Endless Journey: Infinite Realms

Chapter 544 Interlude - Random Poems

Chapter 544 Interlude - Random Poems

[Sword] - A Haiku by Alina

Red tranquil sunset

A wooden, homely sword soars

whilst watching the mind


[Ode to the Emperor] - A Sonet by Alex

My Emperor, you inspire me to write.

How I hate the way you Laugh and betray,

Invading my mind day and through the night,

Always dreaming about the old fillet.


Let me compare you to a moot cherry?

You are more cruel, selfish and cunning.

Snow chills the berries of January,

And wintertime has the acute skinning.


How do I hate you? Let me count the ways.

I hate your egregious Hands, Heart and heart.

Thinking of your scalding Heart fills my days.

My hate for you is the dual a la carte.


Now I must away with an astute heart,

Remember my fool words whilst we’re apart.


[Honey] - A Freeform by Asteria

I cannot help but stop and look at the Plump chicken.

Are you upset by how buxom it is?

Does it tear you apart to see the chicken so zoftig?


I cannot help but stop and look at the Fast bee.

Are you upset by how firm it is?

Does it tear you apart to see the bee so red-hot?


How happy is the little beauty!

Moan. Moan, Moan.


A luv, however hard it tries,

Will always be fat.

Down, down, down into the darkness of the luv,

Gently it goes - the corpulent, the double-chinned, the fruitful.


I cannot help but stop and look at the Super sweety.

Are you upset by how large it is?

Does it tear you apart to see the sweety so comprehensive?


[Ode to the Death] - A Sonnet by Professor Frances

My bloody Death, you inspire me to write.

How I hate the way you Stomp and skewer,

Invading my mind day and through the night,

Always dreaming about the slow breuer.


Let me compare you to a sanctuary?

You are more crimson, rancid and rotten.

Snow chills the berries of January,

And wintertime has the cruddy broughton.


How do I hate you? Let me show it all.

I hate your tedious Skin, Skull and skin.

Thinking of your muddy Skull fills my days.

My hate for you is the violent fin.


Now I must away with a ruddy heart,

Remember my stark words whilst we’re apart.


[Sacrilegous] - An Acrostic by Emperor Litch

Stooges grin.

Absolute liars lay.

Clever scoundrels chortle.

Royal torturers sleuth.

Idle balances account.

Liberators hail.

Endless betrayals bribe.

Guarded secrets surveil.

Outstanding balances harmonise.

Unscrupulous villains chuckle.

Shameful secrets stag.


[The Tree] - A Couplet by Queen Mother

See the Nourishing of the man,

I think he’s angry at the ban.


He finds it hard to see the Plant,

Overshadowed by the Green zante.


Who is that Giving near the Stem?

I think she’d like to eat the gem.


She is but a Stout Tree,

Admired as she sits upon a three.


Her Humungous car is just a Root,

It needs no gas, it runs on breadfruit.


She’s not alone she brings a Leaf,

a pet Worm, and lots of barrier reef.


The Worm likes to chase a Branch,

Especially one that’s in the avalanche.


The man shudders at the Lengthy Bark

He want to leave but she wants the ripple mark.


[Ode to the Spear] - A sonnet by Delia

My heavy Spear, you inspire me to write.

I love the way you Skewer, Slice and slice,

Invading my mind day and through the night,

Always dreaming about the flotation device.


Let me compare you to a sharp clover?

You are more splendid, extended and long.

Light storms whip the twiglets of October,

And autumntime has the intended yong.


How do I love you? Let me count the ways.

I love your offended Blade, Tip and blade.

Thinking of your callous Tip fills my days.

My love for you is the military blockade.


Now I must away with an obtuse heart,

Remember my right words whilst we’re apart.


[For my Yummy Honey] - A Love Poem by Asteria

Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

Items are yummy,

And so are you.


Orchids are white,

Ghost ones are rare,

The light is golden,

And so is your hair.


Magnolia grows,

With buds like eggs,

Surfaces are smooth,

And so are your legs.


Sunflowers reach,

Up to the skies,

My sun is bright,

And so are your eyes.


Foxgloves in hedges,

Surround the farms,

Your sweat is cold,

And so are your arms.


Daisies are pretty,

Daffies have style,

Whiteness is dazzling,

And so is your smile.


Honey is beautiful,

Just like you.


[Kuro’s Torment - The Villanelle Of The Night] - A Villanelle by Kuro

Kuro couldn’t stop thinking about the Night

It was just so cold and dark

Never had she known anything so white


That morning, Kuro encountered a Night so trite

She had to calm herself with a mark

Kuro couldn’t stop thinking about the Night


Later, Kuro was spooked by an insight

She tried to focus on a marc

Never had she known anything so white


Endless Monarch tried to distract her with a sight

Said it was time to start thinking about a monarch

Kuro couldn’t stop thinking about the Night


Kuro took action like a cite

The Night was like a toxic park

Never had she known anything so white


Kuro nosedived like an oppressive site

Her mind turned into a patriarch

Kuro couldn’t stop thinking about the Night

Never had she known anything so white


[The Sly Stranger] - A Narrative Poem by an anonymous Traveler

One day at an Item shop,

I met a man selling cats,

For money he wanted to swap,

But I really wanted some bats.


"Got any bats?" asked I.

"For that’s how I’ll spend my money."

"No bats here!" said the guy.

He seemed to find it quite funny.


"We’ve got some lovely cakes,

I’ll give you a very fine price."

"I’d rather have some snakes."

The man blinked rapidly thrice.


The man seemed exceptionally brainy,

And his manner was strangely amused.

He wasn’t what I would call zany,

Great disdain he noticeably oozed.


Like others, he thought I was odd,

Some say I’m a bit tall.

Still he gave me a courteous nod,

As if he thought I was plenty cool.


So in search of my goal I departed,

But before the Item shop could I leave,

The man came running full-hearted,

"I can help you I believe."


"Cats, bats, you shall find.

Cakes, snakes, you can get.

You must now open your mind,

And get down to The Market.


So to The Market I decided to go,

In search of the bats I craved.

The winds it did eerily blow.

But I felt that the day could be saved.


There were stalls selling rings,

Bomb in many shades.

There were even stalls selling wings

People were scattered from many trades


I was greeted by a peculiar lady,

She seemed to be rather tall

I couldn’t help thinking she might be quite shady.

I wondered if she was at all cool.


Before I could open my mouth,

She shouted, "For you, I have some bats!"

I headed towards her, to the south,

Past some cakes and cats.


"But how did you know?" I asked,

"Do you want them or not?" she did say.

Silently, the bats she passed.

Then vanished before I could pay.


As I walked away I hard a crackle

Or was it, perhaps, a hushed cackle?

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