Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 151: Sarah

Chapter 151: Sarah

After resting for a few days Yunan went to the guild to pick up his commission from the last mission and meet his charges for the next one. He found himself getting some weird looks from the guild staff, but he ignored them all and waited patiently for his customer.

After some time an old woman and a younger one walked into the meeting room, there was arrogance in the old woman contrasted by the humble young lady. Neither had apologised for being late, but it was obvious that the Younger lady was at least sorry about it. The old woman looked down at Yunan and harrumphed like she was looking at trash.

"That just doubled what you have to pay, i will leave after this meeting towards the 30th floor with or without you, i have not been in the floors lower than 25th and i will take my time exploring it, i keep you fed and protected, you follow my orders and do not move a muscle without asking first, break any of the above and i will leave you behind" Yunan pushed the contract the guild had provided to the older woman and laid back in his chair.

"Who do you think you are? Do you know who i am and what organisation i belong to? Keep acting that way if you want to die" the old woman lashed at Yunan so he responded in kind. "You are trash who are not worth sending a party to get you, they do not care if you die or live and the best you can do is hire me, the guy who just tripled his fee to bring you to your destination, sign or leave".

The old woman was seething with rage but could only shout profanity at Yunan who just sat there and took it, when she was about to sign the contract Yunan pulled it away and stood up " i feel like taking you along will be a headache, not even her warming my bed will be enough, forget it, i hate headaches". With that Yunan started to walk toward the door, there was panic on the face of the old woman, she tried to grab Yunan but he was too fast for her and dodged away.

"Can we negotiate?" were the first words coming from the young lady, she stood and bowed to Yunan. He stopped with his hand on the door handle about turn it, he looked back at the old woman trying to get the young lady to stop from bowing to the man she had been insulting for half an hour. "What can you offer me that is worth taking her down the dungeon, other than feeding her to the rats?".

The old woman started spewing another bout of profanities but Yunan kept his gaze at the younger lady, not until the older woman stopped talking did the young one speak again "forgive my grandmother, the pride of royalty is only strengthened when all the servants and riches disappear, you were right, we are no longer wanted by our organisation, even myself joining that party is dependent on me reaching them, would you please sit down and forgive our lack of respect".

Yunan put a smile on his face and walked back to his seat, the young lady sent her grandmother away from the room, once the room was quiet again, the young lady bowed again in apology she started the negotiations right after. " I would like to tell you that the maximum price we can pay is for myself to be at your service and the amount stated in the request, due to some circumstances, we have lost our titles, lands and wealth, currently i am the last adventurer in our family, the rest have left us, so i have to beg sir to be magnanimous and accept these terms"

"What is your name?" Yunan's response caught the lady off guard so she stuttered "my name is Sarah", she was cut off before she could say more. "I like the way you can be honest Sarah, i can take you down to the 30th floor of you wish, all you have to do is heed my warnings and listen to my words, as for your grandmother, i know worse, so you can forget about it, if you don't mind I would like to call some old friends to join the trip, if that is okay with you".

" Sir, i am a modest woman, i hope that you would not sell me to others, i do not mind serving you, that is a price i am prepared to pay, but if others are invited I would rather wait for another opportunity, otherwise i would not mind join your team if you promise that i can keep the choice of whom i give my body to". Yunan laughed hard at the woman after a few moments he said to her "you are an amusing one Sarah, there will be only one other guy and the rest are girls, you have nothing to worry about".

Right afterwards Yunan activated his communication ring, and sent messages to Reina, Lili and Leol to see if they wanted to join him for a trip down to the 30th floor, Leol has just reached the 25th floor with muscles and his entourage, and was itching to run away from them, Reina and Lili were both in 25th floor, in a joint expedition between the royals and the church legion, and the expedition was now trying to tame the cute monsters in there, he told the three of them to get ready for a meeting in a week and move out right after.

The young lady was looking with fascination at the written message flashing from screen to screen, when Yunan put his hand down she pretended to look away from him. " We will meet our companions in the 25th floor, for the sake of speed i will carry you there, after the 25th floor we will explore every floor for around one month to one and half months per floor, you can choose to follow us to the 30th floor or stop at the 29th, forget about using your body as payment and just enjoy yourself".

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