Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 175: Too much of a good thing

Chapter 175: Too much of a good thing

After literally rolling around in pearls, Yunan sent everyone back to the portable home before gathering the last bits of treasure left on the floor of the cage, he opened the last clam and emptied it from the pearls inside then opened the final chest since he could not take it with him. Inside the chest he found a full set of armor, a cloak and a staff. Yunan pocketed the items and returned home to the treasury.

After some deliberation, the genie was to replace all the clams and oysters in the aquarium with 5 of each type of giant clam, and the rest were to be used for food and fermentation of lava wine. As for the pearls, they were to be classified according to their functions, most of these were to be fed to the Dragonification armor and the rest were used to augment the equipment that Balin has forged before, as for the pearls with only cosmetic purpose, they were to be made into jewellery and be sold for money, as adventurers always required resources and money, it was never a bad idea to have more.

The clams seemed to be very happy with the higher mana saturation that was provided by the portable home, they were producing pearls faster and the genie speculated it would be better quality ones that those in the dungeon, the genie also informed Yunan that after reaching te 40th floor the portable home would be able to fully operate at full capacity with only the mana it draws from Yunan. Usually the extra mana from the natural regeneration would spill out into the outside world, Yunan has told the genie to capture that mana amd use it to operate the house and only take from the stored mana if the operation of the house required it.

With the whole family gathered together Yunan took out the titanic shark boss for handling, its organs were enough to feed Debauchery for years, even Drogon could not eat that much especially since its flesh was so saturated in mana, Drogon was basically drooling over it. With this shark meat was on the menu for eternity, even the armor was satisfied with only 5% of the beast thanks to its mana saturation, therefore Yunan decided to just ferment all the left overs from one meal but was stopped by the genie, it said that the mana saturation would not allow the attribute points in the meat to be lost after the one hour time limit like all other monsters, and that if preserved correctly Yunan could gain attribute points until he reaches level 40.

Yunan let the genie handle the storage and just took small bits from its major organs to make a meal, the meal was so filling that the whole party just couldn't move after eating and had to stay still until they digested the whole thing. Drogon and Sapphira had eaten enough to bloat their bellies visibly, although they ate a bit more than the rest, they did not eat as much as what Drogon used to have per meal, Yunan thought if he could feed his pets this way he could forget about high level corpses for a few years at least.

After a full 12 hours of lazing about, Yunan sent his friends back to their respective organisation or the location he took them from. He then went to the treasury to open the chests he gathered, the number was too big for Yunan to even try to count, one chest every 10 meter in a half circle with a radius of 100 km, the short answers is too many, the genie could not open the chest since only Yunan could as the one who killed the boss. It took Yunan the rest of the week only emptying chest after chest without a wink of sleep and being hand fed his meals to open all of them.

After a night of sleep he woke up to the excited faces of the extended Debauchery family staring him down, he wanted to sleep more but was dragged to the treasury, where a literal hills of items was waiting to be appraised by Black Fate, the mountain was split by type of item as follows: books, gloves and gauntlets, arm guards, boots and shoes, leg guards, shoulder pads, chest pieces, joint guards, trousers, shirts, helmets, belts, masks, cloaks, hats, daggers, swords, magical staffs, polearms, bows and crossbows, shields, darts And finally materials, jewellery and ingots.

This was a market where Yunan would appraise an item, if one wants it they have to pay the price proclaimed by Dustan, if not the item would be fed to the armor, items can be exchanged and any returned item will be put up for sale, if no one wants it then it would be fed to the armor, the start was with the books, and materials, and then to the armors and weapons. It took a week for the mess to end, after finishing everything, Debauchery slept for the next weekend as if they had been the ones doing the appraisal.

Everyone got their hands on some fancy items, since most of them catered to the all rounder, you could see for example Reina wearing a paladin armor set that boosted both magic and physical body, the assassin raiments Leol got were light armor that worked the same way, and the same was for the rest, although level 40 armors were not good enough for level 70 adventurer they could be used as molds for level 70 items therefore even Debauchery took some of these overpowered items, Yunan only sold duplicate books, and kept the unique ones for himself, as for the materials he gave Balin what remained from feeding the armor, in exchange for using it only for the family.

With this over with Yunan had a sudden idea that translated into an unconscious question "did anyone ever kill a bods in the underwater floors?". "Not that i know of , no, there are no bosses near the exits of the underwater floors". The question and answer hung in the air for a bit before Yunan dropped backwards flat on the ground, Balin and Fae were cheering like toddlers, Dustan and Bai were drooling too much for a daydream and Leader chuckled to herself. There was excitement in the air, but it was interrupted by Lucian " this is our own treasure trove, do not tell anybody and do not buy for your organisation, this is private wealth and if we can not use it we can store it and then sell it later on but by bit, any leak of information and I will personally hunt the leaker to the ends of the earth".

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