and a few buttons of his shirt are broken. Blowing red, quite a bit of dusty taste.

  Especially those dark and deep narrow eyes, no matter how hard they try to restrain themselves, they can't hide the urgency of losing their size.

   When Ye Xian saw him, before he could speak, he was hugged heavily into his arms.

   "Sorry baby, I'm late."

  The man hugged her tightly, panting hastily and slightly brushing the broken hair on the top of her head, his drooping eyes covered the worry and annoyance that was about to overflow, and the dust settled in the moment he saw her.

  Familiar breath came, and the force of the big palm was too strong to resist, buried in his warm and hard chest, the words Ye Xian just wanted to say were choked in his throat, and he was a little at a loss for a while.

  During these seven long hours, she kept adjusting her emotions and building her mind, thinking that when she came out to face everyone and him, she would be safe and sound, and said frankly that she was fine.

   She didn't expect that a word of concern and a hug from him could easily bring her back to her original form, exposing the fragility, sensitivity and sadness that had accumulated in the cluster.

   "President..." She trembled slightly in his arms, "I've actually prepared and thought about it for a long time, but... I still let them down."

  When she saw those words and thought she was strong enough to face it, she still felt that her nerves were being torn apart bit by bit.

   "It's okay, it's okay, just cry if you want to."

She trembled and his heart trembled, like coaxing a child, stroking her back with his big palm, "You have done a great job, very good, you are brave, strong, and warm, Also very shining, you unconditionally brought them a lot of happiness, works, light, and love, these have nothing to do with gender, and have nothing to do with identity, it is you who attract and heal them without asking for feedback, they will calm down and know you How wonderful."



  Bo Ting closed her eyes deeply, and kissed lightly on the top of her head, with a pious and deep expression, as if making a promise to the supreme god.

  Because I am one of them.

  Seeing that your star light is a little bit dim, I feel distraught, how can I bear to hurt you.

  Emotions seemed to have found a vent, Ye Xian hugged him, Dou Da's hot tears soaked his chest.

  Bo Ting sucked and kissed her reddish eye sockets deeply, muscles all over her body were tense, a pair of calm big palms clenched into fists at some point, creaking and creaking, but her voice was gentle and tender, repeating, "Xianxian, Xianxian..."

  The person who makes you cry, I let her die.

  In the hall, everyone looked at that scene, and felt a little relieved. Instead of letting Xianxian hold back the sadness by himself, it would be better to vent it like this and feel comfortable.

  Ye Shaowen breathed a sigh of relief. For the first time, he felt that it was the right and lucky thing to agree with Bo Tingshen and Xiao Yezi.

  At least in front of him, she can show her emotions at will without any cover up.

  Ten minutes later, Ye Xian stopped sobbing, Bo Tingshen let go of her slightly, put his hands on her shoulders, and cast dark and intense eyes into her misty eyes, "Do you feel better?"

  Ye Xian nodded silently.

   "Then don't cry." He gently wiped the moisture from the corners of her eyes, "Then forget all about it and follow me."

  Ye Xian looked at him with some confusion, but nodded obediently.

  The corners of Bo Tingshen's lips were slightly raised, with a clear smile, and his forehead was lightly rubbed against hers.

  His well-behaved little rabbit with red eyes made his heart tremble with fear.

  Bo Ting took Ye Xian out of Ye's house, Ye Shaowen was about to ask where they were going, but Ye Juncheng grabbed him, "Don't ask."

At the Asian Games City car trading place, Ye Xian looked at the people around him suspiciously. He didn't know why he brought her here. He saw a row of salespeople coming over and bowing. The sales manager at the head asked with a warm smile, "Mr. , why did you visit today, didn't you make an appointment for New Year's Day?"

  Bo Ting took a deep look at the little woman beside her, with slight eyebrows, "The kid is in a bad mood right now, I can't wait to coax her."


  Ye Xian raised his head, and caught a glimpse of an unparalleled bright color out of the corner of his eye.

  The sales manager pressed the switch, the underground compartment was activated, and slowly ascended, a WSIE dream series supercar supercar modified version of cherry blossom powder appeared in front of everyone.

