Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 371: Black Iron Castle

Chapter 371: Black Iron Castle

This lunch lasted for two hours. Several people at the table probed each other to understand each other's intentions. After they made an initial oral agreement to cooperate with each other, everyone finally had a good time and dispersed. Oh, no, not everyone gets what they want. For example, Fellows, the vice president of the Iron Flag Merchant Guild, had always maintained an icy cold attitude, which puzzled Alan.

He even felt a subtle hostility in Fellows' eyes.

After the dinner, Roger invited Alan to visit his paradise. Although Allen had already gone to the paradise, the last time he went directly to the door, it was not considered a formal visit, so he nodded in agreement.

Xiao En went back to Fragrant Orioles Grass Street first. Fatty still had some things to deal with, so he couldn't accompany Alan.

Outside the restaurant, Roger's carriage was already waiting for him. The slave merchant's carriage was simple and plain, but there was plenty of room inside, emphasizing its usefulness. The horse used to pull the carriage was pitch black, taller than the local warhorse, and its hooves gradually turned from black to grey. On the horse's chest, there was also a pattern of gray-white hair forming a "V" shape, making them look very divine.

'"This is the Easta warhorse. Easta is an exotic race on the northern border of the empire. They have strong folk customs and are best at raising horses. Each warhorse costs a lot of money. The bloodlines of my two warhorses are not pure enough, but they cost me a lot of money." Roger said as if nothing had happened, but it wasn't hard to hear a trace of pride in his words.

Alan nodded and said, "They are indeed very different from the warhorses I have seen."

"Mr. Fellows," he added, "it seems that lunch was not very pleasant."

"If it were me, I would definitely not be very happy." Roger smiled and said, "The owner of the Iron Flag Chamber of Commerce is actually the Black Iron Castle. The Black Iron Castle is located on the other side of the Blood Rock Wilderness and responds to Storm City. Sir Sharon, the owner of the Black Iron Castle, had a questionable background. It was said that he had been a horse thief before he was knighted. After that, he used some methods to get the daughter of the previous City Lord of Black Iron Castle, and finally gained his current identity. "

"The Iron Flag Chamber of Commerce has worked with Storm City in the past, especially in terms of raw materials for equipment. Storm City has always sold it to them at a relatively low price. Now that Storm City has changed its owner, your manager intends to further refine the raw materials and make them available in the form of equipment. "If that's the case, the Iron Flag Chamber of Commerce won't be profitable on your side, so Fellows's expression won't be much better."

"So there's still this relationship." Ellen paused and smiled, "Mr. Roger had expected Fellows' reaction, but he had invited him to lunch. It seems that he had some ulterior motives?"

"Let's put it this way, the Lily Chamber of Commerce, together with Reese and me, is equivalent to a small half of the merchants in Violet Harbor willing to cooperate with you. This is the general trend. I originally hoped that Fellows would be able to see it clearly and eventually make the right choice for the Iron Flag Chamber of Commerce. But to be honest, his performance today disappointed me." Roger shrugged. "As a businessman, he should know that people like us don't have eternal interests, so we naturally don't have eternal friends. But that Fellows cares that the owner of Storm City has changed people."

'"This confirms the rumor that Sir Sharon married one of his daughters to Maud to strengthen their relationship. Recently, I heard that you uprooted Maud's family. I think Sir Sharon's attitude at the back influenced the decision of the Iron Flag Chamber of Commerce, right?"

Alan narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, "Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Roger. It seems that I have to guard against the revenge of the Sir of the Black Iron Castle."

At this point, Roger's meaning was obvious. His real purpose in inviting Fellows was to see Sir Sharon's attitude. Now Alan knew where Fellows' subtle hostility came from.

In the blink of an eye, Roger showed Ellen around several slave shacks. Most of the people they saw in the paradise were war slaves. The composition of war slaves was very complicated. Some of them lived on the borders of the empire. For example, the Baymonds in the Ash Mountains. From Roger's words, there were quite a few of them, and a few of them were hidden dangers at the borders of the empire.

Apart from the outsiders, there were also many prisoners, criminals, and even destitute nobles among the war slaves. The paradise was responsible for training these war slaves, polishing their edges and edges, making them obedient like dogs, and then selling them to the nobles everywhere. The highly skilled War Slave Guild was a good personal guard. Of course, Paradise would provide a unique set of control methods for these high-level slaves. It could be medicine or something.

