Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 345: Paradise

Chapter 345: Paradise

Roger was in a manor called Paradise. It is located on the east side of Violet Harbor, facing Pier 3 from afar. The paradise was separated from the outside world by a wall of earth and stone, surrounded by watchtowers and guarded by guards throughout the day. Apart from a three-storey main building, there were also dungeons, slave shacks, bodyguards' dormitories, and training grounds.

This place was called Paradise, but in reality, it was the hell of slaves. Every day, slaves received various kinds of training here. Roger had a group of people who specialized in training slaves. They used all sorts of tricks to train slaves to the point that they were pasted and then transported to other places to sell them.

Of course, ordinary slaves could not enter the paradise. Only female slaves and war slaves had such "preferential treatment".

It was noon, and as the weather grew hotter, the big fireball on the sky became even more poisonous. Waves of sea breeze with a faint fishy smell blew over from the direction of the channel, making the guards hiding in the shade of the sentry tower drowsy.

A dark-skinned guard with three layers of fat yawned and lit up a cigarette. "Damn fatty, which woman did you spend the night on last night? Look at you, you must have been completely squeezed out." The colleague beside you scolded, "Fatty, what woman did you spend the night on last night on? I'm sure you must have been squeezed out by someone."

The fatty chuckled and said, "Don't tell me, those women at the dock are so coquettish. I worked three last night and almost died of exhaustion."

Naturally, there were women in special trades in Violet Harbor, and these people were divided into three to nine grades. Among these women, the women at the dock were the cheapest. As long as they had money, they could sit on the ground and be used as beds. Of course, they were visited by low-level guards like the fatty in front of them, or by people who worked in low-paying jobs.

Those who had a little money in their pockets were unwilling to patronize that kind of woman. Because they were dirty, there were at least several kinds of dirty diseases on their bodies.

The fat man's colleague immediately frowned and said, "You dare to touch the woman there. Fatty, be careful that your words are useless in the future."

"Gungun Gungun, don't curse me. Fatty, I'm fine."

The two of them cursed at each other, and something flashed at the corners of Fatty's eyes. It was so bright that it hurt his eyes. He narrowed his eyes and saw that under the big sun, someone was walking towards the paradise. It was a silver-haired youth. His silver-glossy hair reflected the sunlight, like a fluttering azure flame.

Fatty frowned. The youth was a stranger, so he didn't know what he was doing in Paradise. He threw away the inferior cigarette, stepped the cigarette butt into the sand with his bare feet, and carried the rifle on his shoulder, "Hey, boy. This is a private place. Leave now."

The youth smiled brightly and said, "I'm here to see Mr. Roger."

"You're looking for Mr. Roger?" The fat man chuckled, "Do you have an appointment? If not, bring the invitation and add five gold coins. I promise it will appear on Mr. Roger's desk as soon as possible."

"No appointment, but I've brought my invitation. However, I'll probably have to send it myself to impress Mr. Roger." The youth took down a black iron box from his back and leaned on the ground as he laughed.

Another guard also walked over and stood with Fatty. "Don't make trouble if you don't post anything. Fatty is in a good mood today. Otherwise, you'll have to be careful of your own ass/eyes."

"Who said I don't have a post? Look, it is." The youth slapped the black box and the box slid sideways. What slid out was a rough black saber. He pulled out his saber and shook it.

The two guards finally knew that this youth was here to cause trouble. The fatty smiled sinisterly and said, "You're courting death!"

He raised his rifle and intended to make the youth's head blossom. However, as soon as he moved his hand, a black tide pounced on his face. Fatty suddenly felt that he was so clumsy. The rifle that he usually lifted in one go was slowly raised like a snail. However, the black tide in front of him was overwhelming. When it first surged, it was only a black wave, but in an instant, it turned into a monstrous sea wall!

Fatty felt that his soul was going to be submerged in the black waves that connected the heavens and earth. He didn't even have time to release the screams in his mouth. The scene in his line of sight was split into two, and in the middle was pitch black like an abyss.

The guard who was standing beside him sat on the ground, staring blankly at the fatty who had his head almost split open by a knife at his feet. The fatty's corpse was still wide-eyed, and red and white flowed out of the cracked head. The guard wanted to cry, but in the end, it turned into a hysterical cry.

Alan carried Qianjun into the gate of the paradise. The fatty died too quickly. Without firing a single shot, the people in the paradise still did not know what had happened at the gate. It wasn't until Alan left for a while that a group of guards passed by. Seeing the heavy saber stained with blood in Allen's hand, he shouted and opened fire.

Alan dodged to a nearby slave shed, and the guard's bullets hit the wall in vain. After a round of shooting, they grabbed their guns and ran behind the wall. Suddenly, Allen's short body flashed, and the heavy saber swept out with a solemn black light. Suddenly, a sharp howl sounded. The tip of the saber pointed, and the air waves were emptied, causing the dust to spread out like wings. On the tip of the wing, there were a few human bodies that were lifted by the wind of the saber. Their bodies were all twisted, and they had already died before they could land on the ground.

