Dungeon Prowler : One Man Army

Chapter 224: Return to Tartarus

Chapter 224: Return to Tartarus

After a good round of hugs and kisses Yunan got his due beating by Debauchery, how dare he betray the girls while they were not even 10 meters away, with the goddess who attempted to sever their bonds before.

The beating this time was not purely for the sake of keeping Yunan honest and in line, there was a twinge of jealousy in it, after all was said and done, Venus was, in fact, a goddess of love and she was a real looker, factor in the fact that Yunan was basically the master of the harem with all the ladies in it, many men would rather he would die than suffer seeing his happy smug face as the pampering even kings dream about was poured unto Yunan.

Since it was only a minority of bad feelings there were only some punches that missed the target and some spells that activated randomly, still, Yunan was happy to be beaten like always, no matter how you looked at it, this was their way of making him feel bad about having it good all the time. Then came the next part of the questioning "why did you two fall asleep in each other's arms?". That was the Debauchery way, violence first leaves questions for later.

Venus was finally waking up from the dream world, even if she was a goddess she still was a sheltered rose in a glasshouse, fragile and delicate, leading to her taking longer to wake up than someone like Yunan who deals with life and death daily. Upon waking up she heard these words coming out of Yunan's mouth "she and some gods were thinking of breaking my will for their entertainment, well it ended with me staying for a very long month in bed with an emaciated body almost unable to even move, well as you might expect I broke it".

Venus was still thinking of running away when she felt the gaze of a predator on her neck, just then she managed to make put that a certain cat was not in the group anymore and as she looked behind her she found a very angry set of fangs greeting her in a smile that said don't even think about moving a muscle or else

Venus who was unable to resist the fear and dread could not understand why a goddess of love like herself would feel such a malefic and oppressive attack on her psyche, by the time she wanted to beg for her life she was surrounded by Debauchery and each was giving her a very bad feeling, she knew one thing for sure, she did not want to be here now.

"Yunan my boy, how much would you like to get for her? I think about treating the boys to a taste of a goddess, there is a long and lonely night ahead of us boys, you took away all the warmth to yourself". "I do certainly feel like I should not miss out on such a chance, not every day you get to capture a goddess let alone hear about". "Indeed, look how delicate she looks, I bet she would break if we all get a turn tonight, but still I want to be there contributing to her moment in the limelight". "It certainly feels like the boys have been thirsty lately, how about it, kiddo, why not let them quench some thirst I bet they wouldn't break her, not too much anyway".

"Tsk tsk, what are you doing to a goddess? How immoral, we need to keep her in one piece until we can auction a few nights with her, I bet there would be many who are interested". "That is going too far, making people pay for loving the goddess of love is wrong on so many levels, we should let it be free for all the loveless souls to come and have their moment of love with their goddess". "I agree, having people pay to love their goddess is just wrong, however, we can plant some electrodes and see what is different about a goddess making love".

"Alright, that is enough" Yunan broke the siege of Leningrad cough... I mean Debauchery and helped the now tearful goddess to her feet and showed her a genuine smile " I already took my revenge on her and every other god that was involved, as a matter of fact, i can now find her wherever she was and bring her over for punishment if she crosses another line, for now the best you guys can do is get a feel before she goes home" Yunan let the goddess go and gestured for Kitty to follow him, as for the goddess who was now free from her predator she could not even stand as she fell backwards into the big embrace of Dustan, she wanted to be under the threatening Kitty when she looked up and saw that obscene smile on Dustan.

"Let's make some love my dear goddess" uttered the over-enthusiastic giant ugly orc as he cradled the goddess in his arms and ran away towards the nearest cabin with the rest of the boys snapping at his heels like rabid wolves and all the ladies heard the silent cry of lost innocence and regret.

Some days later Yunan and friends were back at the 40th floor with rejuvenated smiles and feeling like they could break the world at will, especially the boys who were still in bliss from their happy time of loving the goddess of love.

Upon return to the 40th floor, Yunan was tasked by the guild to provide some antidotes for the monsters in the 43 floor, according to information, their supply was running out and it has been a while since any alchemist saw fit to replenish it.

As a dutiful mercenary, Yunan made his way to the 42nd floor and the fennec boss, the fight was a bit refreshing for Yunan, who dove naked at the boss and punched it to death with a combination of elemental attacks and some boxing skills.

As for his treasure chest, it was another non-affiliated book, it was called cultivation of will, and it talked about how can one go about having the strength of mind that could match their bodies and ensure that the mind does not succumb to the horrors one sees as both an explorer and a soldier.

Yunan memorised the book and then put it into the non magical section of his library, this section has grown to fit three golden books that were a most interesting read and pass time for Debauchery, especially the one about interstellar travel and the newly added will enhancement book, even Debauchery suffered nightmares from the horrors they themselves committed, so any book that can help reduce those side effects from a long life of adventure was a very welcome addition.

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