As for those ordinary goods, they would become cannon fodder for the knights' army. Of course, a knight who could afford the cannon fodder of a war slave would not be so low in wealth or rank.

Apart from the war slaves, there were only a small number of female slaves in the paradise. There was only one job for a female slave, and that was to please her master. And here, the first thing they wanted to please was their mentor. In a separate annex building, Alan did not see many female slaves. They ranged in age from sixteen to seventeen to twenties, and without exception, they were handsome and in the golden age of their lives.

At the request of their mentor, they made all kinds of seductive movements. Even in front of Roger, Allen, and the others, they practiced their martial arts in bed with their mentor. In the eyes of these female slaves, Alan could not see any light. They were like beautiful puppets that had been hollowed out. Surviving was just instinct. They were earnestly completing everything the mentor had asked them to do, just because it made their lives better.

"These female slaves are just ordinary goods. We even train them in martial skills and spying skills. Often, such women will become excellent spies. However, we rarely meet one of these high-end goods in a year."

Arriving at the study, Roger spread out his hands and said, "How is it, Mr. Allen? Do you have a fancy for slaves? If you like, I can give you two female slaves who have finished their training. They can't compare to the Naga Fishmen, but I promise you, they'll give you endless memories."

Alan shook his head and smiled, "I'm afraid I don't have time to waste on women now."

Roger laughed and applauded, "I'm even more relieved to hear you say that."

"I don't need female slaves. I'd be very happy if Mr. Roger could sell me a batch of war slaves at a low price."

"There's no problem with that. What kind of goods do you need? Cannon fodder? Or guards?"

"I already have enough guards." Alan said.

"Then I know what you need. Wait a moment." Roger flicked his finger on the silver bell on the table. A moment later, a butler-like man walked in. Roger said to him, "Go and prepare a hundred cannon fodder and tell them that their master will be Mr. Allen in the future."

After the housekeeper left, Rosen took out a pipe and bit his lips, "Then Mr. Allen, it's time for us to get down to business." Obviously, you will have more intensive business dealings with Violet Harbor in the future. I don't think the Bloodrock Wilderness will be as calm as before. In that case, the safety of the caravan will be a problem. What do you think of this? "

Alan said seriously, "Bandits like Dick need to be wiped out even if we don't do business. I'm not Maud. I don't want to see any potential threats near my territory."

"In that case, I have some information for Dick's father."

It was not until evening that Roger drove Ellen back to the park in a carriage. The next morning, a battalion of war slaves was sent to Fragrant Orioles Grass Street. There were a total of a hundred slaves in this squad, and each squad consisted of ten people, and each squad had a captain. Whether it was the slave or the captain, their heads were branded with the symbol of a paradise. Seeing this sign, one would know that they were slaves of Paradise.

Once the slaves dared to flee, when they were found, they would face a life worse than death day. Few War Slaves survived after fleeing. The pursuit of their masters and slave traders would cause them to panic in the days to come. This was an iron-like law. In order to protect their own interests, slave merchants of all sizes would always do their best to protect this iron law.

After handing the slave over to Alan, Roger's slave tamer said, "My lord, if you want your slaves to be more obedient and brave on the battlefield, you can give them some real encouragement."

After gathering all the war slaves together, Allen said to them, "I don't want to boast that I'm any different from the other masters. I just want to tell you that I will do what I say!" I will punish the person who betrays me the most severely, this severity will exceed your imagination; And for those who are faithful to me, I will keep them from hunger and cold. If he can add a little more courage to this loyalty, I can even give him freedom! "

"Yes, you can also become warriors! You can freely decide whether you want to stay or go, provided that you make an equivalent contribution!"

In the end, Allen marked the price of this contribution in exchange for freedom. If Slave Zhan served him for three years without dying, or if he killed enough enemies, he would be free. After that, if he was willing to stay, he would be able to wait for the treatment of warriors of the same level. If he wished to leave, Ellen would not force him to stay.

These words caused the eyes of the hundred slaves to gradually become filled with something else.

After a day of rest, the next day, Alan left behind a group of war slaves to strengthen the defenses of Fragrant Orioles Grass Street. The others left with him. A few days later, he brought the war slaves back to Storm City and asked Legg to put them into the army. On the afternoon of arriving at Storm City, Allen called Roy and the others to have a secret chat. In the study room of the City Lord's Mansion, Allen looked in the direction of the Bloodstone Wasteland and said, "It's time to clear out the last guy."

Behind him, Roy, Regis, and the others all sharpened their fists and wiped their palms.

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