Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 303: Dawn

Chapter 303: Dawn

The mana ship arrived at Statue of Liberty the day after receiving the Colonial Star Code. Apart from being a special port for public airships, Statue of Liberty Port also drew out an aerodrome for the takeoff and landing of starships from various clans. The magical starship Horn had chosen for Alan was a medium-sized ship that could accommodate 50 people. The starship included a pilot cabin, an arsenal, a power room, a resting area, a living area, and other areas.

It uses a double-shell armor made of dense tungsten steel and an inner layer of ablation-resistant armor 10 cm thick to ensure the safety and impact resistance of the spacecraft in space. The weapon system is mainly composed of quadruple high energy gun array, oscillation guide/projectile and two continuous firing quantum lightning turrets. Coupled with the shield system that could automatically modulate frequency, this ship was also a weapon of war on the planet when needed.

When Alan followed Horn to the family pier in the harbor, the workers were removing tarpaulins from the magic starship, removing fixtures and so on. The black tungsten shell of the starship glowed golden in the sunlight, and the stern of its left and right hull was painted with the symbol of a pack of wolves.

"It hasn't been named yet." Horn smiled.

Alan blocked the dazzling sunlight with his hand and said, "Call it the Dawn."

"Bring a ray of hope? What a good name."

Dawn's crew will be provided by the family. The crew will consist of two front and co-pilots, one weapon and defense system operator, and ten other logistical maintenance personnel. These people's expenses were paid by the family first, and then by Allen himself.

It was night, and a flying car was parked in front of Grant's shop.

Every rich family had a pavilion in Babylon to make it easier for family members to stay in Babylon. The one who got off the flying car was Alexander's clan leader, Maine. This man was able to appear here, seemingly ordinary, but he actually used a lot of manpower and material resources. At this moment, Maine was in his family's mansion in the line of sight of those who wanted to see him. Who knew that he had already arrived at the Grant Clan's Floating Island Guild Hall?

Inside the hall, a spacious study room was brightly lit. The old record player was playing melodious music from the shiny speakers. Diego lowered his head and stood with his hands behind his back. It was late in the summer, but the temperature in the study room was very high. Diego was already sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to move a single bit.

It was all because of the man sitting on the flannel chair with his back facing him.

That's Diego's father, Donald.

Donnie was tall and large, and even if he was sitting, he would still be able to sit out of the abyss like Yue Zhi. He was wiping off a large revolver with a spear-like pattern on its barrel. The revolver called the Spear of Victory was Donnie's beloved spear. He wiped every inch of the gun's body with a gentle gesture like stroking a lover. Whenever he wiped the love spear, he couldn't help but think of the blazing years when he was young. Thus, a tyrannical and impetuous aura like a desert arose spontaneously, turning the study room with the constant temperature system into a blazing desert.

"Master Lawrence, how's his spirits these past few days?" Donald asked indifferently.

Diego lowered his head and said, "Teacher is in good spirits, but "

"Just what?"

"He took out Beth Cod's plan again and smiled sometimes." Diego hesitated and said, "I wonder if Teacher has been stimulated too much."

Donnie laughed out loud like a bell. The laughter even made Diego unable to breathe. '"Diego, you're still young. Whether it's your temperament or comprehension, you're still far from reaching Master Lawrence's realm. No wonder you think so, but I know that Master Lawrence has not been hit. And because of Beth Cod's stimulation, he might make another breakthrough in the realm of sequence."

Diego asked in surprise, "How did father know?"

"Because we are the same kind of people. People like us who have already reached the bottleneck will find it difficult to break through without the stimulation of a stronger opponent. Master Lawrence will smile, indicating that he has some insights. Since that is the case, we are not far from breaking through. We are all people who stand at the top of our respective domains. However, the paths we have taken are different."

When Diego heard this, he had a slight enlightenment.

At this moment, the old butler's voice sounded from outside the study. "Master, Mr. Main wishes to see you."

"Maine? Hey, this man is still here. Looks like Beth Cod is driving him crazy." Donald finally turned around. His outline was somewhat similar to Diego's. However, Diego had more masculinity than he had. He waved his hand and said, "You go down first."

Diego nodded his head and left. After leaving, Main strode into the study. Zhang Arm smiled and said, "Donnie, my old friend, how long has it been since we've seen each other like this?"

Donnie stood up and gave Maine a gentle hug and parted ways, "Just as you were concentrating on fighting Bescot, I went to the Outer Realm to open up a seventh planet for the family. We met face to face at the end of the fifteen years since then. Are you alright, Maine?"

