Dressed As the Heart of a Paranoid Boss

Chapter 981: husband powder

  Chapter 981 Husband fan


  Ye Xian's mind went 'buzz' for a moment.

  Why are they here? How are you together? Looking at this posture, it is obvious that she recognized her, it can't be... is it a date for a fight?

How to do how to do?

  She subconsciously wanted to escape, but because she was too nervous, she couldn't take a step forward.

  Usually, he is as sensitive as the wind when facing everyone, but when facing fans who feel guilty, it is really...

  Six or seven girls walked towards her talking and laughing all the way, one step, two steps, three steps... When the shoes stopped in front of him, Ye Xian closed his eyes tightly, gritted his teeth, and let it go, "Is it right..."

   "Excuse me, could you please let me know? We need to collect tickets."


  Ye Xian was taken aback for a moment, the voice of apology stuck in his throat, and he quickly turned to look behind him.

   It turned out that she blocked the ticket machine!

  They just came to collect the tickets, they didn't recognize her!

  Huh~ I scared her to death!

She just said, she was wrapped up tightly today, and she was wearing a super exaggerated puffy jacket to prevent her figure from being exposed, that's why she was called obscene by passers-by, and with big wavy and long hair, no one would recognize her !

   "Sorry sorry~"

  She stepped aside quickly, "Please!"

  As soon as she spoke, Qingyue's mellow and sweet voice attracted the attention of several girls, who couldn't help but look at her a few more times.

The girl's entire face was covered, a few strands of curly hair lazily flowed out from both sides of the exaggerated hoodie, and a long fluffy parka reached her knees, revealing only a pair of straight and well-proportioned calves. Response, like a cute fat chirp.

   "Ruoxin, why did you buy 5 tickets?"

   "My parents and cousins ​​will come over later!"

   "You brought a whole family here."

   "Of course! This is Xian Zai Zai's first movie, of course we must fully support it!"

  Ye Xian became slightly stiff when he heard the words, and slowly raised his head to look at the girl in the crowd with 5 tickets in her hand and a proud smile on her face.


   "Hahahaha, I don't even think about who we are envious of, who is the best in domestic entertainment, who will compete! Even if I haven't been out of the mountain for two months, the data is still a fault to beat others!"

   "Hey, hey, you said that after the movie is released, will Xianxian follow the process and come out to cooperate with the film studio's promotion?"

   "Really? That's great. I haven't seen Xianxian for more than two months. I'm almost suffering from lovesickness. My waist has lost a lot of weight. Next time Xianxian sees me, I won't recognize me!"

   "I really hope that she can come out to participate in the activities, even if it is to post a Weibo to let us know that she is doing well."

   "My new year's resolution is for her to show up by the end of January!"

   "I can see Xianxian right away! I'm so happy, I don't know how many shots there are in total, don't take two or three seconds!"

"Don't get too excited too early. I saw a lot of sunspots who lost their fans and stepped on them in Chaohua. I don't know why they bought tickets. The number is much larger than ours. Do you think they want to watch it? Go Rating low scores and mocking the cubs?"

   "Although they are larger than us now, we must control the comments. Everyone go back and call out in the group, and open a few more accounts. If you want to laugh at them, unless you blow up my account first!"

   "That's right! These days I don't eat or drink and I have to control the praise, clean up the square, and absolutely don't let Xianxian see those bad words on the Internet."

  The cheerful words of the girls reached Ye Xian's ears. She gradually clenched her fists, her throat moved slightly, and she lowered her head, thankful that she was wearing a mask and sunglasses to cover her expression at this time.

  They were still the same as before, their eyes shining when they talked about her.

  She thought...after their identities were revealed, their big fans, who usually paid the most, would leave as soon as possible.

  A ticket spit out from the machine and landed at her feet. The girl yelled, and looked along the ticket, and saw Ye Xian bent over to pick it up.

"for you."

"thank you."

  When Ziyan took the ticket from her hand, her eyes suddenly froze.

  The other super chat hosts also stared at Ye Xian's hand without blinking.

  This hand...

  Well-proportioned, narrow and slender, the knuckles are as plump and white as carefully carved ivory, the nails are round and neatly trimmed, glowing with a faint blue light, soft and pearly, extremely beautiful, just like... Ye Xian's hands!

