Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 517 Where are my Keys? Part 3 of 3 End of Volume

Chapter 517 Where are my Keys? Part 3 of 3 End of Volume

"...You’re lucky that you have good allies hooman. If not, then you could have been my dinner already." With Alex’s clear victory, Tabby the Orange Cat had no way to disparage his win. "Fine, here are your keys."

The cat then threw a number of keys to Alex, who quickly caught them with incredulity.

[[[MAIN MISSION HAS BEEN COMPLETED. ESTIMATED TIME OF DEPARTURE, 5 MINUTES.]]] Asteria’s voice sounded out as the cold feeling of the metallic keys appeared on Alex’s hands. Hearing this voice made Alex smile inwardly, a smile that Delia was also sharing.

"So that’sh the keysh for the Legachy Weapon? They look normal to me..." Delia, who was mostly a bystander during the whole encounter, suddenly said as she flitted close to Alex. She seemed to be trying to resist her aversion of Alex, a feat that made Alex shake his head inwardly. "Shouldn’t they be more... elegant-looking? All I shee here are keysh meant for mundane doorsh."

"Hoomans, those keys might look just like normal house keys to you, but I assure you that they are anything but useless." Tabby calmly said, which was a direct contrast with its angry attitude earlier. "My master only liked making those keys simple, hence their appearance. If you want them to look better, then you can just will it to change appearance."

"I see. I see. But before I dabble in that, how do I make these keys follow me first?"

"Hooman, just holding them already warrants you the ability to use them. If you are holding 1 key, then you can access one of the portions of the Legacy Weapon. If you have 2 keys, then you can use 2 portions too..." Tabby replied in a calm manner once more.

"Just holding them allows me to use the keys? Hm, so what will happen once I lost this key, and someone else gets a hold of it? Will they be able to steal my access too?"

"Yes, that’s what will happen hooman. So be careful on how you keep those keys..."

"Um, okay. Thank you for that reminder, Tabby."

"It’s my job to remind that to you, hooman. I hope... you will get to take that advice on your heart."

"Huh, do you have a mood swing or something, Tabby? With your angry attitude earlier, I thought you will try to complain more about my win. Seems like I was wrong." Alex muttered as he gave the cat an incredulous look. "How could you go from uber angry to super compliant in just a split second? That’s just..."

"You are not a successor of my Master earlier, so I didn’t think of you that highly. But now that you are my master’s successor, I have no choice but to treat your cordially." This reply of Tabby made sense, although Alex still could fathom how this murderous looking cat was able to change its intentions quickly.

"Don’t worry about me, hooman. You are technically my master now, so expect a treatment like this from me." The cat added as it sensed Alex’s confusion. "Didn’t you say that you’re a Traveler? If this is your main mission, then it means that you only have a small amount of time left before you and that woman leaves. Before that happens, I suggest that you distribute the keys I gave to you..."

"Oh, right, I still have to distribute these keys...." Alex mused as he stared at the 6 keys lying down on his palm. "So out of the 9 keys available, 6 were given to me? Hm, this must be good, since I have more than the majority.... So in terms of distribution, how should I do this?"

"Traveler Alex, jusht give me three of those keysh. You keep the other three." Delia suddenly said out of nowhere, which jolted Alex out of his thoughts. "With the way that our misshion here has ended, I can shay that the besht dishtribution ratio here is 50:50. You will have 3 keysh for yourshelf, while I will have 3...."

"Huh, and here I thought you will demand 4 keys, since your black ooze was the one that neutralized Emperor Litch’s power." Alex said as he did not hesitate on passing 3 keys to Delia. "You sure you don’t want 4?"

"Hmph, ash if you will allow that." Delia replied as she held the 3 keys delicately between her fingers. "Even if I wash the one who neutralized Emperor Litch, it wash still you and your alliesh that killed him in the end. In my opinion... that makesh our contributionsh here equal. Henche, the equal dishtribution of our keysh."

"Hohoho, so you are a kind person too, Delia. I thought you were just an idiotic justice warrior hell-bent to exterminate your enemies. It’s a good thing to know that you still have compassion, especially for an Abyss Envoy like me." Alex said as he seemed to be pleased with Delia’s ’kindness’. "Wait, don’t tell me that the reason that you were kind to me was because you like me? I’m sorry Delia, but I can only reject your advances. I already have a partner, and she’s more than enough for me. You should just look for a different prince charming in the future."

