Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 360: Guest Performance (2)

Chapter 360: Guest Performance (2)

Storm City's crusade team arrived at Devil Crow Ridge at midnight. They followed the bandits according to the traces they left behind and locked onto each other in this mountain range.

At this moment, a ball of fire could be seen from afar on a hillside of Demon Crow Ridge. Covey brought a few people over and found a camp. Looking out from the dense bushes, ten or twenty people gathered in the camp. They talked loudly and drank wine around the campfire. Their faces were painted with strange patterns, covering their appearances. At the same time, they also created a mysterious atmosphere.

That was indeed a common method used by bandits to confuse the eyes and ears of the army. As long as these people wiped off the patterns on their faces afterwards, it would be difficult to connect them with the bandits.

"Captain, do you want to attack?" A knight wiped his throat.

Covey shook his head and gestured for them to leave quietly. When he left, Ke Wei felt something and looked at an old tree beside him. One of the snake tails quickly retracted from the branch, and there was a colorful snake coiled around the branch. Covey looked at the snake and left with a frown.

Beside the campfire, Alan took the barbecue from a soldier. Suddenly, a white image appeared in his mind. It was the image of Covey and the others leaving. Alan smiled and made a hidden gesture, telling everyone that the fish had been hooked.

Returning to the base of the punitive squad, Covey ordered, "Rest where you are. We have confirmed the location of the bandits' camp. We will attack them when they are asleep. We must capture them once."

He added, "The rebels will be shot, but the leader must stay. Lord Maud will personally interrogate them."

The soldier promised.

As time passed, Covey closed his eyes and fell asleep. At four o'clock in the morning, he opened his eyes and shouted, "Let's go."

The Raging Thunder Knight immediately stood up and awakened the surrounding infantry. After a simple examination of their equipment, the squad moved towards Allen and the others' camp. Along the way, Covey found one or two poisonous snakes from time to time. They were either lying in the grass or curled up on branches, during which time a soldier even stepped on a snake tail. Fortunately, the snake did not bite, but swiftly swam away. Otherwise, if it caused a commotion, it would probably attract the attention of the other party.

When he arrived near the camp, Covey realized that the other party was not just careless. Only one sentinel had been arranged, and the bandit was still very incompetent. He leaned against a tree and seemed to be sleeping soundly. Covey made a gesture and a knight quietly stepped forward. The knight slowly pulled out his sword and carefully pulled it out from the darkness, lest the sword should reflect the moonlight and cause the sentinels to react.

Everything went smoothly, but there were still a few steps away from the sentinel. The knight's feet sank, as if he had stepped on something soft. He lowered his head and saw a poisonous snake with a scarlet body biting furiously. It turned out that his iron boots were stepping on the snake's body. The knight secretly sighed. Knowing that nothing could be done, he changed his sword and sliced it towards the head of the snake. He sliced the poisonous snake into two pieces.

However, the sound of the long sword piercing through the air finally attracted the attention of the sentry.

The sentinel opened his eyes and met the knight. He immediately screamed, "There's an enemy!"

"Damn it!" Ke Wei cursed softly and drew his sword and roared angrily, "Charge in!"

At this time, he no longer cared about losing his appearance and only wanted to use his fastest speed to resolve the battle. As a result, the Raging Thunder Knight acted as the vanguard, followed by the Gale Infantry, forming a surge of people that quickly crossed the grass and crashed into the bandits' camp. However, when they entered the camp, they found that the situation was very different from what they believed. Those bandits did not rush out of the tent in a hurry. Instead, they were all armed and silent. They were so quiet, so quiet that it was almost cold, making Covey's heart beat heavily.

He couldn't help but shout, "You're not Dick's men. Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who we are. The important thing is that none of you will leave tonight," Ellen grinned.

The one who attacked the three small towns in Tulsi Town was not Dick's father, but a fake bandit starring Allen as a guest star. This method, on the one hand, exposed the truth of Mo De's cooperation with Dick. Regardless of whether the citizens believed it or not, they would inevitably become suspicious of Mo De, thus damaging his prestige and setting the stage for him to take over Storm City in the future. On the other hand, it was to increase the pressure on Storm City. The citizens who had their food stolen would pour into Storm City in large numbers. In order to create an image of a benevolent lord, Mo De naturally had to open his warehouse and release food. But the problem was that a day or two wasn't a big deal. What if it was a week or even a month? Alan believed that it would make Mo De anxious.

Once he was anxious, he would lose his balance. Losing a calm opponent, no matter how powerful it was, was no longer terrifying.

Finally, the most important thing was to draw Mo De's army out of Storm City bit by bit. Alan only brought the Mountain King and Dark Blade to create a situation where there weren't many fake bandits. In this way, Mo De would not hesitate to send troops to fight. However, he could not have imagined that this fake bandit Allen was made up of elite warriors.

