Edge of the Apocalypse

Chapter 395: Top Secret Plan

Chapter 395: Top Secret Plan


In the silent space, the automatic door, which had lost its power source, was struggling to separate from each other. The friction between the metal and the slot caused a sharp frown to appear from time to time. Alan stretched out his hands, as if he wanted to stretch out the entire sky. With a shout, Origin Energy surged, forcefully separating the automatic door from the other side. In the end, his arms spread out and opened the door of the control room, which had been closed for many years, up a space where the two of them could pass side by side.

After retracting his Origin Energy, his face flushed crimson before slowly calming down. Just opening the armored door, which weighed more than ten tons, consumed a lot of his Origin Energy.

However, it wasn't in vain.

The hunter knew his way. Although there were many damaged tunnels along the way, the mechanical guard could always find a new route. It was just a few detours. After successfully arriving at the heart-like area of the base and arriving at the control center, Allen and the others seemed to have taken half of the base into their pockets.

The control center had been closed for many years, and the moment the door opened, the heavy air inside emitted a smell of mud and rust. Edward brushed his hand and the wind blew on the flat ground. The airflow started to move slightly and eventually turned into a gust of wind that circled around the control center. After accelerating the flow of air, the crowd no longer felt bored, and they walked in.

This area was extremely large, and the place they entered was a bridge. On both sides of the bridge was a dim void. Ten meters below, there was a circular array of consoles. Just this array alone occupied nearly a thousand square meters!

The center of the array was empty. However, when the control center worked, hundreds or thousands of virtual projection curtain walls would rise at the center of the array, corresponding to the numerous consoles that were densely packed from the inside out to the outside.

As for the location of the bridge, it was naturally the position of the head of the base. Standing on the edge of the bridge and looking down, Allen felt that it was vast and spacious, giving him a sense of dominance over all living beings.

This is the smell of power.

Behind her, Lucy had already sat down on the only seat on the bridge without any courtesy. On the metal seat that could accommodate almost two of her, the young girl was clicking on a row of buttons on the left armrest. A moment later, the bridge trembled slightly, but a low platform slowly rose from the front of the seat. There were buttons all over it. It looked like a console.

"Fortunately, the energy supply is not completely cut off." "This is the main console," Lucy said while recognizing the complex space-like console. "Although the control array is needed to control the entire base, with the main console, you can still control a small portion of the functions."

"Xiao Qi, let's get to work. Let me see if I can provide backup energy to the control room. You are responsible for rewriting the procedures of the base guards and adding us to the command authority." Lucy shook her hand and the silver-winged killer slipped off her wrist. It transformed into a silver spider, and its segmental limbs nimbly removed a panel from the vicinity of the main console, exposing the dense electrical system inside.

The Silver Winged Killer's segments quickly stretched out and deformed, entering the circuit system. Some of the crystal plates immediately jumped out with irregular light. Lucy's fingers flew and landed on the star-studded buttons on the console. Not long after, the two sides of the bridge lit up with dim lights. The floor in the center of the control array below was also separated on both sides. Several lasers shot out, quickly interweaving into the air to form a projection curtain wall.

The girl who had no love for work had an indescribable momentum, and the console had become her private domain. As a result, everyone else, including Alan, became idle. Alan leaned against the railing of the bridge and looked at the girl at work. Lucy did not smile, but focused more on the console.

Regis sat on the bridge with his sword in his hand, yawning. He stretched out his legs and waved them in the air.

Everyone else rested. After a while, Lucy said, "There is a complete storage unit. The brain shows that there is no record of any use."

"What weapons do you have?" Ellen was excited.

Lucy waved her fingers and the projection wall in the middle immediately drew up a long list. It was just that the list was in Adahua Planet's language, and Alan didn't recognize any of them. Lucy scanned around and said, "It's all conventional equipment. The obsolete Agu 3 Origin Rifles, High Energy Vibrating Swords, Origin Shields Oh, there's a decent weapon. A blade made of some sort of Void Star Iron. Its name is Execution."

'"Saber" Alan looked at the saber sheath beside him and said to Regis, "That saber belongs to you. I don't have anything to use."

Regis jumped up with a look of anticipation.

"Don't rush to distribute it. Although Zhi Nao said so, we still don't know how that arsenal is now. Let's talk about it when we find it." Lucy said unhappily, "However, if this batch of weapons can still be used, it will be worth it. Your Fiery Rifles have run out of physical ammunition, and if they are not replenished, the combat strength of the Blazing Fighters will be reduced by at least half. With these Origin Rifles now replenished, it will make up for the shortfall in long-range firepower."