  Although it was not the first time to see it, the eyes of the staff couldn't help but burst out with amazement.

  It is so cool and beautiful! Anyone who saw it had to stop.

  Ye Xian froze on the spot, almost loosened even Bo Tingshen's hand.

She has never seen such a beautiful sports car. The mellow and delicate color of the radiant powder, the elegant and cool sci-fi body, is surrounded by noble luxury and cutting-edge technology from beginning to end, even the wheels reveal A **** and wild tension.

  Powder but not greasy, beautiful but not delicate.

  It looks beautiful, but it also gives people a sense of speed and strength. It seems that once you start it, it will immediately fade away from its sleek appearance, revealing a fierce face and a speed beyond everything.

  Ye Xian stared blankly, couldn't help but let go of the man's hand, and walked towards it.

   "May I touch it?"

  She asked the sales manager, who nodded repeatedly, "Of course!"

   "Welcome, master. It's the first time we meet. I'm your beloved driver—Sakura in the Wind. You can call me Sakura."

  As soon as Ye Xian put his hand on it, Feng Zhongying made a crisp sound, which scared her into a fright, "It...it can still talk?"

   Besides, her love car? ?

   Could this be what the president said last time, that he would give her a gift on New Year's Day? Surprise for her? !

Sales Manager: "Yes, it is a cherry blossom pink high-end smart supercar limited to the world in the WSIE Dream Series. The chip in the car has entered your fingerprint. As long as you touch it, it will start to serve you, and only you Able to wake up, command and open its doors."

   Not only looks so good-looking, but also so high-end?

  Ye Xian looked at Bo Tingshen in astonishment, and saw him walking towards her slowly, "Do you like it?"


  I like it, I like it so much, I don’t know how to express it.

  In her dreams, she dared not imagine that there is such a beautiful sports car in the world. Seeing that she almost thought it was some high-tech projection screen virtual product just now, she couldn't help but stepped forward to touch it.


"nice! You love it."

  A gleam of light finally appeared in her eyes, and Bo Ting couldn't help touching her face, "It's not just beautiful, I'll take you out to feel its power later."


Very good! She can't wait to try it now!

   "Hey, President, why did you suddenly think of giving me a sports car?"

   She didn't seem to have said it in front of him.

   "Do you still remember a circle of friends you posted on July 17?"

  Ye Xian: "Huh?" Who can remember a circle of friends that I casually posted a few months ago.

   "It's best to go racing when you say you're unhappy. When the speed reaches a certain level, all your troubles will disappear."

   "Sakura in the wind can satisfy you."

   "..." Ye Xian was dumbfounded, it turned out that someone really could remember a circle of friends that he posted casually, and he didn't write a single word.

   "Sakura has been abused."

  Sakura suddenly spoke again, expressing the aspirations of everyone present. Ye Xian was startled, and when he turned around, he saw a few cartoon fonts appearing on its interior screen: The owner's spouse is so handsome and caring~

  Blushing involuntarily, this is too smart, if she is in the car with the president...

   "Cough, can this intelligent system be turned off?"

   "The switch is here."

  Sakura immediately showed a crying face in embarrassment, saying "Master, I will never dare again" on her face.

   Ye Xian smiled.

   "Go up and try."


  Ye Xian sat in the driver's seat and was about to put on his seat belt when he was picked up by a man and placed in the passenger seat.

   "?" She looked surprised, "What's wrong?"

   "An unhappy person sits in the co-pilot."

   "Who said that? Sitting in the driver's seat has a sense of experience!"

  Bo Ting took a deep look at her and said calmly, "Lin Yan said it."


Ye Xian was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the fact that the circle of friends he posted that day was to comfort Lin Yan, and Lin Yan also commented below, thanking her for taking him to the racing car, and next time he has a chance to continue, immediately the people and the car are cowardly, shrunk Turning his neck back, he only whispered, "But you must not drive as fast as I do."

  Bo Ting looked deeply at her unconvinced little face, narrowed his eyes slightly, "Are you sure?"