  They are all big fans of Ye Xian, and they know Ye Xian as well as themselves, and Ye Xian has always been conservative in his style, no matter what time, he only shows his face and hands.

  So they are very familiar with her face and hands. They once teased that Xianxian's hands look better than women's hands. Unexpectedly, she really became a woman in the end...

  Several people were surprised, and followed her hand little by little to look at her face. After seeing her tightly covered face, they became suspicious.

  Would most people cover up so tightly when they watch a movie?

   And her height is almost the same as Xianxian!

   Difficult, could it be... how is it possible? !

  She, she, why are they looking at her like this? Not only were they nervous, Ye Xian was also nervous, and immediately let go of the ticket.

  The atmosphere became tense and subtle unconsciously. Just when the girls were about to speak, a mellow and magnetic voice came from above their heads, "Baby, what are you talking about?"

   Everyone raised their heads in unison, and for a moment, they were all shocked by Bo Tingshen's handsome face.

  Ye Xian heaved a sigh of relief.

   Damn, the CEO is really timely!


  Bo Ting took her slightly stiff shoulders deeply, held her hand and stuffed it into his arms, "Buy things, go in and sit down."

   "Okay, okay, let's go!"

   Ye Xian hurriedly left with him.

  The girls stared blankly at their backs as they walked away together.

   "My God, this man... so handsome!"

   "He still calls me baby!"

   "Wake up, I'm obviously calling my girlfriend, and I love her so much. It's cold, why doesn't anyone put my cold hand on my chest to warm it up!"

   "Wait, don't you think that girl's hands look like Zai Zai's?"

   "Like, but it must be a coincidence, Xianxian will not come to the cinema to watch movies."

   "Yes, yes, I think of that handsome guy's back view... I seem to be envious of the little Gong in the "Coke" promotional film I shot before!"

   "That's right, that's right, super like!"

   Ye Xian hadn't gone far, when he heard their conversation, he stumbled and couldn't help but tighten his arms around Bo Tingshen, "President, let's hurry up, those girls who are watching us from behind are my fans."

"I know."


  Ye Xian looked at his calm expression, "How do you know?"

   "See your reaction."

  Ye Xian, "..."

  She is wrapped up like a rice dumpling, can you still see the reaction? Wait, so he didn't call her by name just now, called her baby?

  Ye Xian looked at him with fear, "Fortunately, you are not my fan!"

   This vision is amazing! If she becomes a fan, she will be recognized everywhere, and she will not be beaten to death!

  Bo Ting glanced at her lightly, "How do you know I'm not?"

   "Oh, of course, everyone is a fan of mothers, careers, and wives. What kind of fan are you?"

   "Husband fans."

  Ye Xian was amused by him, "Oh? That's right, I guess I have a lot of husband fans after I revealed my identity."

  Bo Tingshen's footsteps stopped suddenly, Ye Xian pulled him but did not pull, turned to look at him strangely, and was pushed against the wall by him.

  She looked at the man's dark and sharp eyes and unkind expression behind the sunglasses, "You, what are you thinking?"

   "Block you."

   "Fuck you~" Ye Xian laughed, this big jealousy, "You said what if they recognized both of us just now?"

   "Happy candy."

   "You will be beaten haha~"

  Ye Xian smiled heartlessly, but Bo Tingshen began to think seriously about planning her next stardom. She must formulate a set of strict rules, and she must not be given any chance to breed husband fans.

   There are only a few minutes left before the movie starts, the theater is full of people, and there are no empty seats. Ye Xian is holding a piece of popcorn, and his expression starts to become tense.

  Although the filming of the film has been successfully completed, she has also made sufficient preparations before that and showed a 12-point state, but she is not sure how the overall effect will be, whether the audience will like it after the broadcast...

  A big palm suddenly held her hand, it was warm and powerful. Ye Xian didn't say anything, but Ye Xian felt a powerful force, and his uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

  'Boom~' The lights in the theater went out instantly, everyone put on 3D glasses, and the Hollywood movie logo and the production team of "Mermaid" began to appear on the huge screen, and there were whispered discussions in the auditorium.

   "As expected of a big Hollywood movie, this cast is absolutely amazing!"

   "To be honest, I'm here for the director and the special effects team."

   "I'm aiming at the mermaid actor, I really don't know which **** goddess in Europe and America, that figure is amazing!"