The whole plan was deduced many times, including targeting the hidden stakes between Maud and Dick, and laying out Maud's temperament by Bree and Betto of the Adventurer Society. The key to making this plan work was that Mo De didn't believe that the weak Sur City would actually take the initiative to provoke him. By the time he reacted, everything was settled.

Under the impetus of this plan, the punitive squad crashed into one of Allen's traps.

"Just you guys?" Covey sneered. He calmed down and told himself that he had the advantage in numbers. It wasn't that he didn't have a chance of winning. With a finger of his sword, Covey shouted, "Kill!"

The punitive squad immediately launched an attack.

"Regis, their leader is yours!" Allen shouted, his origin energy soaring, and the engraving of the prairie blade lit up on his forehead. Qianjun immediately faintly lit up, and Alan thrust himself into the ground, causing three dark red flames to appear in front of the punitive squad.

The Raging Thunder Knights rushed to the front. When they discovered that there was a flame not far away, they felt that something was wrong, but they could no longer stop. One by one, they could only grind their teeth and circulate their Origin Energy to fit into the flames.

Rumble! Three raging flames rose from the ground. The pillars of flames formed a straight line, forming a high-temperature fire line. The Raging Thunder Knights who crossed the line of fire shouted loudly. The Origin Energy on their bodies cancelled out a portion of the impact of the blazing flames, but the extremely hot flames instantly heated up the armor on their bodies. As a result, the knights who were knocked dizzy by the blazing flames burned their skin and flesh to pieces by the hot metal.

At this moment, Alan rushed forward. Qianjun waved his fire dragon and used his saber power to drag several Rage Thunder Knights into his attack circle. At the same time, the Dark Blade Warrior also attacked the remaining knights. The two of them formed a team and used their chain blades to wrap around the knight's hands and feet. According to Belmond's technique, after tangling the target tightly, he used a poisonous dagger to seal his throat.

However, they were still newbies after all, and it was inevitable that they would panic in their first real battle. As a result, some Dark Blade Warriors had originally wiped the knife at the knight's throat. Due to the knight's resistance or the interference of the environment, they were unable to successfully seal their throats and could only create other wounds on the knight's body. However, the knives were all covered with poison. The more intense the knights resisted, the easier it would be for them to display the poison.

While Allen and Dark Blade ate the raging lightning knights of the punitive squad, the Mountain King's soldiers attacked the infantry. The infantry soldiers who were following behind the knights crossed the line of fire and their eyes ached from the flames. They collided with the Mountain King warriors' fine iron warhammers in front of them. These robust warriors struck down with a hammer. Whether it was on the head or on the chest, they all died in one blow.

Instantly, more than a dozen Gale Infantry soldiers died in battle.

Seeing this, Covey's eyes turned red. He wished he could rush over and kill the valiant warriors with steel shields and warhammers. However, the sharp sword lights in front of him made it impossible for him to put his ideas into practice.

Regis came and went like the wind, using the high-speed movement produced by the combination of rotary and slippery steps to form a strong impact force. His attacks were very concise, and he would often be able to take back a single blow. However, every time he attacked, the Iron Slashing Sword of Regis was like a cannonball piercing through the air, producing an intimidating roar.

In the meantime, Covey tried to stop him and fought with Regis, but he was almost knocked out of his hand by the flickering sword light. Afterwards, Kewei didn't dare to face his opponent head-on. Instead, he used such methods as evading and counterattacking to fight. However, with the unfolding of Regis' sword power, the flickering sword lights became denser and denser. The space that Covey could evade gradually shrunk, and the situation became more and more unfavorable for the leader of the punitive squad.

Kewei's scalp exploded, unable to figure out where these experts had jumped out from. One had to know that with Regis' skill, he was already on par with the Knight Guild Leader's aptitude. In the worst case scenario, he could become a deputy commander. However, such a person was actually a subordinate of the silver-haired youth. Ke Wei wanted to crack his head, but he couldn't guess the identity of the other party.

During the intense battle, the sword light suddenly disappeared completely. However, not only did Covey not feel any less pressure, the atmosphere became more and more solemn. The Regents were ten meters away from him, and their origin energy surged, killing intent surging.

Covey knew that the next attack would definitely be his opponent's killing blow. At this moment, he desperately urged his Origin Energy, risking his life for the sake of his own.

When Regis's aura reached its peak, the Iron Slash Sword was handed over to Covey from afar. Kewei's eyes lit up. Before his body could react, a flash of light had already crossed his body.

With a clanking sound, Regis sheathed his sword. Behind him, a flash of light exploded, turning into countless rays of light. Covey's body was thrown into the air like a puppet, rolling and spraying large amounts of hot blood. When he fell to the ground, he was already dead. A huge gap appeared in his chest, but the real fatal thing was the sword qi that Regis had suppressed into his body.

The instant the explosive sword qi entered his body, it tore through Covey's protective origin power, shattering his blood vessels and vital organs. Kewei still opened his eyes, as if he didn't believe that there was such a fast sword in this world!

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