He turned around and took out his glass from the wine cabinet. He opened a bottle of fine red wine and filled it. Then he handed it to Maine, "For this moment."


The two glasses touched lightly.

Maine took a sip and put down his cup with a bitter smile. "This time, it was an accident. Beth Cod's momentum did not decrease but instead increased. I think the two of us should make some responses."

"For example?" Donald asked with a faint smile.

"That little fellow. Yes, that little ghost named Alan must be eliminated." "It was all thanks to this brat that Beth Cod was able to make a big splash at the press conference," Maine said seriously. "You should know that the Federal Academy of Science has already sent him an invitation to be an honorary academician."

"So what?" Donnie sat back down and spread out his hands.

"Old friend, take a good look with your eyes. He has already taken out a set of Flame Warriors and Wind God Knights. What about the future? God knows how many more amazing works he will have. From my point of view, he is the next Lawrence. No, his accomplishments may still be higher than Lawrence's. Maybe he will become someone like Monroe, the father of the Devil Martial Arts."

'"Hawn will be like a tiger adding wings to having such a person serve Beth Cord. Ten years, maybe less than ten years, Beth Cord will be able to become a wealthy family. It will not only be me that will be threatened, it will also be your Grant Clan!" Maine put down his glass and placed his hands on Donald's desk as he leaned forward and said loudly.

"Don't forget, there are William and Smith. However, the four big families don't seem to be a problem."

Maine frowned. "What do you mean, Donnie? Are you going to let Beth Cod sit up?"

"This is exactly what I want to ask you." Donnie's expression darkened as he said, "Maine, what's wrong with you? When did you not even spare a kid to deal with Beth Cod? The Grant Clan's current inheritance is not based on extermination. Moreover, if that Allen really has such great potential as you said, then I won't be able to destroy him!"

"Why?" Maine was stunned.

Donald said resolutely, "The big picture!"

"We live in the great era of high-level warfare. The aliens are eyeing our planet covetously, and the interstellar defense line has not been peaceful for the past two years. The magic power equipment designed by that little brat has greatly increased the strength of our army out of thin air." Donald leaned back in his chair and said, "If he didn't have the talent, he would have been ruined. But now, on the contrary, I can't destroy such a talent for nothing because of selfish desires."

Maine looked at him, his gaze changing.

Finally nodding, he said, "Looks like I've made a wasted trip to-night. Then I'll take my leave, noble Mr. Donier."

Maine left angrily. Donald shook his head and said, "With your magnitude, Maine, you won't be able to catch up to Horn in another ten years."

Back in the car, Maine slapped the window and said, "Donnie, you're going to regret your choice tonight."

The driver in front asked, "Sir, where are we going?"

"Go see General Eliphant." Maine whispered, "Looks like we need to talk to Marshal Capullo."

A week passed quickly, and the Dawn completed the preparations for the warehousing of the materials. Early in the morning, Bescord's convoy arrived at Goddess Harbor, and the soldiers on their way stepped onto the deck of the Dawn. The door of a flying car opened and Alan and Horn got out of the car.

Horn raised his head to look at the Sunshine Dawn and sighed, "Forty years ago, it was such a peaceful and sunny day." I brought my family's expeditionary army from Babylon to the chaotic battlefield. That expedition laid the foundation for Beth Cod's status as an aristocratic family. It was also the same expedition, and at least half of the warriors that followed me would not be able to return home. In the blink of an eye, forty years had passed and I was getting old. Now, the honor of the clan can only be protected by you young people. "

"But come back alive, Ellen" Horn put his hand on Ellen's shoulder and said, "To me, you are more important than the honor of the family, son."

Alan nodded. Horn's hand was as heavy as a mountain.

"Go." Horn slapped Ellen on the back.

Alan stood upright and hugged Horn forcefully. Without turning around, he headed straight for the Dawn. Behind him were Lucy, Adele, Regis, William, and Bloy. Horn seemed to know each other when he saw this scene.

Back then, he had also traveled to the Outer Realm under the support of a group of followers. Looking at Alan's back, Horn felt as if he had seen himself when he was young.

Be sure to come back, Ellen! Horn glanced at the young figures and got back into the flying car. The flying car turned around and left the port to return to Ujail. As the flying car drove on the highway outside the harbor, the roar of an engine could be heard from afar. Through the window, Horn saw that the Dawn was leaping into the air. After getting in the right direction, the starship spat out blue lightning from its stern. Facing the dawn light, he sliced through the sky and disappeared under the azure sky!

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