"I'm afraid we won't be able to find so many suitable people."

"You don't have to worry about that. The power of the Yagu series rifles is limited, and the requirements for their use are around Level 5."

"That's not bad. Let's see if we can get anything else." Alan said greedily.

Lucy buried herself in her work for a while and said, "The other arsenals have records of their use. It seems like there was a great war at the base. It actually took so much weapons to use. Eh, I found the archives of the base diary."

With the next button, new words appeared on the projection screen wall. Lucy read, "In 1374, we were ordered to set up a base here to develop new biological warfare weapons. This was truly a desolate planet, but it was precisely because it was desolate that it was the most ideal thing to do. Including our base, seven bases belonging to the Golden World Tree project will be settled here. This will be a grand plan to change the entire universe. Including me, all the members of the base are proud of this "

"The Rainbow Light Calendar is actually a product of the Rainbow Light Diachrony?"

Alan couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong?"

"Do you still remember the Erosa Immigration Ship we found in the Saber Demon Sacred Trace?" "It uses the Clouddrop system, named after the crown of Emperor Clouddrop, who ruled Adahua Planet at that time. The era ruled by that emperor, also known as the Clouddrop Calendar," said Lucy. "As for the Rainbow Calendar, it was even older than the Clouddrop Calendar, the golden age when rainbow light illuminated the entire Garter Domain."

The girl took a deep breath. "The dawn calendar dynasties opened by our first emperor in the history of Adahua Planet, The second emperor's rainbow light illuminated the golden year of the starfield, then the golden rose that was rarely seen in history announced its existence to the universe, and the most belligerent Emperor's Void Skyfire's Heavenly Fire Calendar on the chaotic battlefield "

After the Heavenly Fire Calendar, it was the Cloud Calendar that welcomed the rest and even the generation of Lucy's father. The calendar of justice represented by Emperor Orfasis, known as the King of Justice. In the young girl's mouth, the history of Adahua Planet was condensed into the names of several emperors. However, the name of each emperor represented a calendar era. From this, it could be seen that these names that had once left a prestigious name in the Garter Domain would inevitably leave an indelible mark in the universe.

Allen's heart was beating heavily as he praised the names that had once shone brightly across the starry sky. Behind every name was an epic history. The weight of this history was enough to overwhelm any proud person.

Lucy shook her head and said, "1374 is already the end of the Rainbow Calendar, and it is also the time when the Golden Rose began to show its face. I'm afraid Her Highness the Queen was involved in the Golden World Tree project. Perhaps the name of the Golden Rose came from this Golden World Tree."

"Can you find out what kind of plan that is?" Alan asked.

"No, I can't find any information," the girl said after a while at the console. It seemed that either the plan was encrypted, or it didn't exist in any records at all. Speaking of which, I haven't seen the Golden World Tree Project in the Royal Library. "It seems that this is a top secret plan. Otherwise, how could a plan that is so important and needs to be carried out across star domains not be recorded in any records "

"Then let's put it aside for now. What other information does the base diary have?"

"Let me see En, the code name of this base is King Snake. They are mainly researching a self-disciplined biological weapon."

Ellen frowned and said, "What the hell is that?"

'"Simply put, it's a super creature that can adapt to all kinds of environments and produce its own weapons for the battlefield. They call this creature the Queen Wait, here's a picture of the Queen." Said Lucy.

A few pictures appeared on the projection wall. In the picture was an empty space with a snake-like giant/object coiled inside. Lucy enlarged the picture so that everyone on the bridge could see it clearly. It had a flat head shaped like a king cobra. However, there was a female face embedded in her head. Her eyes were tightly closed, but her expression was very distorted, as if she was filled with hatred and pain.

Behind the head of the snake was a centipede-like segmental body, covered in black spikes on the dark carapace, and on both sides was a row of fearsome feet. It is noteworthy that there is an eye on every surface of the body. In the picture, many of the eyes on the monster's body looked in different directions. The strange scene made one's hair stand on end.

"Hey, this thing "

But what was even more shocking was that the so-called Empress in the picture was extremely imaginative of a certain kind of life that Allen and the others knew about. Lucy and Alan cried out almost at the same time, "Why is this thing so similar to the Canadians?"

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