Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 390: Biological Weapon

Chapter 390: Biological Weapon

Almost as soon as the breeze blew, Alan quickly turned his head away. A pitch-black line crossed the side of his face. Although he was not hit by the wind, Allen's cheeks hurt from the pressure of the wind. He turned around, and the demonic praise pulled out a cold blade light that rippled towards the black line like a ripple in the water. The dagger immediately felt as if it had struck a real object. With a bang, something fell to the ground.

Looking through the dim light on the wall, it was a tongue full of thorns. The broken tongue was still bouncing on the ground, full of vigor.

A low whistle rang out in front of him, and an engraving appeared between Alan's eyebrows. A tongue of fire immediately spat out from the dagger, lighting up the surroundings. In the flames, a tall man was staggering backwards. His skin was deathly gray and his abdomen was bulging like a pregnant woman in October. Something was wriggling in his belly. It was extremely strange.

Alan looked at the man and carefully drew a distance. He didn't believe that there were still living people in this base, not to mention that this person looked like there were more corpses. He was still able to move, it should be related to what was in his stomach.

Sure enough, the man fell to the ground without moving. However, a few knuckles popped out from his stomach, and then he split the corpse into two parts, tearing apart its stomach. An alien creature crawled out from inside. Its huge head was shaped like a certain kind of dragon, and its head was covered with a rough exoskeleton. Without eyes, it opened its mouth and spat out its long tongue. One end of his tongue disappeared. It should be the part that Alan had cut off.

His body was round like a salmon, with a row of spikes on his back, and six spider-like legs protruding from both sides of his abdomen. The Alien's body was still dripping with sticky body fluids, which allowed its stretched limbs to try several times before propping up its body from the ground.

Alan looked at the corpse and found that the man's abdomen was almost hollow. In this situation, it was estimated that the organs of the corpse had become the food of this creature. However, Ellen was unable to determine whether this disgusting creature in front of him was a creature bred by this planet, or was it some sort of biological weapon artificially cultivated by this base?

But even if it was a biological weapon, it had lost control. Everything started by instinct, but it was no different from a wild beast.

Although the alien had no eyes, it could tell where Alan was. Its large head pointed in Alan's direction, and then its segments slid like flying crashes. Alan pointed his toes and jumped off the ground. However, that fellow didn't seem to know how to control his strength, so he exerted too much force and suddenly hit the wall, causing the wall to shake. A lot of dust rose from the ceiling, and the air became somewhat choking.

His strength wasn't small. Alan thought to himself, if an ordinary person were to be hit by it like that, at least several bones would have to be broken. The alien shook his head and turned around. He opened his mouth and whispered. Then, a green liquid sprayed out from under his tongue, causing the air to instantly smell fishy. Alan didn't need to think about it to know that it was definitely not a good thing. He immediately moved horizontally, causing the venom to spray out.

The poisonous water sprayed out several meters away and partly sprayed on the man's corpse at the back. Where the poisonous water had stuck to the corpse, the surface of the corpse immediately turned from ashes to darkness. Then, the skin decayed, and even the bones inside quickly turned black. It could be seen that the poison was fierce.

The Alien continued to attack Alan, but its attack routine was very monotonous, and its methods were limited to poison water and collisions. Alan probed and found that there was nothing special about it. As the collision flashed, the demon praised and pulled horizontally, leaving a wound on the abnormality's abdomen that almost cut through his entire body. The head of that thing was protected by an exoskeleton, but its body was far inferior. It didn't even have scales, so it was so easy to tear the dagger apart.

This huge wound caused the organs in the abnormal body to flow out. It gradually lost its vitality and finally lay motionless on the ground. Allen pointed at the dagger and spat out a flame to ignite the corpse. As the fire lit up, Alan heard a few more strange noises. Only by borrowing the light of the fire did he see that this room was actually filled with corpses.

The corpses numbered more than twenty men and women, and most of them were piled up randomly. A few of the corpses had faces facing the door. Judging from their postures, they should still be struggling to escape from this place before they died. However, their backs were torn into a mess by something, so they were naturally left behind forever.

Right now, five or six of the corpses had their stomachs ruptured, and an equal number of abnormalities crawled out of them. As soon as these alien beings appeared, they immediately pounced towards Ellen with their knuckles drawn. Ellen wasn't courteous either. His momentum suddenly increased. The dagger drew out two orange rays of light, disintegrating the pouncing alien on the spot.

He didn't know if those corpses were still hiding the same abnormality, so Alan simply set them all on fire. After the Origin Energy flames ignited the pile of corpses, there were indeed many corpses that cried out repeatedly. At the same time, the light explosion of fat was heard.