   "I don't know if Xianxian's name will appear on it."

   "Probably not. Generally, those who appear in the front are leading actors or guest stars, and the ones with few roles appear at the end of the film."

   "Then we have to wait until..."


  In the theater, there was a sudden shock at the same time.

  On the big screen, the special effects used the way of impact, and four gilded characters suddenly appeared—starring: Ye Xian

  Ye Xian is actually the lead actor in "The Mermaid"? !

How can it be! This is a Hollywood blockbuster, and there has never been a precedent in history for a Chinese to play the leading role in a movie! Even some well-known kung fu superstars don't have preferential treatment, how could it appear on Ye Xian?

  People began to discuss, some thought that the theater made a mistake, and some thought that the film was broadcast in China, deliberately using Ye Xian's name to curry favor with fans...

  Starting from the feature film, the ancient and mysterious mythological background, realistic and dazzling 3D special effects, rich dubbing and detailed plot quickly fascinated the audience.

A few minutes later, Ye Xian's appearance finally made people understand why she was the leading role. Anyone who has watched the animation version of the trailer knows that the mermaid was the prince before the transformation. It seems that Ye Xian is playing the prince. The protagonist, after all, is one with the mermaid.

  Although His Royal Highness didn’t make many appearances, it definitely wasn’t a three or two-second shot. It’s really a shame!

  His Royal Highness the Prince's first appearance is wearing a crown, holding a scepter, wearing a noble costume, and wearing a long cloak from the back.

  Walking from down the steps to up the steps, the camera also moved from far to near, and slowly pulled to his side, giving a close-up.

   Walking to the highest position in the court, His Royal Highness slowly turned his face,

Silver-white thick short hair with a cold glow, faint distant mountain eyebrows, a straight nose and thin lips, thick eyelashes like black crow feathers, and amber parallelogram eyes that are narrow, long and deep, revealing the incomparable nobility and royal arrogance in the eyes to the fullest.

This stunning appearance was beyond everyone's expectations. I was wondering if Ye Xian's participation in a Hollywood blockbuster would pull his hips, but I didn't expect... This exquisite and unparalleled face, the calm and intimidating manner and the standard of speaking are beautiful His London accent is like the prince himself in the European court!

  As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted everyone's attention, a natural protagonist.

  In the theater, most of the former fans saw this scene, and couldn't help being touched by the scene.

  This flawless male god's face makes them miss and sleepless at night!

   This innate, proficient acting skills, no matter what role it is, can portray three points to the woods!

  This walking clothes hanger, suave and A-like timbre, super professional ability...Ye Xian's inner entertainment is top-notch, and it's not like he's boasting!

   And they also had to admit that no matter how many times they looked at her, they couldn't restrain the throbbing in their chests, just like looking at her now, their hearts fluttered extremely.

  But why... what if she is a woman?

   If none of this had happened, she would still be the best brother Ye in their hearts, how wonderful it would be.

  The court scene in the first half of "The Mermaid" is just a foreshadowing, and the story of changing from His Royal Highness to a mermaid really begins...

However, when His Royal Highness Gem appeared on the stage, Weixi killed his parents in front of Gem, and made him dumb. The proud Gem couldn't stand the humiliation and prepared to throw himself into the sea. Xian portrayed the image of His Royal Highness in detail, drawing the audience deeply into the story, and even emotional people began to choke up. The little girl hugged her parents and acted like a baby, "Mom, Mom, I don't want His Royal Highness to die. It's badass..."

   "Shh, look carefully, don't disturb others."

  Gem walked to the sea in despair, his emotions seemed to have infected some people, and most of the people in the theater also began to lose their souls.

  If His Royal Highness becomes a mermaid, then Ye Xian won't have any part in the show, they haven't seen enough of it yet!

  Although they have already lost their fans, they are fans of the female Ye Xian, but not the fans of the male Ye Xian!

  Besides, Ye Xian is too handsome, acting is too enjoyable, it is really unsatisfactory, except for her role, other people's roles are boring to watch, it's better to leave.

  The ex-Ye fans who were interested in it only found out at this time... It turned out that they bought tickets just to see Ye Xian.

   Before leaving the seat, a male voice suddenly sounded in the theater, "Damn it!!"

   Immediately afterwards, there was a sound of gasping in surprise and shock.

  (end of this chapter)

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