Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 529 Now, are you ready to repent?

Chapter 529 Now, are you ready to repent?

When Marcus and his three lovely Companions arrived here in the Traveler’s World, they expected to live a life full of bliss and rest. After all, Marcus’ guide described the Traveler’s World as a paradise for Travelers, a place where he can do anything that he wants inside one year.

Combine that with the fact that a lot of items can be bought here in the Traveler’s World, and Marcus could not help but be excited as he and his Companions exited the house.

But instead of seeing a paradise, what they saw instead was an instant hell.

"Boom boom boom!"

Just like a malicious viper that came out of nowhere, Marcus and his Companions were besieged by powerful people, all who bore the marks of a Traveler too.

These people, totaling to 9 in number, were not merciful on their attacks as they thoroughly beat Marcus up. His Companions were in no good shape too, as their faces and voluptuous bodies were handled roughly.

These 4 can only cower on the ground like scared mice as they continued to receive attacks, making them all receive injuries that filled them with more pain. Laughs and derisive whistles filled the air as the attacks continued, leaving Marcus completely broken, both physically and mentally.

Marcus’ trusty Battle Staff was also broken beyond recognition at this point, with only its core the only part remaining. It rolled down on the road like a puppy without owner, leaving Marcus all alone.

"Thud thud thud."

Watching this orb roll on the road while his body was racked in pain was enough to bring Marcus to the brink of tears.

Add the fact that he and his Companions were suddenly being auctioned now, and the tears on his eyes already began to leak out like a punctured hose.

[I want this boy for 1,000 Credits. Is there anyone who can pay higher than that?]

[1,000 credits? Hey Cedric, this boy right here is a rare Battle Staff user! Under the guide of the Crimson God, he will be a much better Traveler! I will buy him for 1,500 Credits!]

[1,500 Credits? Hmph I don’t know what you saw from this boy, but I can say that his Companions look tasty. Hehehe, our leader will love to take a piece of these women. I will buy this Rookie for 5,000 Credits! Now, anything higher than that?]

[Bulls**t! You want to buy him just to please the carnal desires of your leader? Hmph, your Overlord is really a maniac! He’s only a chunk of rocks, yet he still wants to f**k beautiful women? No, I will not allow that! This Rookie Traveler right here will be under the care of the Grandmaster! With his talent... he can be a sergeant for our army! 10,00 Credits, that’s my payment for him!]

[!!! F**King hell, how the heck did your Grandmaster get that money? And are you really spending that much on this twerp? He’s just a guy that had a good affinity with girls! He ain’t cut out for wars!]

[Say what you want, Cedric, but I will still be buying him. Now, if you want to get him, just offer something higher than 10,000 Credits. Come on, you have the money to that, right?]


[Heh, as expected. So none of you are willing to outbid me? In that case, I will be taking this Rookie Traveler with me. Goodby-]

"Why... why are you all doing this? Aren’t I just a Traveler like you? Why do all this tormenting to me? Did I... do something to offend you all?" As his tears continued to come out, Marcus steeled his courage to talk, a feat that was impressive, given the fact that his captors were all looking at him murderously. "I just came out of the house for a second, and you all attacked me? Is this... is this how really this world should be?"


At first, Marcus’ attackers seemed to be surprised by his question, making them stop on their tracks.

Marcus’ buyer however began to laugh after a few seconds, as if he had heard the most interesting thing in his life.

This laugh was then amplified when the other attackers joined in too, filling the whole area with malicious chuckles.

"Hahaha, you must have thought that this world will be a paradise, right? Well too bad for you, that won’t happen!" Marcus’ buyer exclaimed as his eyes turned red from too much laughter. "Boy, this world is only a paradise for the strong! For weak-ass people like you, this place is nothing but hell where the strong will use you!"

"No! That-that is not true!"

"Say what you want boy, but you cannot deny anything now. You’re already a property of the Grandmaster, so you will be following him from now on..." Marcus’ buyer said calmly, as he seemed to ignore the desperation rolling out of Marcus. "Stop crying now and keep calm. Once we reach the Grandmaster, he shall teach you the ’Truth’."

After saying these words, the buyer immediately grabbed Marcus and his companions’ body, all who were unable to shake the buyer off. The buyer specifically placed Marcus above his right shoulder, a spot that allowed Marcus to see things around him.


With just one look at this scene, it was obvious to anyone that the buyer was about to drag Marcus away.

But before the buyer could even take his ’new goods’ away from the place, a new Rookie Traveler suddenly appeared in front of them, who immediately blocked the path of Marcus’ buyer.

"Halt! Nobody can leave under my sight! Stay where you are!"

She did not look scared from the sight of the beat-up Marcus. Instead, an expression of righteous fury appeared on her face, which did not deter even when Marcus’ attackers began to look at her with greed.

"So beating up people and selling them to higher existence is the rule in this world? Hhmph, this place is much worse than I thought! You just turned yourselves like the devils!" The new Rookie Traveler said, with her spear glinting brightly in the sunlight. "Such acts cannot be tolerated here. That is why I, the great Traveler Delia, shall be enacting justice here!"

"No! Run away miss! These guys are not good people! They will beat you up just like me!" Upon hearing ’Delia’s’ words, Marcus could not help but squirm as he realized that another one like him was going to be beaten up again. "Please, please just leave Miss Delia. I cannot see another one fall down here!"

"Yeah, what this runt was saying was right, Rookie Traveler Delia. We will beat you up, and you will not even know what hit you." Marcus’ captor said as he slapped Marcus’s swollen face.


"See what I did to this guy? We will also be doing this to you later, but only much harder! Since you dared to question our leaders, prepare for greater punishment from us! Let’s see if your ’justice’ can still stay the same once we’re done with you..."