"Hah? How could you think of that, Abyssh Envoy? I-I don’t like you at all!" With a face flushed like a ripe tomato, the embarrassed and angered Delia raised her palms as she attempted to slap Alex. "I only made an equal deal to you shince I acknowledge your shtrength! There’sh no reashon other than that!"

"Oh really?"

"Hmph, you don’t believe me? Fine, then don’t. But you should expect me in the future, hunting you down like a dog. After all, you’re shtill the Abyss Envoy, and you are shomeone that I should kill." Delia hissed as she withdrew her hands. "Sho inshtead of teashing me, I shuggesht that you should start preparing againsht me. Once our alliance endsh, I will treat you ash an enemy once more."


"Nya, now this is what I like to see. My masters fighting each other!" Tabby exclaimed after hearing Delia’s threat. "But can you please save the fighting for later? I want to go back to sleeping already..."

"Wait, your back to sleeping already? But how about our questions?" Alex complained loudly as Tabby began to show its sleeping posture. "Didn’t you say that you will answer our question about the past in intricate details? Why don’t you do that now? And aside from that, you should also tell us about how we can use these keys and the Legacy Weapon..."

"Hooman, there’s only less than 5 minutes left before you leave this world, right? That amount of time is not enough for you to hear my story of the past." Tabby replied resentfully as it let out a large yawn. "As for the activation of the keys and the Legacy Weapon, I recommend that you do that in your next worlds..."

"Tabby, I can understand it if you want to postpone the storytelling later. But you also want to postpone the activation of the Legacy Weapon? Isn’t that just-"

"Hooman, trust me with my advice. With your departure already imminent, your activation of the Legacy Weapon might interfere with the Endless Monarch’s teleportation power. Once that happens, you and that woman will die." Tabby said with a deadly calm. "So if you want to be unscathed, then you should just activate this in your next world."

"Oh, and don’t worry if you and that woman are on different worlds. The Legacy Weapon is a multidimensional and multipresent weapon." Tabby added rather quickly. "It can exist at different places at the same time, so you can use it even if the keys are on different places."



"Hm, you two seem to have no questions left. In that case allow me to sleep now." Tabby muttered as it began closing its eyes. "The next time that I will be awake shall be when you two are on your next worlds..."

"Snore..." In no time at all, the cat was already sleeping, making him look like a normal housecat in all angles.

As for the Legacy Weapon, it began sinking back to the ground again, leaving a large gaping hole on the land below Alex.

It was at this point that the force field isolating Alex and Delia disappeared, allowing their allies to swoop in.

"Alex, I heard Asteria’s announcement. So you really succeeded?" Alina asked as she pushed Delia out of her way. "Did you really gain control of the Legacy Weapon?"

"Yes I did, but my control on the Legacy Weapon is not complete, per se." Alex replied as he placed the keys on the storage. "I only have a portion of control available right now."

"A portion of control? How did that happen?"

"I-It’s had to explain it here. I will just tell you everything in our next world." Alex quickly said as he shook his head. "Speaking of worlds, where is Sierra’s mortal body right now? It seems like it has disappeared earlier..."

"I already placed Sierra’s mortal body inside the Storage. Don’t worry about her, her soul has already returned to her mortal body too." Delia replied as the virtual body behind her crossed its arms.

"Huh, it’s good that her soul is back to her body. That just means that its fine for Sierra to have two Worlds under her control." Alex said as he let out a sigh of relief. "Sigh, I hope Sierra’s language will be much better now that she had upgraded..."

He was looking at the nearby Esper World as he said these words, a gesture that Alina did not miss. This prompted Alina to talk, as the limited time they have left on the Four Moons World had made Alina panic.

"Alex... now that the Esper Wold has materialized, how will you be able to ensure its safety?" Alina asked as she looked at the Esper World anxiously. "Even with all the Esper Powers present on that world, I have the feeling that they will still be vulnerable on outside invaders. And the fact that the Four Moons World is Emperor Litch’s former territory just makes things worse..."

