Empress of the Entertainment World

Chapter 459 The Finals

Chapter 459 The Finals


CHAPTER 459 – The Finals

Having lost the war, Victoria knew once why her father called. Andromeda did not bluff when she stated she was going to make all those who crossed her pay.

With trembling hands, Victoria answered the call and the next moment, she regretted ever doing so.

With a loud voice that sent her spirit for the heels, her father's voice thundered into the phone, calling out her name, "Victoria!"

His voice boomed through the receiver like thunderclaps from an angry god. She winced at each word but kept listening until finally, he stopped talking.

She waited patiently before speaking up again. Her tone remained calm despite how shaken she felt by what happened earlier today.


"You are still alive?" he asked incredulously.


"Good because by the time I get home, you would wish you were dead."

Victoria swallowed hard; fear crept in as she wondered if this conversation could be any worse than it already is.

Her dad continued without pause or mercy. "Your mother has been crying non-stop since we got back this morning. You have ruined our reputation in society! How could you do such a thing? What kind of daughter does something like that?"

"I'm sorry Dad," Victoria replied softly, trying to keep herself together even though tears threatened to spill.

"Sorry is not good enough for the ruin of our family's name and business."


"You better not remain in that house by the time we return."


Thanks to the scandal, one corrupt judge was out of the list of judges reviewing for the contest. In no time the day of the finals arrived and all of Andromeda's preparation proved useful.

With the day of reckoning at hand, Lian Rui had compiled a compelling case, presenting undeniable proof of Victoria and Serena's involvement in sabotaging Andromeda's designs.

Armed with the evidence, she approached the organizers of the fashion competition and demanded an investigation.

The organizers, concerned about maintaining the integrity of the competition, took the matter seriously.

After a thorough inquiry, Serena was confronted with the evidence and given Victoria's ruined public image and the fact that she failed to make an appearance, Serena bore the brunt.

She was forced to admit their actions, thereby receiving a ban from competing in the fashion contest ever again. The actions against them were swift and decisive, and their reputations were irreparably tarnished.

Thanks to their careful planning, justice was served and the competition carried on.

More than anything, Andromeda could barely wait for the final showcase. As the competition continued, she presented her designs with grace and confidence, capturing the hearts of the judges and the audience alike.

"And the moment we've all been waiting for…" the female judge announced as her eyes swept through the crowd of people present.

Thanks to the reveal of the judge and contest, this year's event ended up house twice the number that had shown up from the beginning and the best since the event commenced years back.

Eyes gleamed with joy and hope. Fingers were intertwined, hoping earnestly for their favourite contestant to win.

"Allow me to congratulate, the 1st runner-up… Miss…"

Andromeda's heart thudded wildly in her chest. She did not want to get that position. She knew what her heart was set on and she prayed, hoped.

Seated in the crowd at the front seat, her eyes locked with Liu Xueyi's. Just like he promised, he was there for her in her final moment.

Not just him, Rong Bolin, Xu Fang, Hong Chaoxiang, Tang Yan and Fengjin were present. The massive support made her filled with joy, calm but still nervous.

She did not want to disappoint them and having them show up kind of made things worse.

As if sensing her fear and nervousness, Liu Xueyi beamed a smile at her and made the symbol of love with his hands.

"I love you," he mouthed at her and when she nodded, he knew she understood him.

"Miss Lian Rui!"

A round of applause followed as Lian Rui stepped forward and was presented with her award and stash.

"And the winner of this year's annual fashion show event… the one to be crowned Queen of the Fashion World… Help me make welcome up on stage…"

The entire audience fell silent as they waited for the announcement.

Two people stood out with their designs and they knew who would be the fashion Queen once the first runner-up was mentioned.

Having reduced the number of finalists, it was without saying what the outcome would be. There were four contestants. The 2nd runner-up, Mrs Liang, already knew her position and the 1st, was also taken by Lian Rui.

Only two ladies were left standing.

Hearts prayed, eyes closed, anticipating the very big moment.

In a climactic moment, the winner of the fashion competition was announced. "Miss… Andromeda Kia!"

Andromeda Kai stood on the stage, a mixture of disbelief and elation washing over her as her name reverberated through the venue. She had emerged victorious against the challenges she had faced and also by achieving her dream.

Andromeda's triumph served as a reminder that talent and perseverance could overcome even the most malicious acts. Something Serena and Victoria needed to see.

Walking over to join Lian Rui and Mrs. Liang, she was graced with the crown and her award.

With her head held high, she accepted the accolades, knowing that her success was well-deserved and that her journey as a fashion designer was just beginning.

A standing ovation followed next, joined by shouts and praises from all corners of the auditorium. Her eyes moved around and finally settled on Liu Xueyi. Pride washed over him as he kept on shouting her name like a fanboy.

Truly he was her biggest fan and he was happy the weight and burden of his past wasn't haunting him in her glorious moments but he knew this was just the start of many such moments.

And in the midst of it all, Lian Rui stood by her side, their bond stronger than it had been when they met after years of not seeing each other.

"Congratulations, Andromeda," both Lian Rui and Mrs. Liang extended their felicitations. Truly her design was one to enthral.

It was something that she knew would herald a new fashion line—the Four Seasons.

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