"Are you done talking now? If yes, then I shall make my move." Delia did not look shaken by the threats given to her. Instead, her grip to her spear tightened as she began twirling it above her.

"Boom!" Out of nowhere, Delia suddenly released her aura, which quickly silenced the jeers from the crowd. The sheer amount of power contained in her aura was so great, that everyone was speechless from hear.

The release of this power and her twirling motion created a massive tornado above her, which quickly wreaked havoc on the surroundings.

This sight, along with the cold, predatory look on Delia’s eyes quickly changed the atmosphere in the area.

"She, she is at the Sixth Stage! How could this be?"

"Holy f**k Cedric, we pissed off a Sixth Stage Being! What the f**k should we do?"

"Since you want to fight that much, then I shall show you my fighting intent too. I hope... that you will last long enough to satisfy me." As if she can already smell the fear from her enemies, Delia began to walk forward, brandishing her spear in a bloodthirsty manner. Her every steps forced the attackers to step back, with their eyes now filled with fear for their lives.

"Now, are you ready to repent?"




"Asteria, even if I look like I don’t want to leave this house, just knowing that the Great TimeMaster was here is enough to make me feel relieved with my plan. After all, that woman will surely not act that badly against me." Alex said, which defused the pout on Asteria’s face.

"Hmph, are you telling me that you want to be the follower of the Great TimeMaster? Well, if you want to do that, then just talk to the Cursemancer woman outside. She’s wearing green robes, which is a standard outfit for the followers of the Great TImeMaster." Asteria said, as if she thought that Alex’s latest words were confirmation of his willingness to follow a Returning Traveler.

"But if you are interested on following the Immortal Empress, just talk to the guy with Immortal CUltivaton. I think he’s-"

"Oh, there she is, Asteria! Look outside, this is what I have been waiting for!" Alex suddenly shouted, prompting the surprised Asteria to jump from shock.

"What the heck hooman? What’s this new thing now? Who could be-oh, that woman is really there? Is she an idiot?" Upon seeing what Alex was pertaining to, all that Asteria could only do was to give out a look of disbelief. "F**king hell, I thought that Traveler Delia was a hard-headed person. Never have I realized that she’s actually a fool too!"

The auction outside Alex’s house, which had been going through since earlier, was suddenly brought to a sudden halt when the Traveler Delia came in.

Delia did not waste her time staring at what was happening. At the instant that she was near the 9 recruiters, Delia immediately said some words, all which seemed to be her words of fury. Even when Alex can’t hear anything, he could still see the stereotypical ’justice’ emanating off from Delia.

The recruiters seemed to be nonplussed with what Delia said, with some even looking excited as they rubbed their hands.

This excitement however quickly disappeared when Delia unleashed her spear attacks, all which are already at the Sixth Stage.

"Boom boom boom!"

Even if Alex’s house was sound-proofed, he could still imagine the booming sounds occurring right outside the house.

That was how potent Delia’s spear strikes now, which had no problem hitting the recruiters.

The cultivator from earlier who unleashed talismans on the Rookie Traveler? All his defensive talismans were shredded from just one spear attack by Delia, which then pierced him like a hedgehog.

As for the Cursemancer that tormented the Rookie Travelers? Her malevolent aura was suppressed by the spear, leaving her in a sudden catatonic state.


The other 7 recruiters more or less experienced the same thing as the two, creating a sight that just looked absurd on Alex’s eyes.

All 9 recruiters were now lying down on the ground like chopped trees, with their bodies unable to move a single inch. The triumphant Delia stood all over them like a champion, while the Rookie Traveler and his Companions could only shiver as they observed the sudden change.

This sight made Alex smile from both annoyance and relief, as what he saw just confirms what he knew about Delia.

"Delia... is a woman who likes to enforce fairness and justice. Her status as the Holy Realm Envoy just makes that belief of hers stronger. So there’s no wonder that even here in this world, Delia would still advocate fairness." Alex said in a moderate tone, as if he wanted both Asteria and Alina to hear him. "Hence this scene in front of us."

"Tsk, so this b***h likes to play hero? She thinks that by saving the Rookie Traveler from the recruiters, she can already beat the system? Hmph, she really is stupid!" Alina venomously replied, as if she does not think that highly for Delia’s action. "Now, what will Delia do? Will she just continue to beat up those recruiters like that? Because if she is, then she will be really f**ked! Well, not that I care about that..."

"You want to know what Delia tries to do after this? Well I have a hunch, but if I want to see that, then I must leave the house first. I can’t hear her from this place after all." Alex said as he suddenly walked towards the door. "Alina, come and join me go out. Who knows, someone might sneak attack on us..."

"Ok, wait for me- hold up Alex! You’re really going out now?" Alina blurted out in surprise as her face almost froze from seeing Alex’s actions to leave. "But-"

"Don’t worry Alina. I got this." Alex replied confidently as he placed his hand on the doorknob. It turned slightly when he applied pressure, releasing the classic creaking sound.


"But Alex, didn’t that Traveler b***h say that she will hunt you down now? If she sees you now, she will-"

"Oh, I don’t think Delia will hunt me down now. She needs my help after all." In face of Asteria’s reasonable fear, Alex only shook his head, as if he does not believe it. "If this world was an ideal one, then yes, Delia might hunt me down. But now? Hmph, that will not be necessary..."

"Hey! Even if that’s true, I still don’t want to meet her-"

"Too late Alina. The door’s already open. Now, will you join me or not?" Alex took no more notice of Alina’s complaints as he fully opened the door.


As the fresh sunlight streamed in like a water inside his house, Alex took a deep breath, with his lungs now enjoying the first real taste of the air in this world.

"I’m going to step out now Alina. If you don’t want to follow me, it’s fine. But I will be saddened by that..."


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