"Hoho, don’t worry about that Alina. There’s someone here that can assure the safety of the Esper World." In face of Alina’s worried look, Alex only gave her a confident reply. This confidence managed to make Alina feel relieved, although she still had no clue on what he was pertaining too.

"And who could this someone be, Alex?"

"It’s that woman right there, the one standing beside Professor Frances." Alex replied as he pointed his fingers at Professor Frances’ group, who has actually arrived here at Alex’s location.


This group appeared to have flown towards Alex ’s location at the moment that the force field materialized, which allowed them to arrive once the force filed was gone. Seeing them only made Alex smile wryly, as the looks of these newly arrived people were enough to amuse him.

Professor Frances looked to be slightly peeved as she saw Alex pointing his fingers at her, with White Alex and Kid Alex looking neutral. Officer Emerald had a look of annoyance as she stared at Alex, while the newly awoken Wisteria had a complicated expression on her face.

"Oi Alex, you need to explain these things that happened here. What the f**k... did you just get yourself into? Your Sis right here is confused!" Officer Emerald, whose face was covered with sweat from her rushed flight, shouted as she gave Alex a cold glare. "What’s with all these souls and these fights? You were the type of person who doesn’t like this before, so how could you be related to these?"

"Ah well-"

Before Alex could continue talking, the silent Wisteria began to speak up too, with her tone also infused with the same amount of anger as Officer Emerald.

"So Alexander, could you care to explain to me on how there is an extra soul inside me right now? And why does she act so happy upon seeing you?" Wisteria wailed as her body started to tremble. "Tsk, and now she’s telling me that she will be stuck with me until I die! Alexander, you better explain this!"

"Hehehehe, if you want me to explain, then I have to apologize. I am about to disappear from this place, so I won’t be able to answer your queries." Alex said jokingly as his body began to fade. "See what’s happening to my body now? I’m really about to leave!"


"Officer Emerald, I will tell you the truth about me in the future once we meet again. For now, just accept all the things that I did." Alex said as he let out a laugh. "Oh, can I make a request to you? Can you place the Four Moons World and the new World above us under the protection of your government? I don’t want Emperor Litch coming back here after all..."

"What? How dare you command me, little bro! You-"

"Officer Emerald, please protect these two worlds for my sake. If you take care of them, I will be really happy about that." Alex solemnly said as he let out a sad smile. "Oh, and can you please visit Anatta’s grave for me? Her grave must be dirty now..."

"....So you will still stay evasive from us? Fine, I shall find a way to place these two Worlds under our protection. Since they are near our headquarters, I think protecting them is plausible." The anger from Officer Emerald had faded in face of Alex’s words, with her current slouched posture making her look like a deflated person.

"Hehe, thank you for that, Officer Emerald. I will never forget about this. As for your invitation, I will still thank about it."

"Sigh, will you really stay like this Alex? Will you always be... haunted by your past? Can’t you just start... forgiving ’them’?" Officer Emerald suddenly said, with the melancholy on her voice obvious to everyone. "Alex, ’they’ are still riddled with guilt until this time, and I think that is already enough punishment for ’them’. So can you just spare some time and talk to ’them’? It will be really helpful."

"Sorry, Officer Emerald, but I still don’t want to see them. Maybe next time my feelings will be mellow. But now? I still want to strangle them."

"...I see. In that case, there’s no more sense for me to continue talking to you now. Fine, little bro, you can go already."

"Hey, what about me, Alexander? How about my condition? You still didn’t give me a solution for the extra soul your ally gave me!" With Officer Emerald’s retreat, Wisteria was left alone on her crusade against Alex. "Will you really leave me like this with this thing inside me! You... how could you be this cruel!"

"Wisteria, first of all, that thing that you are talking about is a soul that came from the past. She has a name, and that name is Astria." Alex replied serenely, with his body looking more faded already. "And don’t worry about her. She will be a good friend to you, and she will be able to help you out with our cultivation."

"Who the f**k cares about that! I want her out, and I want it now!"

"I’m sorry Wisteria, but you have to tolerate Astria’s presence for now. If you want her out, then you must use your own power to do that." Alex said as he did not cower from the raging Wisteria. "But just like what I said earlier, having Astria inside you shall be the best thing that happened in your life. Oh wait, that just sounded wrong."


