Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 222: Handle with care

Chapter 222: Handle with care

The looks Yunan was getting were far from the friendly one he got first, there was fear, disgust and even ridicule. All except for the first nurse, who looked more surprised then anything else but after a moment she returned to her gentle self.

At this moment the doctor from yesterday came inside followed by a group of trainees in blue scrubs, Yunan finally found his abundant knowledge about non magical healing and pre-mana medical practices useful for once. She had a grim look on her face and there was pity in the eyes of the trainees, the nurses who were here to witness the strange answers fled like mice when faced with a tomcat.

"Your results have come out and i have some very bad news to give you, i hope you can take it" before the nurse could object Yunan answered hurriedly "give it to me straight doctor, what is wrong with me?". The doctor looked at the uneasy nurse who pointed at the camera, she could not talk about the mental state of the patient in front of this crowd since mental health was a sensitive matter and the patient might sue the hospital if she made that blunder, the doctor picked up the camera and wanted to watch it but the nurse gave her headphones to use, when she heard the honest answers of the man she tucked the camera in her pocket and then faced Yunan seriously.

"You were brought to us through the police, you were found in a back alley, passed out and not responding to pain or stimulation, we found no history of drug or alcohol use in your system, however, you had major organ failure and extreme muscle degredation, we have dealt with the organ failure but the muscle degredation was too far gone to reverse it so we could only stop it, as for treatment i have to consult with my fellow physicians and we will return to you later today, hopefully with better news".

The doctor did not wait for Yunan to say anything before she left the room with her entourage making an excuse to them that it was hard news to accept and it was best to let him think about it now before answering questions when he is in a much better mental state. After the door closed Yunan looked weirdly at the nurse before saying "that is nothing a regeneration spell and a growth spell can't fix how come i am still here, it should take at worst 2 hours to heal for total beginners".

"I have to tell you something" the nurse answered "this is not Burkan, this is earth, we do not use spells or magic and we have nothing that could heal you at the moment, you might have ended up in the wrong time and wrong place, but because i know you do not lie i will tell you something, the information you just gave me comes from the most famous fable on earth, and you just gave me all the information about the main character, so please bear in mind that you are no longer in your world of magic and spells, this world works on science and technology."

Yunan did not know if he should laugh or cry, he just looked at the blue sky dotted with clouds outside his window, if this nurse was telling it true, then that goddess had gotten him good, this was a trap he could not return from, not the way he is now, no mana and no power. "When i was brought here, what was i wearing and did i have any items on me?". The nurse was now sitting at the edge of the bed with a melancholic look on her face " T-Shirt, jeans, and boxers, no items nor wallet or shoes, you are just like him, that Yunan, you don't stick to small details and past events".

"There is no point in thinking about it, its a waste of mental energy, in my world non magical healing has mostly been forgotten, but i have learned about it, i think the closest logical reasoning about my condition is psychological trauma that led to a split personality disorder, this personality protects my original self from the impact of something big enough to ruin my body but leave my mind intact and in a good condition. Additionally since this personality is still active even after the trauma is over, there is a possibility that i may never regain my memory, furthermore, this personality knows nothing about this world or how to live in it, so i will have to turn to you, please help me".

"Why me?" Asked the nurse, she was taken aback by how straight forward Yunan was, even if he was delusional or schizophrenic, he still had enough grasp of reality and better emotional handling than most adults. "Because even as my fantastic answers filled your sheet, you just kept writing with surprise at worse and that makes you the best candidate, you have no prejudgement and no prejudice, i think i will be treated as mentally ill and my intellect will be taken as a sign of psychopathology or sociopathic tendencies, it would be correct for you to assume i am dangerous and can not be trusted, but if i want my sanity back i will have to depend on someone like you"

"Call me Jesseca, i think i know what to do and as you yourself said it, its going to be hard to get you back on track, so never lie, if you are always honest, it is better for you when it comes to things like treating mental illness, when it comes to the others please don't mind their reactions, it's just that we see too many liars in this place, having an honest one is seriously something rare, and unbelievable to some extent" the nurse checked the solution in Yunan's arm one more time then giving him some water to sip on before leaving the room.

The room was quiet until evening where a few doctors entered and had Yunan go through a psychological assessment and made sure to ask as many questions and even used multiple lie detectors to make sure he was telling the truth, by the end of the session at midnight, Yunan was diagnosed as having split personality disorder caused by post traumatic stress disorder and was recommended to stay hospitalised for the time being, he was also deemed as dangerous and to be handled with care. they added extreme honesty as a potential side effect and the mild manners was considered as a defence mechanism to keep away investigative eyes.

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