Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 211: Countdown to death

Chapter 211: Countdown to death

Yunan sent away Kitty and told Ophelia to carefully start examination of the corrupted heart, he knew something was not right when Anne changed her mind from removing a piece of the heart to fully removing it, therefore he wanted Ophelia to examine the heart, he made sure the genie took all the possible actions to ensure the poison does not spread and keep Ophelia safe while she did her experiments.

And as a precaution, he kept a visual feed open in his mind so as to keep an eye and see the results, as well as instruct Ophelia to change the path of her experiments if he noticed something or had an idea that might be of help. The lady of the house had taken her daughter back and was cradling her with sweet tenderness, while she kept silent, Yunan also did not make any noise as he knew this place was sacred in its own way, it was the place where the masters of the house came to relax and lose the weight on their shoulders when outside of this courtyard.

By nightfall a servant came to the courtyard and bowed respectfully, behind him was a middle-aged man, he had a wise aura around him, he arrived with a few others and instead of finding a seat on the building they just sat on the ground around the pond resting for a moment. The first to catch sight of the silver mouse was a younger lady who gasped before remembering where she was and clasped her hands on her mouth.

The wizened old man sighed and looked at his sleeping little girl "well silence has been broken here today and the calm washed away with playful laughter, I have to say my thanks, that little child doesn't laugh as much as she used to" the lady of the house flushed, thinking she would be considered a failure of a mother by her guests but she certainly didn't expect that Yunan would fish her out with a few words.

"It's that age where kids are curious, if you want her to laugh more get her to be curious and then give her the object of her curiosity to play with" the present guests nodded in approval while the master of the house chuckle "that is way we old men and women have no business raising children, we barely understand them at all, leaving that aside, you have successfully completed your mission, and your mouse is better trained than my highest hopes, truly wonderful, it seems my wife's intuition is still as good as it was".

"I just got lucky I found a survivor, luck was all there was to it, as for taming it, well it just joined the family while we were on a picnic so nothing I did was of influence" Yunan downplayed his involvement in the taming of Silva because he did not want to have a ton of these quest sent to him, not until he makes a few hundred brave mice in his garden that can be sold or gifted.

"Well luck is part of strength, here is your reward" the master of the house handed Yunan a ring, Yunan did not even check it contents, which gained the approval of the wizened man " I wish to purchase information from you before you leave" he said to Yunan as he sat down beside him "you ask for the price depending on the value of the information to you", Yunan nodded and replied respectfully "please ask, if it is not something too jig I do not mind giving you the information".

"Tell me about the girl, the poison, and the spells you used during the time you killed my son", "I would like the information about the fishes in the pond in return, all I need is where to find them and how to capture them". "Deal". Yunan took a breath before projecting the scene where Ophelia and Anne were both working on the corrupted heart.

"Those two are Anne and Ophelia, Anne is the last master of the healing arts before mana took the world and Ophelia is her apprentice, and my personal healer. The spells I used were not very complicated but integrating them is the hardest part, I used mana shield to isolate the locations where the poison had spread to due to carelessness from the healers like blood stains and what not, I used absorb toxin to suck in all the poison into the mana shield and isolated it inside a special container, I used teleport and mana syphon to keep the infected from aggravating the issue, luckily there was only a single source and the poison was cleansed from every place except for your sons heart, it had a venomous gland stuck to it and corrupted it, it absorbed mana from his mana core to keep spreading the poison and the corruption to the rest of the body"

"I used ice field to lower the temperature of the body so it doesn't die while the heart is removed, and we froze the heart and the infected area around it effectively killing your son, then we used regeneration to recreate a new functioning heart, then we returned the body to normal and healed the wounds before cleansing the sleeping body in a special solution to remove anything that we missed like dead blood and tissue we are unable to remove manually".

"How marvelous, killing the heart to heal the body, i fear only those who are insane can think and experiment with such a technique and the fact that it works is beyond my comprehension, nonetheless you have successfully healed my son and for that you have my thanks, as for your price, those fishes are something I found while in the 47th floor and brought back all of them, I wonder what you need them for". " I have a rather delightful aquarium and they looked like a nice addition, thanks for the information and keep your son from moving too excessively or do any kind of strenuous exercise, until the new heart is used to the body, things like fighting, and anger as well as lust and sex are out of the question for at least 3 months, small exercises that do not lead to fatigue are acceptable during that period, after the three months, ease him back into hard exercises"

As soon as Yunan finished his words a bellow came from outside the courtyard "who do you think you are to tell me what to do and not do" the young master entered the courtyard with fury spilling out of his eyes and his face flushing red Yunan looked at him and simply counted "6, 5, 4, 3,...and now you die from not listening" the young master gripped his chest before turning blue and falling face first

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