As soon as he finished all of this, Alan heard the dull sound of heavy objects falling into the water from outside the door. He hurriedly left the room and followed the same path back to the previous compartment. After he left, the flames reflected a slender shadow on the ceiling. From the outline of the shadows, it looked like a person, but this person was hanging upside down from the ceiling like a spider.

The figure suddenly retracted into a gap in the ceiling and quickly left with a passage that seemed to have been pierced by a high-energy beam of light.

Alan returned to the cubicle and saw Regis crawling out of the sink with his head covered. Seeing his brother, Alan laughed and walked up, using the dagger to wrap around the flames as a light. In the flames, the waterfall that flowed out of the drainage pipe was obviously much smaller. Otherwise, given the urgency of Allen's descent, Regis would have been thrown into the air, but he would never have fallen into the sink below.

Hearing Alan's laughter, Regis grinned and said, "I knew you wouldn't die."

"Where are the others?" Alan pulled him and asked.

Regis tossed Qianjun's saber sheath back to Alan before pointing upwards, "They should be here soon."

Just as she finished speaking, a series of cries of alarm came from the exhaust pipe, and Lucy slipped out of the pipe. When she saw Ellen in midair, the girl's face lit up with joy. He was about to fall into the water, but Alan caught him. Alan hugged her and turned her body. Then, he removed the force of her fall and put it down. Lucy landed on her legs, but she didn't want to leave him like this and hugged Alan tightly.

"How did you get down? I was worried that the water would flow too fast and you wouldn't be able to get down." Said Alan.

Lucy smiled and said, "That Garner guy blocked the entrance to the exhaust pipe with a big rock and cut off most of the lake water. Using the natural pressure in the water, I'm not afraid that the rock will be taken away by the water, but I doubt how to get out."

Allen thought to himself, "So that's how it is. After intercepting the lake water, there naturally won't be a large amount of lake water flowing through the exhaust pipe." It would be safer for Lucy and the others to climb down the pipe, but the angle to the tail pipe was almost vertical, and Lucy and Regis would probably fall down directly.

Moments later, someone slid down the exhaust pipe one after another. The sink was pounding non-stop. Most of the people fell into the water. Only Edward's ability to control the flow of air allowed the Malitan teenager to land on the ground in a gliding manner.

When the people who fell into the water got up, they separated naturally. Garner nodded when he saw Alan. Ellen didn't hide anything and told them about his discovery just now. According to the previous agreement, after they entered the base, they parted ways and went on their own expeditions. Even without Alan's reminder, they would still encounter that alien form sooner or later. But now, they were at least mentally prepared and knew how to deal with that creature.

Alan added, "Those things look like they've been sleeping in the corpse all this time. Perhaps they only awoke after sensing my aura. So, they should be young. I wonder if there's anything else more dangerous in them. Mr. Garner, you must be careful."

"Thank you for your reminder, Mr. Allen. If there's nothing else, we'll leave first."

Ellen gave a very respectful expression.

Garner had his men inspect the equipment and walked towards the gate. Although they had entered the base, this was the first time these people had seen such a "remnant". Even Garner himself was curious about metal arms, pipes, cables, and glowing objects on the walls, let alone anyone else. The fatty Drew even wanted to tear off the luminous body and only left embarrassedly after a few fruitless attempts.

After they left, Lucy said, "Without a doubt, Ellen, what you encountered was some kind of biological weapon. Do you still remember the empress mentioned in the ciphertext? If nothing unexpected happened, it should be the mother of a biological weapon. The alien you see is a larva. Since there are larvae, there will be mature ones. We don't know how powerful the mature body is, but even the young still exist. The mature body must have survived. "

"Everyone, you must be careful when you move. If there are too many biological weapons, I suggest we retreat first. We know the exact location of the base, and it cannot escape. There are biological weapons as guards, so we are not afraid of being found by some self-righteous adventurers, because they will only become food rations for those weapons."

Alan nodded in agreement. After everyone rested for a while, they left the cubicle and headed in the opposite direction to Garner and the others.

"What a peculiar thing. Is this ruin made of metal?"

In the corridor, Bass touched the metal walls of the pipes and sighed, "This is the first time I've seen such a technique. Look, these metal plates are polished so smoothly and smoothly. Just think about how enormous the whole ruins are made of metal."

"Buzz, if you have time to sigh, why don't you follow closely? I don't care if you fall behind." Shouted the gunman ahead.

Only then did Buss realize that the team had already left for a long time and hurriedly ran up. Suddenly, his back turned cold, as if he was being watched by something. He quickly turned around, but there was nothing behind the corridor. He shrunk his shoulders and turned to leave. If he looked at the ceiling, he would see a few dark red lights flickering from one of the air vents in the ceiling.

It seemed to be the eyes of some creature.

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