  Definitely, definitely and definitely, she is a racing driver, how can ordinary people compare... eh!

  When the leather shoes stepped on the accelerator, Sakura let out an elegant and **** whisper, and then rushed out of the Asian Games City like a sharp sword, stirring up a stream of air in the air.


   All the staff in the city opened their mouths wide. Is this speed the cherry blossoms in the wind? Is it a bullet in the wind?

  Ye Xian didn't expect Sakura's starting speed to be so fast, let alone Bo Tingshen driving so wildly.


  Ye Xian: "It's not cold, this is only how many yards, if I drive much faster than this!"


  Out of the Asian Games City, there is a natural racing track with no speed limit that leads directly to the edge of the city. Bo Tingshen turned the steering wheel and got on the track. Looking ahead, he stepped on the accelerator to 150 yards expressionlessly.

The speed suddenly increased again, Xiao Sakura had no burden, but Ye Xian looked at the people around him with some worry, "President, can you do it? No, don't force yourself, if you haven't practiced professional skills, you will get into trouble if you drive so fast. "

   I don't know if it's because Sakura ran too fast, brought the wind too fast or what, but Bo Tingshen only heard two words.


   He glanced at the person next to him, and stepped on the speed of the car to two hundred.


The car roared, the wind was like a blade, and the shadows of the trees were mottled. On the winding track, the cherry blossoms in the wind were speeding like light and electricity. Ye Xian screamed in fright, "Too fast, too fast, you, President! It's too fast, slow down~"

   "It's coming soon?"

  Bo Tingshen's voice was cut by the cold wind, and when it reached her ears, it accelerated again.

"Hey, slow down, ahhh..." Ye Xian looked at the blurry scene in front of him, and his face changed a little with fright. Even she has rarely tried this speed. Did the president really practice racing? Or was she provoked?

  If it's the latter, it will be miserable!

   "Slow down, slow down! It's going too fast, I can't stand it!"

   "Hold me if you can't stand it."

  Bo Ting looked at her deeply. At this moment, her eyes only had the scenery ahead and the amazement at the speed of the car, nothing else.

   "Don't look at me, look at the road!!"

  Ye Xian was frightened by him. He thought that he could force him to stop by saying this, but he drove faster, so that Ye Xian had the illusion that he wanted to fly the car.

  Bo Ting stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and Ye Xian threw himself into his arms with a scream, "You are crazy, you are driving so fast, you are about to fly!"

  Sakura: "Master, don't worry, I won't."

   "You can't, I can! Sakura, I didn't expect you to look so kawaii and run so fiercely!"

  Sakura: "The pinker the color, the harder the drive!"

  Bo Ting smiled deeply, turned the steering wheel with one hand, and gently rubbed the hair of the little woman in his arms with his big palm, "Baby, do you feel more relaxed?"

Relax? He was driving so fast, as if he was going to break through the sky in the next second, she was so nervous now that she was so nervous!

   "I'm not relaxed at all, I'm so tight!"

  She swallowed nervously. When Bo Tingshen heard the words, her body froze and she almost ran off the track. Ye Xian screamed in fright, "Bo Tingshen, stop for me! Stop!"


  Bo Ting took a deep breath, as if a raging fire was burning inside his body, he drove to the mountains on the edge of the city with a burning gaze.

  The wind howled, with Ye Xian's cry all the way.

She was really frightened at the beginning, for fear that if he made a mistake, the car would turn over, but gradually she realized that his driving skills were really extraordinary, and he seemed to be very familiar with the track, and he was able to control it with ease with one hand, so she was no longer afraid , but the shouting didn't stop. It was really cool to shout all the way, as if to take out all the air in the lungs, with depression and all the distractions.

Thanks to the stars, idle clouds in the mountains, sunshine and salt, warm forest ol cool summer, You Lemei's tears, strawberry seeds, baby pigs, LILY, touching the tail, starting from the beginning, envy or not envy for the book coins and small rewards Lovely votes~

   After midnight tonight, there will be double monthly pass activity! Hehehe~ squatting in the corner holding a broken bowl and waiting for the monthly tickets from the donors~



  (end of this chapter)

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