Raising his head, another guard ran over from the guards' dormitory. An engraving suddenly appeared on Allen's forehead, and the heavy saber was immediately wrapped up by the fire tornado. He stabbed his saber into the ground, and three pale red lights flashed ten meters away from him.

The guards did not notice the changes on the ground. When they stepped into the red light area, three thick/black fire dragons rushed up from the ground with muffled rumbling sounds, causing the guards to be completely unrecognizable. The impact of the air currents even knocked the guards behind him to the ground.

Allen smiled slightly as he mentioned the remaining flames that flashed past the "Raging Flames" and crashed into the guards behind him who were still in shock and bewilderment. With the heavy saber pointed at him, his body fell, and no one was able to block his saber.

"What happened?"

In a luxuriously decorated bedroom, Roger jumped out of his soft queen bed. He was tall and thin, with dark gray hair and a goatee that made him look gloomy. In the dim bedroom, Roger's eyes shone with a faint blue glow like a coyote. He rushed to the window and lifted the veil curtain, just in time to see a ball of flames explode on the training ground in front of the main building.

Small explosions continued to appear on the training ground, leaving a straight trajectory in the field. The trajectory pointed straight at the main building, making Roger feel very uncomfortable. Roger couldn't help but roar, "Jerav, why don't you go and see which bastard dares to destroy my paradise like this!"

"Yes, Your Excellency." A deep voice replied from outside the door.

The heavy saber pulled out a black tidal light that was like a banner, sending several guards flying, leaving the road leading to the main building empty. Ellen held his saber on his shoulder and swept his gaze across the crowd. More than half of the forty or fifty guards in Roger's paradise lay down, and the ones who were still standing only dared to aim their guns at Ellen from afar. However, no one dared to shoot him so easily for fear of provoking this fiend.

At this moment, a person walked out of the main building's gate. Seeing the man, the guards felt relieved. Alan looked at him. The man in his thirties was dyed with bright flowers and wore a straw hat. He was dragging an exceptionally slender sword in his hand. This sword was almost as tall as others. It was 30 centimeters tall and could be grasped with both hands.

The style was a bit like a two-handed sword, but the sword was slender and long like a one-handed sword, and there was a slight arc at the tip of the sword, unlike the straight beam of a normal sword.

This should be a specially crafted sword. Since it can use a special type of weapon, it should have profound attainments in this sword.

The dressed man narrowed his eyes slightly when he saw Alan. His expression gradually became sharp, "This is a private place. Your Excellency has intruded without permission. I'm afraid you won't be able to walk out completely."

'"I don't think so. In the end, I'm just here to visit Mr. Roger. It's just a waste of time for Mr. Roger to make appointments and hand over invitations. I think I'll have a nice chat with Mr. Roger if I use this knife as a post." Alan said with a bright smile.

The man nodded. "I'm Mr. Roger's personal bodyguard, Jerav. You have to ask me first if you want to see Mr. Roger!"

With his feet on the ground, Jarraf dragged his sword and rushed forward. The sword pulled out a trail of dust on the sand, but it was also imposing. Ellen put away his smile and pointed forward with his heavy saber. The blade was constantly making fine adjustments. Thus, Jeralf discovered that no matter how he adjusted the angle of his charge, Ellen's saber qi was still enveloping his body. He was secretly shocked.

In the blink of an eye, Jarraf had already closed in. When he was still about two meters away from Alan, his toes pressed into the sand. Jeralf's body suddenly stopped moving and a wave of air came out of nowhere, blowing Alan's hair up. The sword that was dragging behind him bounced up and pulled out a semi-circular cold light around Ellen's waist with Jeralf's body as the axis.

Allen's heavy saber stood upright, and sparks splashed everywhere when the sabers collided with each other. Allen leaned forward with his opponent's sword, and the heavy saber pushed forward, creating a series of sparks on Jarraf's sword. Just as he was about to crash into Jarraf's embrace, Qianjun's blade was dyed with a sparkling red luster. The heavy saber bounced up and slashed out, pulling out a dark red saber light and striking straight at Jarraf's face.

It was the first time in his life that he had seen such a sinister attack. At the end of the Thousand Means, a devil-like roar sounded in Gerald's ears. Even the surrounding air suddenly emitted a strong smell of blood. It was as if he was in a tragic battlefield in an instant. Gerald's heart skipped a beat. He suddenly knew that this youth in front of him was actually someone who could feel saber intent.

He let out a shrill roar, treating the heavy saber as if nothing had happened. The longsword sliced towards Alan's neck, but it was a two-defeated and one-on-one attack!

(Today, daughter-in-law goes to the hospital for a check-up. If everything goes smoothly, a new family member will be added in August this year. Hehe ~ ~)

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