"Bye bye Wisteria. I hope that the next time I see you, Astria will have her own body already. Well, with your talent, that is highly possible..."


Ignoring Wisteria, who was now shouting like a madman, Alex turned his attention to the one person that he almost did not see today.

"Oi Asteria, did you have fun with today’s events? From the looks of it, you seem to have spent a lot of time snooping around." Alex said as he gave the fairy a deadpan look. "But the times that you have disappeared seem to be fishy to me. Do you really have to be gone for that long? Maybe it’s just me, but you seem to be doing something fishy again..."

"Hmph hooman. You have good deductions. I was indeed doing a secret transaction earlier." To Alex’s surprise, the dumb fairy actually admitted her suspicious actions, something that he did not expect!

"Asteria, after all the things that I said to you, you still snooped behind me? You-"

"Hooman, this secret transaction that I made is not like what you are thinking. This transaction... is a standard transaction that every Guide has to do once their Traveler is about the finish their Main Mission in their 5th World!" Asteria hotly said before Alex could flip out. "So don’t think that I am betraying you. What I did earlier was standard procedure. Nothing more, nothing less."

"A... standard procedure. For what? For our next world?"

"Exactly hooman! That’s exactly it!" Asteria replied with joy as she flapped her wings.

"Wait Asteria, can you even do that? How did you-"

"Once a Traveler finishes their missions in 5 Different Worlds, the next World that they will be brought to is a World like no other." Asteria said as she interrupted Alex. "This 6th World, which is also called as the Traveler World by its residents, is a World inhabited by Travelers alone! And only those who finishes their mission in 5 Worlds can go there! Hehehe, that’s the next world that you will be in, Alex. Are you excited now?"


"Sigh, do you know how hard it is to set up your dwelling in the Traveler’s World while I am still here? I still had to haggle with Teacher Kuro a lot just to find you a cheap spot in the Traveler’s World!" Asteria continued to say as she gave Alex a smug smile. "That’s the reason why you can’t see me earlier! I am busy haggling for you! So instead of getting angry to me, you should be thankful!"

"....I don’t know whether I should be surprised by your initiative to haggle for me, or if I should be surprised from the fact that my next world will be a sure clusterf**k." This was the only thing that Alex could say now, as the surprise that he just got from Asteria was enough to wipe away his happiness from finishing the main mission.

"Hehe, it will be a clusterf**k indeed, hooman. So prepare all your weapons and all your powers. If not, then you and your companions will be-"

It was at this point that Alex and Asteria’s body completely disappeared, making their conversation disappear with the wind. Professor Frances, Alina, Queen Mother, and Delia’s team has disappeared too, which leaves only Wisteria and Officer Emerald alone.

"That guy really made himself disappear like that. Tsk, how did he manage to do that? Hmph, I will just ask him once he comes back." Officer Emerald stiffly said before she let out a sigh. "Sigh.... You left me a lot of mess to fix, Alex. I hope this will all be worth it. If not, then I will be personally whooping your ass."

After saying this threat, Officer Emerald turned to face Wisteria, who at this point, looked like she was about to faint already. In face of the pale Wisteria, Officer Emerald began to have a smile on her face, a smile which Wisteria noticed.

"You said that your name was Wisteria, right? Hehehehe, with your talent and the fact that you have an extra soul inside your body, your future is bound to be bright. But if you want that future to be possible, there must be a proper guide that you should follow." Officer Emerald declared as she placed her hand on Wisteria’s shoulder.

Before Wisteria could make sense of what’s happening, Officer Emerald leaned in, with her black armor glinting menacingly as she said,

"Why don’t you join the Cosmic Guards, Wisteria? If you join our program, you can get stronger much faster compared here! Not only that, but being a Cosmic Guard can also help you find a way to deal with your extra soul! Hehehe, how about that? You get to deal with all your problems all at once!"


"There’s no need to fret Wisteria. Just sign this form with me, and you will be a bonafide Cosmic Guard already! Come one, there’s no need to be shy. Just one signature from you would be enough..."






-------------END OF VOLUME 7-------------

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